SGI-USA Women's Leader. But that is precisely why the Soka Gakkai appeared! 1 Sunrise, Anyone can set up an [Area]. Naoko Leslie. the Latter Day of the Law. Proposal level Groups leader discuss idea to appoint new leader within own Group, up to National (for example, the proposal for a new Young Mens Rp Leader is discussed within the Young Mens leaders from the relevant district leader to the Young Mens National Leader, Proposal level Groups leader discusses idea to appoint new leader with other proposal level Group leaders (for example all local Area Leaders discuss and agree the proposal for a new district leader), If all support, the proposal level Group leader tells the next level the recommendation level 1 leader from their Group, Recommendation level 1 Group leader discusses the idea to appoint the new leader with the other recommendation level 1 leaders in their Group, If all support, complete the SGINZ Leadership Recommendation Form, seeking some of the information from the office, The relevant Group leader takes the proposal (and the form) to the recommendation level 2 leaders, All the recommendation level 2 leaders discuss the proposed appointment, If all support, proceed to the decision level, In most cases the decision level is the Oceania Personnel Committee (OPC) or SGI Japan, It may take some time to process the recommendation, Two leaders (usually leaders from proposal and recommendation level 1 within the Group) home visit and interview the proposed leader in person, During the visit they share the proposal with the proposed leader, explaining the meaning, process and any implications of the proposal. Without practice and study, there can be no Buddhism. Explore our campaigns: Stewarding Our Future: A Conversation with Jeffrey Sachs, Living the Bodhisattva Ideal: A Conversation with Prof. em. Maintain membership contact information and report updates to your National Leader regularly and report attendance statistic monthly. Embrace the Gohonzon throughout your life, out faith, practice and study in accord with Nichiren Daishonins teachings. of the Ten Worlds --- can attain Buddhahood. Leaders form: This should be completed by the candidate after agreeing to accept the responsibility, then forwarded within their Group to the National Planning Committee (NPC). "Let us live with hope! Inactive leaders will be relieved of their responsibilities if they have not been attempting to fulfil their responsibilities for a six month period. (MW-I, his mercy, is trying to ensure that we, despite our strong Even if someone has practiced hard for many years, if he results are produced. doctrine (3) present exactly the same interpretation. And prayer must become manifest in lead the happiest life? He also argued that in order to put an end to terrorism, and to safeguard human security, the entire world needs to join forces to focus on the issues of human rights, eradication of poverty, and disarmament.Shinichi felt that the time had come for Soka Gakkai members throughout the world to unite in a grassroots effort to create a new powerful momentum for peace. You should also try to become someone whom everyone can talk to, always thinking about how to enable each person to bring forth his or her potential. Communicating the activity schedule and information to members. Youth division members had performed group gymnastics as well as a parade as part of Malaysias Independence Day celebrations. Assist and communicate with your Groups Area Leader. WebPress Releases View more SGI President Issues Statement on Crisis in Ukraine and Calls for No First Use of Nuclear Weapons Pledge SGI President Ikeda calls for urgent meeting of the latter age hereafter, when the Law is about to perish, "Myoho-ama Gozen Gohenji" (Gosho Zenshu, pp. Home visits and personal guidance are what circulate the lifeblood of faith and human warmth throughout the organization of the Soka Gakkai. even the most ordinary things of this world are such wonders, India have prompted people to discard the Lotus Sutra and The SGI promotes correct faith, practice and study based on the humanism of Buddhism and the guidance of the first three presidents, with the aim of accomplishing world peace and contributing to the happiness of all humankind. rise. 0000002141 00000 n NOTE: For District Leader appointments the leader from the Oceania Personnel Committee (the decision making level) is not required to home visit the candidate. Imagine someone new to the study of physics sitting in Subscribers can download the World Tribune app for Apple (App Store) and Android (Play Store) on their smart device. It was held in conjunction with the first Kansai general meeting in the new century, a Hokkaido general meeting, and a young mens division and young womens division leaders meeting commemorating the 50th anniversary of the two divisions.In his speech at that meeting, Shinichi thanked everyone for their efforts and urged them to forge ahead courageously, determined never to be defeated. The path to peace is always challenging. My wife and I are always praying for your good health and safety, as well as for each of you to lead successful lives flourishing with accomplishment as good citizens of your respective communities and the country of New Zealand. Wayne Shorter, legendary American jazz saxophonist and composer, has earned worldwide recognition for his mastery of the saxophone, including six honorary doctorates and 11 Grammy Awards. Prayers are invisible, but if we pray steadfastly they Accompany District leaders from your Group on home visits to encourage members. Careful consideration should be given to the welfare of the members in general with every effort made to allow the leader who has been relieved of their responsibilities to continue to practice within the organisation. Those who are only concerned But Buddhahood lies in continuing faith.2, Never seek this Gohonzon outside yourself. SGINZ does not currently have dedicated Funeral Celebrants, but the centres are available for Memorial Services. Key activities include regular study presentations, providing support for SGINZ training courses, providing study materials to encourage members faith and practice and holding study examinations to encourage us in our study of Nichiren Daishonins Buddhism. My leaders in SSA encouraged me to stop thinking about my salary woes and to immerse myself in SSA activities as I have I confirm that I meet the following criteria: SGINZ also has both Childrens and Family membership applications ( The Gohonzon and SGINZ Membership Application is what most people who have recently started chanting will use, depending on the household/family situation Family Membership, or Childrens Membership may be more appropriate. Those claiming to be the Daishonin's followers District Discussion Meeting Material . Support and attend group and district meetings. was contained in the title alone. translations. Im Oona Friedland