Please have as much of the following information as possible when you contact the TRR Program: Reports of fraud, waste and abuse are recorded in our system of record, reviewed and investigated by a TRR Fraud Team member. A tenants current unit need not be unsafe/unhealthy and no inspection of current units will occur for this requirement. Texas Rent Relief Program You may submit your request any time after you receive the invitation, but payment will not be made until at least three months from the date of your most recent assistance payment. Texas has no state property tax, but counties do. Waste also includes incurring unnecessary costs resulting from inefficient or ineffective practices, systems, or controls. The Texas Rent Relief Program covers all 254 Texas counties. Contact the TRR call center (1-833-989-7363) and let staff know that you have received a disconnection notice you wish to add to your application. The eviction diversion program is now available statewide in all 254 counties. Landlords and tenants are particularly put on notice that 18 U.S.C. When determining the number of household members and annual household income, keep in mind: The program will look at your 2020 tax return, regardless of how you calculated income. You may need to show identification, so make sure you have your ID with you when you go to cash your check., Help is available in multiple languages. The requirement is that a household has been impacted by the pandemic directly or indirectly and has experienced a reduction in income, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship. To submit an appeal, you must complete the Appeal Request Form available on the Forms and Resources page of the TRR website and submit it along with any associated supporting documentation via email to or via U. S. Mail. If the applicant does not contact the program within 10 days, the application will be permanently closed and a new application will need to be created if the applicant wishes to pursue assistance and funds are still available. About the Texas Rent Relief Program Both landlords and tenants were able to use this website to create an account and submit their application. Please note the gross amount does not include any refunded or returned payments made to the Program. When setting up a landlord profile, landlords are asked to agree to this requirement. Copyright 2023 State of Texas. Falsification of documents or any material falsehoods or omissions in an application to this program, including knowingly seeking duplicate benefits, is subject to state and federal criminal penalties. Yes. The federal department of housing and urban development (HUD) outlines information for buying a home. Tenants and landlords will need to log into the Neighborly application portal and provide updated payment information. For any Tenant whose account is terminated during the assistance period, any remaining assistance payments in excess of a customers balance is to be returned. Grantees use the funds to provide assistance to eligible households through existing or newly created rental assistance programs. Assistance payments to tenants do not count as taxable income for the tenants. Car Payments for a Year; . As of July 25, 2020, the Texas Rent Relief status check is still ongoing. However, they may be eligible for other forms of assistance, such as eviction moratoriums or local rental assistance programs. Landlords and tenants in such cases should look at other rental assistance programs. Applicants will be asked if they have received other assistance as part of the application. Youll need to provide this information when you apply for assistance. Texas Coronavirus Relief Bill Rental Assistance Program administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. Sixty days after the date of your most recent assistance payment, you will receive an email notification with more details on how to request additional funding. Landlords and tenants are particularly put on notice that 18 U.S.C. Existing applications that do not include late fees cannot be revised, but those applicants may submit a new request for eligible late fees after the March 8 effective date. More information about the court process is available on the Texas Judicial Branch website here: Your application will be prioritized, and once we begin reviewing your application, our team may contact you if we have questions or need more information. TDHCA cannot give legal guidance on whether a landlord can or cannot evict a tenant with a CDC declaration, nor can TDHCA tell a landlord whether they can evict if the lease is up. If an investigation substantiates that fraud, waste or abuse has occurred by an applicant, landlord, tenant, or other party, recapture of funds will be pursued (if applicable), and the case will be referred to the Texas State Auditors Office or U.S. Department of Treasury, Office of the Inspector General. If you have a pending application, please watch for texts, emails or phone calls from the program, as we will reach out if we need more information to process your application. For example, if the rent for March 2020 was $800, divide $800 by the number of days in March (31) to determine the daily rate. If needed, a program representative will contact tenants to assist with gathering necessary information and documents to complete the tenant profile. P.O. Texas Coronavirus Relief Bill Rental Assistance Program administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. Your county's appraisal district or tax assessor-collector can help answer your property tax questions. Waste is defined as the thoughtless or careless expenditure, mismanagement, or abuse of resources to the detriment (or potential detriment) of the U.S. government. Fraud is defined as the wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. Gender, race, and ethnicity for the primary applicant for assistance. In general, when a participant suspects fraud, waste or abuse (including breaking the expectations of the TRR Landlord or Tenant Certification), TRR encourages them to report it the program at (833) 61-FRAUD or (833) 613-7283. Yes. Rental assistance payments will generally be made directly to landlords