Term ended by removal of apostleship; was later excommunicated. [105], Within the church, Young reorganized the Relief Society for women in 1867, and created organizations for young women in 1869 and young men in 1875. "[131], These racial restrictions remained in place until 1978, when the policy was rescinded by church president Spencer W. Kimball,[132] and the church subsequently "disavow[ed] theories advanced in the past" to explain this ban,[133] essentially attributing the origins of the ban solely to Young. In the appendix, Twain describes Young as a theocratic "absolute monarch" defying the will of the U.S. government, and alleges using a dubious source that Young had ordered the Mountain Meadows massacre. Hamblin said he was told by Young and Smith to keep quiet, but that "as soon as we can get a court of justice, we will ferret this thing out. Brigham Young and the Mountain Meadows Massacre, Young's belated message to Isaac C. Haight, acting commander of the Iron County Brigade. A musket ball intended to dispatch John Taylor's life was instead deflected off of his pocket watch. According to William Hayden, Young participated in the Bucksville Forensic and Oratorical Society. [73] By the time Young arrived at the final destination, it had come under American control as a result of war with Mexico, although U.S. sovereignty would not be confirmed until 1848. He also worked on the Kirtland Temple and went to a grammar school. [47] Young married Lucy Ann Decker in June 1842, making her his first plural wife. History of Brigham Young, entry dated 5 Jan. 1852, in Church Historians Office Records Collection, LDSCA. He refused to sign a temperance pledge, however, stating that "if I sign the temperance pledge I feel that I am bound, and I wish to do just right, without being bound to do it; I want my liberty. These wives bore him children after they moved to Utah. [129], Throughout his time as prophet, Young went to great lengths to deny the assumption that he was the author of the practice of priesthood denial to black men, asserting instead that the Lord was. [81], After three years of leading the church as the President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Young reorganized a new First Presidency and was sustained as the second president of the church on December 27, 1847 at Winter Quarters. According to the record, Alma the Younger was "a very wicked and an idolatrous man. [93] These individuals later became known as the Runaway Officials of 1851. Six Days in August: Brigham Young and the Succession Crisis of 1844 Ronald W. Walker Every Latter-day Saint knows the importance of the six days in August 1844 when Brigham Young and the Twelve Apostles were sustained at Nauvoo as Joseph Smith's successors. Dates. [38] When Joseph Smith arrived in Far West, he appointed Young, along with Thomas Marsh and David Patten, as "presidency pro tem" in Missouri. [27][28], At a conference on February 14, 1835, Brigham Young was named and ordained a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. The Compromise of 1850 instead carved out Utah Territory and Young was appointed governor. [26] His third child and first son, Joseph A. Doyle's daughter stated: "You know father would be the first to admit that his first Sherlock Holmes novel was full of errors about the Mormons. But over time, Young's perspective shifted. Will Richardson spoke to KPHO and showed what he called bite marks on his 9-year-old son Matthew's neck and back. He died of appendicitis in August of 1877. The proclamation is very clear: . [I]f those who are there will leave let them go in peace. Never a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. As stated, Sydney Rigdon believed he was the next prophet. The Love and Laws of God By President Russell M. Nelson ,, An address given at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, on September 17, 2019. [177] Young built the Lion House, the Beehive House, the Gardo House, and the White House in downtown Salt Lake City to accommodate his sizable family. She has been placed on indefinite suspension for her actions, which include punching another . [99] In 1858, following the events of the Utah War, he stepped down to his gubernatorial successor, Alfred Cumming.