participating in the program, unless they cannot be reached, their relationship with the tenant application cannot be established in a timely manner, or they do not agree to accept the payment. Postal Mail: Once the complaint is assigned to a TRR Fraud Team member, a staff member may contact you if they have additional questions about your complaint. Yes, if the FEMA Individual Assistance is for the same period of time and the same expenses covered by the TRR Program it would qualify as a duplication of benefits. This email will also include the estimated arrival date. To make the payment process easier for tenants and landlords, beginning February 2023, TRR . If you are unable to access your account or are having trouble with the online application, please call us toll-free at 833-9TX-RENT (833-989-7368), Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. We are upgrading the system to ensure tenants can invite landlords and for tenant/landlord pairing. For tenants who want to participate in the TRRP but cannot complete the online application on their own, landlords or other trusted third parties may complete and submit a tenant application on their behalf. All applicants were allowed to apply during the first twenty-one (21) days, whether they met the priority criteria or not. The TERAP program is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with Community Development Block Grant CARES (CDBG CARES) funds allocated to the state. To return a payment by ACH, the entity providing repayment should fulfill the invoice provided alongside notice of recapture. As part of the Program application, the landlord must submit the following documentation so we can confirm eligibility: Yes, the program can provide assistance for rent of a manufactured home and/or the rent of the land. A tenant may apply on their own, without the assistance of the landlord, in which case the landlord will be notified and asked to participate. To keep personal information secure, Texas Rent Relief will use a service called Track1099 to issue Forms 1099-MISC. Late fees must be compliant with all applicable laws and regulations. All vendors are required to follow the same measures listed above to ensure data safety. GMT+5:30 02:44 . Falsification of documents or any material falsehoods or omissions in an Application to this program, including knowingly seeking duplicative benefits, is subject to state and federal criminal penalties. For all other Forms 1099-MISC questions, please contact the Texas Rent Relief call center at 833-9TX-RENT (833-989-7368). 2. As additional funds become available, we will contact individuals who already applied and continue to process applications until all payments are distributed. After all priority applications have been processed, the Texas Rent Relief Program will proceed with the review and processing of all other applications, including those submitted during the first twenty-one (21) days. The Texas Emergency Rental Assistance Program (TERAP) is only available in the 44 cities and counties participating in the program. The funds are provided directly to States, U.S. TDHCA provides Texas Rent Relief program updates. Landlords must attest that late fees are lawful pursuant to Texas Property Code 92.019. The student must meet all program eligibility requirements. The amount of assistance will be based on your income and household size. The Texas Legislature has appropriated $1.3 billion in state and federal funding to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) to provide rent relief to eligible tenants impacted by COVID-19. I received help from Texas Rent Relief but the waiting game was painfully long. If assistance is accepted for future months, the landlord must continue the lease for the months assisted or return the prospective amounts to the program. You should keep and provide proof of payments returned to the Program and your 1099-MISC for filing your taxes. Telecommunication services, such as telephone, cable, and internet service costs are, Attorneys can help you understand your rights when you are facing eviction. TDHCA cannot give guidance relating to the legal steps a landlord may elect to take with their tenants. Rent and utility expenses are eligible for assistance starting March 13, 2020 (the date of Governor Abbotts emergency declaration for Texas). Yes, Section 8 and Public Housing recipients may be eligible for assistance with the tenant-paid portion of their rent and utility costs effective April 21, 2021. The funding for this program is part of the Coronavirus stimulus bill passed by Congress; because it is emergency assistance, documentation of household legal status is not required. A TRRP payment process guide is available here. The CARES Act provides economic stimulus payments to qualifying Americans in the form of a direct deposit or paper check. More information is available here: Government-issued or personal ID (Only if individual/sole proprietor). Any payments mailed should be remitted to: ATTN: TRR RECAPTURE If you have filed the application, you can further check its status by straightaway calling their toll-free number at 1-833-989-7368. If youve recently received an email or text message from the program about processing your application and you still need assistance, please call us as soon as possible at 1-833-989-7368.Payment System Update January 2023In January 2023, TRR began using a new payment system. When you receive the email, click the link to accept the invitation. Texas Rent Relief approved help for me August 27th. If a household is living in a rent-restricted property or receiving tenant-based rental assistance (such as a Housing Choice Voucher), the tenant or landlord can provide evidence of the households most recent tenant income certification (TIC) as long as it is no older than one year from when they apply for assistance. If you are interested in applying, you can do so online or by mail. More information is available here: Have a total household income at or below 80% of the area median income No additional income documentation is required. The priority status deadline was extended because of power outages during Winter Storm Uri that prevented many from being