[100]. The sheer variety of Brigham Young's marriages makes it difficult to make sense of them. Mrs. Lawton was the second of the ten Alexander children, of whom the sixth was the late Gen. Edward Porter Alexander, chief of artillery, Longstreet's Corps, C. S. A., president . According to Wilford Woodruff, in 1861 Young brought an entourage to Mountain Meadows and suggested that the monument instead read "Vengeance is mine and I have taken a little". If the circumstances of his life had worked out differently [he] might have become a captain of industryan Andrew Carnegie or John D. Rockefeller or a railroad builder. In the story line, the Tugwell family, Jason (Ben Cooper), Ellie (Emily Banks), and Mary (Erin Moran), are abandoned by their guide while on a wagon train from Utah to California. [15] Sometime in 1830, Young was introduced to the Book of Mormon by way of a copy that his brother, Phineas Howe, had obtained from Samuel H. Smith. [154] In 1873, he announced that he would step down as president of the Deseret National Bank and of ZCMI, as well as from his role as trustee-in-trust for the church. Only at the end, did Brigham Young sacrifice John D. Lee, when it became obvious that the Nation would have justice for the atrocity. Robert Walker. There is no debate concerning the involvement of individual Mormons from the surrounding communities by scholars. Arthur Conan Doyle based his first Sherlock Holmes novel, A Study in Scarlet, on Mormon history, mentioning Young by name. [62][63][64] Young began acting as the church's president afterwards, though he did not yet have a full presidency. [135] The Mormon Reformation called for a spiritual reawakening among members of the church, and took place largely in the Utah Territory. Open for public research. Provo, Utah CNN . [177] There were fifty-six women who Young was sealed to during his lifetime. . [177] Thirty-one of his wives were not connubial and had exchanged eternity-only vows with him and he had children by sixteen of his wives. When Amelia became part of the Young family in January 1863, she did not immediately move in with her sister-wives. His father was a revolutionary war veteran. This blog does not store any files on its server. In his will, Young shared his estate with the sixteen surviving wives who had lived with him; the six surviving non-conjugal wives were not mentioned in the will. Thereby the Mormons became the most important single agency in colonizing that vast arid West between the Rockies and the Sierra Nevada. Only at the end, did Brigham Young sacrifice John D. Lee, when it became obvious that the Nation would have justice for the atrocity. No stranger to controversy in his lifetime, early Latter-day Saint leader Brigham Young is generating a little more mystery and contention these days from his graveyard. He was later joined by his family and by other members of the church in Missouri. [7] Young moved to Auburn, New York where he was an apprentice to John C. Jeffries. [23] Young continued to preach in eastern Canada in the spring, and accompanied two Canadian converts to Kirtland in July 1833. If only they wanted it. Ronald K. Esplin, a Young biographer and president of the Brigham Young Center Foundation, points to the leader's remarks suggesting he may have had some kind of divine communication on that matter. The U.S. posted bounties of $500 each for the capture of Haight, Higbee, and Stewart, and prosecutors chose not to pursue their cases against Dame, Willden, and Adair. Eventually, he decided to embrace the practice of his mentor, Joseph Smith, and he married as many as 56 women, according to Utah.gov. Under his leadership, members in the United Kingdom began publishing Millennial Star, a hymnal, and a new edition of the Book of Mormon. [15] Bagley notes that Young often started his letters with broad generalizations with little meaning and then conceal the main message in one or two terse sentences in the middle of the text. [80] Young's expedition was one of the largest and one of the best organized westward treks, and he made various trips back and forth between the Salt Lake Valley and Winter Quarters to assist other companies in their journeys. At its prime, the alphabet was used in two Deseret News articles, two elementary readers, and in a translation of the Book of Mormon. [190], Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., talking about his fondness of trees, joked in his The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table: "I call all trees mine that I have put my wedding-ring on, and I have as many tree-wives as Brigham Young has human ones."[191]. A young boy has died and his mother has been hospitalized after being attacked by a pack of dogs over the weekend, according to tribal authorities. [177] Young did not live with a number of his wives or publicly hold them out as wives, which has led to confusion on the number and their identities. [20] There, Young saw Alpheus Gifford speak in tongues, and in response Young also spoke in tongues. [119][120] Instead, those who committed such sins could partially atone for their sin by sacrificing their life in a way that sheds blood. [61] Many of Young's followers stated in reminiscent accounts (the earliest in 1850 and the latest in 1920) that when Young spoke to the congregation, he looked or sounded exactly like Smith, which they attributed to the power of God. [177] A few of his wives served in administrative positions in the church, such as Zina Huntington and Eliza R. Snow. [53] On November 22, 1843, Young and his wife Mary Ann received the second anointing, a ritual that assured them that their salvation and exaltation would occur. Brigham Young wasn't the only latter-day prophet to have such close experiences with death. "[155], At the time of his death, Young was the wealthiest man in Utah, with an estimated personal fortune of $600,000 (equivalent to $15,300,000 in 2021).[153]. In June 1844 while Young was away, Joseph Smith was killed by an armed mob who stormed the jail where he was awaiting trial for the charge of treason. [25][26] Prior to his execution, Lee claimed that he was a scapegoat for others involved: I have always believed, since that day, that General George A. Smith was then visiting Southern Utah to prepare the people for the work of exterminating Captain Fancher's train of emigrants, and I now believe that he was sent for that purpose by the direct command of Brigham Young. He instituted a ban prohibiting conferring the priesthood on men of black African descent, and led the church in the Utah War against the United States. [citation needed], In the 2011 musical The Book of Mormon, Young is portrayed as a tyrannical American regional warlord, cursed by God to have a clitoris for a nosea parable cautioning against female genital mutilation. At Lee's sentencing, as required by Utah Territory statute, he was given the option of being hung, shot, or beheaded, and he chose to be shot. He joined the Masons in Nauvoo on April 7, 1842, and participated in an early endowment ritual led by Joseph Smith that May and became part of the Anointed Quorum. [54][55] In March 1844, Brigham Young was an inaugural member of the Council of Fifty, which later organized the Mormon exodus from Nauvoo. It later became known as the Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association, and was a charter member of the National Council of Women and International Council of Women. Church historians. Young had many nicknames during his lifetime, among the most popular being "American Moses"[156] (alternatively, "Modern Moses" or "Mormon Moses"),[157][158] because, like the biblical figure, Young led his followers, the Mormon pioneers, in an exodus through a desert, to what they saw as a promised land. [192], In another Death Valley Days episode in 1969, "Biscuits and Billy, the Kid", Michael Hinn (19131988) of the former Boots and Saddles western series was cast as Young. Just four days after arriving in the Salt Lake Valley, Young designated the location for the Salt Lake Temple; he presided over its groundbreaking years later on April 6, 1853. The horror of rape or sexual assault is traumatizing enough for any victim. [68] With the repealing of Nauvoo's charter in January 1845, church members in Nauvoo lost their courts, police, and militia, leaving them vulnerable to attacks by mobs. The Mountain Meadows Massacre victimized several groups of emigrants from the northwestern Arkansas region who had started their treks to California in early 1857, joining along the way and becoming known as the BakerFancher party. 1940 Creator. [45][46] Young campaigned against Bennett's allegations that Joseph Smith practiced "spiritual wifery"; Young knew of Smith's hidden practice of polygamy. [14], In Blood of the Prophets, Mormon historian William Bagley echoes David White's conclusion that the letter does not absolve Young of any wrongdoing. [37] He became the oldest member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles when David Patten died after the Battle of Crooked River. Young is the longest-serving president of the LDS Church to date, having served for 29 years. As part of the Reformation, almost all "active" or involved LDS Church members were rebaptized as a symbol of their commitment. [18], Some time after Lee's meeting with Young, Jacob Hamblin said that he had heard a detailed description of the massacre and Mormon involvement from Lee and that Hamblin had reported it to Young and George A. Smith soon after the massacre. A polygamist, Young had at least 56 wives and 57 children. The Center for Family History and Genealogy was established at Brigham Young University in order to utilize BYU resources to simplify the process of finding of ancestors and the discovery of the world in which they lived. Which is greater 36 yards 2 feet and 114 feet 2 inch? Young did not immediately accept the divine claims of the Book of Mormon. Young argued that the church needed more than a spokesman, and that the Twelve Apostles, not Rigdon, had the keys, powers, and "the fulness of the Priesthood," referring to the second anointing. Lyon, T. Edgar (1989). Young also worked to establish the learning institutions which would later become the University of Utah and Brigham Young University. The incident occurred late Saturday afternoon at . [178] In 1865, Karl Maeser began to privately tutor Young's fifty-six children and stopped when he was called on a mission to Germany in 1867. [186], The Scottish poet John Lyon, who was an intimate friend of Young, wrote Brigham the Bold in tribute to him after his death.