able to apply. Print a Tenant Application and Certification and Tenant Checklist both found in this page: Gather checklist documents from the tenant. To make the application process easier for tenants and landlords, beginning in January 2023 TRR will now collect all payment information as part of the online Neighborly application process and will no longer process payments through Body: Case ID. This may seem obvious, but it is important to remember that even if you are just a day or two late, your landlord can charge you a late fee. Permanently absent family members, such as a spouse who resides permanently in a nursing home, may be considered a household member, at the discretion of the head of household/program applicant. bank account where the applicant would like to receive payment if approved for assistance . To be eligible, you must: The system will automatically email all identified tenants and prompt them to complete their tenant profiles. To qualify for the program, renters must demonstrate a financial hardship due to the pandemic. Once payment is received for an applicant, utility providers cannot disconnect the tenant from utility services for any reason that predates the acceptance of the funds or for any reason related to utility charges or fees during the time period covered by the funds. 1-833-9TX-RENT 1-833-989-7368 Monday-Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. CST Help is available in multiple languages. While a tenant or landlord can elect to no longer participate, there is no way to remove an invitation once sent. You will be contacted and asked for any missing documentation. The program, which is still being finalized, will provide up to $3,000 in financial assistance to tenants who are struggling to pay their rent because of the pandemic. If you have already submitted your application and need to upload additional tenants, please contact the call center to reopen Section B. Tenants may request late fees and/or disconnect fees as part of their utility arrears. All Rights Reserved. The program will pay your landlord on your behalf via an ACH deposit, unless the landlord does not agree to participate in the program. This way, you will know exactly when the payment is due and can plan accordingly. No reporting is required from the utility vendor. The most important thing for tenants to do is keep communication lines open with their landlords and make sure all documentation is in order. Texas Rent Relief assistance payments to landlords and utility providers are considered taxable income. A tenant may apply on their own, without the assistance of the landlord, in which case the landlord will be notified and asked to participate. Houston, TX 77267. Applicants can use either their total 2020 annual income or their most recent 30 days of income. As part of this program, the State of Texas received approximately $1.3 billion to assist landlords and tenants through the Texas Rent Relief Program. TDHCA began taking applications for the assistance on May 4, but many people say they have not received any money despite applying weeks ago. If you need assistance with a previously submitted application, our customer service staff can assist you by phone by calling 1-833-9TX-RENT (1-833-989-7368). Data to be collected about each household: Program performance data will be available on the Texas Rent Relief and TDHCA websites. Once your application is received and processed, a determination will be made as to whether youre eligible for assistance. If you already applied for assistance through the Texas Rent Relief program and your landlord has since filed for eviction, your application may be prioritized through the Texas Eviction Diversion Program. o If requesting payment via check: The address . If a landlord has accepted funds without following the certifications, the TRR program will investigate and in some cases seek to recoup funds. Other program limitations may also apply please see for details. You will be taken to, where you will need to create an account and follow the steps to submit your ACH Deposit information. Yes. 1001 provides, among other things, that whoever knowingly and willingly makes or uses a document or writing containing any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry, in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States will be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both. Approval for payment depends on submission of all required documentation, tenant eligibility, and funding availability. You can find more information about that program here: [LINK]. If they do not accept payment, the payment will be made directly to the tenant after 14 days of outreach to the landlord and/or utility provider to confirm their refusal. For any applicant with a pending TRR application who is now facing eviction and has a court docket number, we recommend you call the TRR contact center at 833-989-7368 to update your pending application and be fast-tracked for application review. Houston, TX 77258. your Phone number -Specify Landlord or tenant rental assistance. No, a tenant does not necessarily have to be in arrears. Yes. No. All entities submitting as landlords must provide all requested information related to banking information and ownership. All payments will be made directly to the landlord and/or utility provider unless they do not agree to accept the payment. If you have an account at a bank or credit union, you can usually cash your check there for free or for a small fee. First, make sure you always pay your rent on time. If using the most recent 30 days of income, any reapplication for funds must include a resubmission of income documentation. The certification requires that if such duplicative payments occur, the Provider repay the program for the duplicated payment within 30 days. The program is open to eligible renters who have lost income due to COVID-19 and are behind on their rent. Both the landlord and tenant must agree for the eviction to be diverted. The TEDP uses a special court process that allows courts to put eviction lawsuits on hold and divert them to the TEDP. Rent and utility expenses are eligible for assistance starting March 13, 2020 (the date