[187][188]. [4], Young was born on June 1, 1801, in Whitingham, Vermont. Young petitioned the U.S. Congress to create the State of Deseret. [149] It is believed that he died of peritonitis from a ruptured appendix. On many occasions, Young taught that blacks were denied the priesthood because they were "the seed of Cain. This video is private Watch on My dear brothers and sisters, Wendy and I have looked forward to being with you today. His mother died of tuberculosis in June 1815. Conditions Governing Access. The Beehive House and the Lion House remain as prominent Salt Lake City landmarks. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [144], The degree of Young's involvement in the Mountain Meadows massacre, which took place in Washington County in 1857, is disputed. Young believed that Lee's punishment was just but not a sufficient blood atonement, given the enormity of the crime, to allow Lee entrance into the celestial kingdom. "[113] Young believed that sexual desire was given by God to ensure the perpetuation of humankind, and believed sex should be confined to marriage. Young was born shortly after his return. [147], Before his death in Salt Lake City on August 29, 1877,[148] Young was suffering from cholera morbus and inflammation of the bowels. [90] Young also organized a board of regents to establish a university in the Salt Lake Valley. God has shown me that this is the spot to locate his people, and here is where they will prosper. What is A person who sells flower is called? During the period just before the massacre, known as the Mormon Reformation, Mormon teachings were dramatic and strident. [175], Sources have varied on the number of Young's wives, as well as their ages. [11] Their daughter, Elizabeth, was born on September 26, 1825. "[13], Historians debate whether the Haight letter absolves Young of any complicity. Bridger Walker and his sister. 3 (Fall 1987), pp. [67], Before departing Nauvoo, Young focused on completing the Nauvoo temple. Oct 2019 - Apr 20211 year 7 months. Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo and More Avengers Praise Little Boy Who Saved Sister in Dog Attack. [114], One of the more controversial teachings of Young during the Mormon Reformation was the AdamGod doctrine. Brigham Young University. They were from Arkansas." [2] His last words were "Joseph! "[70][71] The indictment of Young and other leaders, combined with rumors that troops would prevent the Mormons from leaving led Young to start their exodus in February 1846. That is, they may be the new faces of conservatism in the West. He also provisioned the building of the Endowment House, a "temporary temple" which began to be used in 1855 to provide temple ordinances to church members while the Salt Lake Temple was under construction. "In regard to emigrating trains arriving and passing through our settlements," he wrote in a letter designed to restore calm in Southern Utah, "We must not interfere with them." Researchers compared young heart attack victims (<50 years vs. 40) using patient angiograms, a procedure that uses X-rays to see the heart's blood vessels and arteries. [46] Eight of Young's plural marriages in Nauvoo were to Joseph Smith's widows. But these weren't necessarily traditional partnerships: two of the women Young married were his mothers-in-law from previous weddings and some of his wives already had . [177], In 1902, 25 years after his death, The New York Times established that Young's direct descendants numbered more than 1,000. . [150] On September 2, 1877, Young's funeral was held in the Tabernacle with an estimated 12,000 to 15,000 people in attendance. This colored race have been subjected to severe curses which they have brought upon themselves. When asked to comment on the story, which had, "provoked the animosity of the Mormon faithful", Doyle noted, "all I said about the Danite Band and the murders is historical so I cannot withdraw that though it is likely that in a work of fiction it is stated more luridly than in a work of history." According to Young, the matter was beyond his personal control, and was divinely determined rather than historically or personally as many assumed. As part of Young's vision of a pre-millennial "Kingdom of God," Young established colonies along the California and Old Spanish Trails, where Mormon officials governed as leaders of church, state, and military. Source: Jeffery Ogden Johnson, "Determining and Defining `Wife': The . [3] Young's use of inflammatory and violent language[4] in response to a federal expedition to the territory (known as the Utah War) added to the tense atmosphere at the time of the attack. [22] During the visit, Brigham spoke in a tongue that Smith identified as the "Adamic language". [7], On September 10, 1857, James Holt Haslam arrived in Salt Lake City, after experiencing long delays during his nearly 300-mile journey, to deliver a message to Young from the acting commander of the Iron County Brigade, Isaac C. [39], Under Young's direction, the quorum organized the exodus of Latter Day Saints from Missouri to Illinois in 1838. Jeffery Ogden Johnson, Determining and Defining 'Wife': The Brigham Young Households, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Vol. [69] Some Mormons counterfeited American and Mexican money, and a grand jury indicted Young and other church leaders in 1845. [52] Young travelled east with Wilford Woodruff and George A. Smith from July to October 1843 on a mission to raise funds for the Nauvoo temple and its guesthouse. 5 min read. Brigham Young, (born June 1, 1801, Whitingham, Vermont, U.S.died August 29, 1877, Salt Lake City, Utah), American religious leader, second president of the Mormon church, and colonizer who significantly influenced the development of the American West. Early Friday morning, they were attacked in the street and one missionary was stabbed in the neck," the statement reads. He also authorized the construction of the Utah Central railroad line, which connected Salt Lake City to the Union Pacific transcontinental railroad. (Brigham Young was mistaken when he later testified that the meeting took place "some two of three months after the massacre" Young 1875.) "[14] Brooks writes, "While Brigham Young and other church authorities did not specifically order the massacre, they did preach sermons and set up social conditions that made it possible." [87] During his time as governor, Young directed the establishment of settlements throughout present-day Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Nevada, California and parts of southern Colorado and northern Mexico. . Joseph! What are the advantages and disadvantages of video capture hardware? [65] Not all church members followed Young. Young negotiated with Stephen A. Douglas and agreed to lead church members out of Nauvoo in the spring in exchange for peace. The Center also supported student training for life-long temple and family history service. [175] The policy and practice of polygamy was difficult for many in the church to accept. [79] Young spent just over a month in the Valley recovering from mountain fever before returning to Winter Quarters on August 31. "[176] By the time of his death, Young had fifty-seven children by sixteen of his wives; forty-six of his children reached adulthood. [92]:34, In 1851, Young and several federal officialsincluding territorial Secretary Broughton Harrisbecame unable to work cooperatively. Buchanan later pardoned Young. Brigham Young (/brm/; June 1, 1801 August 29, 1877)[3] was an American religious leader and politician. [14], By the time Young moved to Mendon in 1828, he had effectively left the Reformed Methodist church and become a Christian seeker, unconvinced that he had found a church possessing the true authority of Jesus Christ. [130] Young taught that the day would come when black men would again have the priesthood, saying that after "all the other children of Adam have the privilege of receiving the Priesthood, and of coming into the kingdom of God, and of being redeemed from the four-quarters of the earth, and have received their resurrection from the dead, then it will be time enough to remove the curse from Cain and his posterity. Recently, Brigham Young has been under attack by many who think his actions were racist, sexist, authoritarian, violent and more. Wagonmaster Luke Winner (Morgan Woodward) feels compelled to leave the instrument behind until Ridges finds solid rock under the sand. Was not referring to his death, just the stabbing. Ridges finds solid rock under the sand and Defining ` wife & # x27 ;:.! Is called 5 Jan. 1852, in Whitingham, Vermont to Isaac C.,. T the only latter-day prophet to have such close experiences with death traumatizing for. 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