of Governor Abbotts emergency declaration for Texas). Other program limitations may also apply please see for details. Both the tenant and landlord must apply through the or 1-833-989-7368. Reasonable late fees stemming from non-payment of rent, not exceeding allowable amounts in the lease, and no older than March 13, 2020 are allowed. What Happened To Texas Rent Relief Program? Box 580314 However, if you are only requesting utility assistance and your rent exceeds the limit, you can seek utility assistance. The fund has already helped two million Texans right now. If the expense is in the rent amount in the lease, it can be requested. Number of months of rental payments and number of months of utility or home energy cost payments for which ERA assistance is provided, Household income and number of individuals in the household, and. Territories, local governments, and Indian tribes. You won't need a account to receive your payment. A tenant may also apply on their own, without the assistance of the landlord, in which case the landlord will be notified and asked to participate. Heres a quick rundown of the most important things to know: Amount and percentage of monthly rent covered by ERA assistance. Texas Coronavirus Relief Bill Rental Assistance Program administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. The TRR Program has several options for persons to report fraud, waste and abuse. If youve applied for the program and havent received any help, you can file a complaint with the Office of Injured Employees Counsel (OIEC). As of September 2022, Texas Rent Relief has distributed nearly all available funding, though continues to process a low volume of previously submitted applications with limited remaining funds. Share. All non-priority applications will be reviewed and processed on a first-come first-served basis until all funds are committed. Appeal instructions are available at The full tenant application and household certification will be available from the Program Documents side bar within the application so that the landlord can print required documents and obtain a wet signature if needed. -They must be current on their rent payments (as of March 1, 2020) Both tenants and landlords must create their own unique logins and passwords. The tenant can indicate in the application if someone listed on the lease is no longer a household member residing in the unit, in which case their income would not be included in the household calculation. If you are behind on your rent or have received an eviction notice from your landlord, its important to seek legal assistance as soon as possible to understand your rights and options. The A toolkit of flyers that can be printed and handed out to tenants or shared on social media is available under Forms and Resources. Subscribe our newsletter to stay updated. If you do not have access to a bank account, the Program will issue a check and mail it to the tenants address. The system will then send an email to the tenant asking them to provide any missing documentation, including income documentation, and electronically sign the application. You can monitor the status of your application through the online dashboard or by calling (833) 9TX-RENT (toll free) to speak with a call center program representative. How Long Does Rent Relief Take to Process. TDHCA says it is working as quickly as possible to process applications and get payments out, but with such a high demand for assistance, its taking longer than expected. For applications received during the first twenty-one (21) days the Program was open, before 11:59 pm Central Standard Time on March 8, 2021, the following applicants were given priority: All applications meeting the criteria above that were received during the first twenty-one (21) days will be prioritized first during application review. Yes. Applicants will be contacted for any missing documents or information. As long as no duplicate assistance is received, this is not a loan and requires no repayment. The Landlord Certification is available at Yes. A tenant electing to apply directly does not remove the programs obligation to still seek to pay the landlord first. A specialist dedicated specifically to utility issues is being trained and their individual contact information will be provided to utility providers. Some renters say they were told that their application was under review or pending, but have not been given any further information about when they might receive payment. For more information, visit the Texas Rent Relief website. Yes. If using total 2020 income, no income documentation is required if reapplying for additional assistance. Know that as the landlord you will be asked to sign a certification available at. Horne LLP, the third-party vendor administering the program, will be listed on the Form 1099-MISC. Example 2: A tenant or landlord receives a full rent payment from a local rental assistance program for December 2020 and January 2021, then also receives payment for those months from the Texas Rent Relief program. If you/your landlord have not received any assistance payment by your eviction court date, we highly encourage you to attend your eviction hearing. The Texas Rent Relief Program is currently facing a backlog of applications and complaints from renters who say they havent received any help despite qualifying for assistance. Telecommunication services, such as telephone, cable, and internet service costs are NOT eligible for assistance, except that if Internet is a fee noted in the lease, the program will allow a request for internet payment as an allowable fee. Receive the email, click the link to accept the payment local rental assistance program administered by the Department! 2020, the third-party vendor administering the program will investigate and in some cases seek pay... Interested in applying, you must: the address in the Rent amount the., landlords are asked to sign a certification available at is required if reapplying for additional assistance apply does... Not include any refunded or returned payments made to the TEDP payment within 30 days of income your Phone -Specify! 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