from Detroit. WebIn the SGI organization, the success of our activities or meetings, for example, hinges on whether or not the leaders have thoroughly prayed to give each person hope and for each happy without fail in both body and spirit, the place would have trampled on the Buddha's spirit. no matter how dark, have certainly not continued for billions 1, p. 222). Lasting peace is humanitys cherished wish, but it remains an extremely difficult goal that has never been realized. invariably backs up his arguments with documentary proof. Leadership candidates may be recommended by any Leader. Also, we must not decide in advance that a particular person One Essential Phrase (2). Some 5,000 members had put on a spectacular card stunt at an international event. Their efforts were a new driving force for kosen-rufu in the 21st century. After 9/11, numerous terrorist acts, including suicide bombings, also occurred in Europe and elsewhere.No matter how righteous one may think ones cause is, terrorism, which robs innocent people of their lives, is absolutely unacceptable.After the attack, SGI-USA immediately set up an emergency response center and began doing everything in its power to help those affected, from direct support of rescue activities to collecting donations for assistance. Buddhism and trust them without the slightest doubt because 0000015402 00000 n of cost, it is the least expensive method available. Each Leaders address in organisation should be listed in district membership list where they have activities no matter if their physical address is outside this area. The appointment proposal and decision making process will be as follows: National Leaders can make proposals to the Oceania Personnel Committee via email and need to include a realistic timeframe. May your lifelong dream of world peace be achieved.Thinking that she would not be able to completely express her thoughts to him in Malay, she concluded by addressing him directly in Japanese with these words she had learned for the occasion.Universiti Putra Malaysia Chancellor and Penang State Governor Haji Hamdan Bin Sheikh Tahir then handed the honorary doctorate certificate to Shinichi.In his acceptance speech, Shinichi said: Genuine dialogue, rooted in sincere friendship, has the power to overcome differences in ethnicity, to transcend borders and interests, to bring down the walls of division.It is of utmost importance to advance in a spirit of cooperation on the path of tolerance, coexistence, and creativity, while respecting diversity and bringing out the best of that diversity. a struggle to realize our desires. The long period of darkness has been 3. Members moving into the District membership list. on daimoku, the darkness in our lives vanishes. Those in Advisor positions are responsible for supporting and giving guidance where requested to Leaders and members in the area they are Advisor for. SGI-USA General Director. Carry out long-range activity planning. Provide guidance in faith to your Group members in your Area. A written resignation should be submitted to the decision level responsible for making the original appointment. The learned Home visit and interview should be carried out by the decision level in order for leaders to better understand the reason for the decision to resign, to ensure that there are no ill feelings, to express appreciation for past, and to encourage him or her toward the future. SGI Japan makes the decision about the appointment. Note: All applications are considered on a case by case basis. These events came to be known as September 11, or simply 9/11.Some 3,000 people were killed and more than 6,000 injured in the horrific attack. The people do not realize that the priests misunderstand we have been taking small problems and blowing them up, At age 88, together with four-time Grammy award winner Esperanza Spalding, he has completed his first opera, SGI-USA member Michele LaMontagne is the second woman to reach the rank of brigadier general in the New Mexico National Guard and its first female commander. who put on airs, or who are caught up in vanity and formalism In addition to general leaders responsibilities each leadership level has specific responsibilities. the same as reading the entire sutra once, and that chanting that the title is to the sutra as eyes are to the Buddha. Po Chu-i (772-846): A noted Chinese poet of the T'ang Enjoy these subscriber-only newsletters straight to your inbox! Friends will usually be learning gongyo and carrying out faith, practice and study. This information is a useful barometer for the health of SGINZ and is used in activity reports to the Charities Commission of New Zealand. The starting point for this change lay in prayers Nevertheless, the Buddhist priests of Japan, China and Please try to include the following points. us confidence that what he says is correct. The primary role of National leaders is to support members and leaders in your Group and coordinate Nationwide activities. He then said to the youth, wishing to pass the baton to them: The development of kosen-rufu depends on the existence of genuine disciples!The great undertaking of kosen-rufu cannot be accomplished in a single lifetime. Deceased members, the member is deleted from the District list and reported to the Membership Statistics PIC. World Tribune: Thank you for speaking with us about. When an appointment is made to allow the leader to fulfil dual responsibilities (existing and new), a vacancy is not created. On November 26, Shinichi Yamamoto attended a joint executive conference with SGI representatives from Singapore and Australia. Leadership forms are available on line at, or by email or hardcopy. All we SGI-USA General Daimoku is like light. Oceania Personnel Committee makes the decision about the appointment. We can comprehend Also foster capable Group leaders. Everything has its essential WebSGI-USA District Leaders Handbook 4 Being a district leader is not easy. But had he done so, the people of his time might not have of reading the Lotus Sutra in its entirety. LS23, 288. Even a stone from the bottom we can calmly survey our former sufferings. This is the primary source of President Ikedas guidance and New Zealand study and experiences; articles from Tai Aronui are also used as source material for many of our monthly meetings in each district. Today too, the SGI leader said, it is the women members of SGI who deserve the highest praise and respect. Home visit and encourage your group leaders in fulfilling their responsibilities. Because life is long, you should not be impatient. arbitrarily. Reset Password Need help? Truly, if you chant this in the morning and evening, you Delve into the epic, serialized novel, which chronicles in 30 volumes the history of the Soka Gakkai and serves as a record of its modern development. years." A new institution of higher learning with the mission of fostering global citizens committed to world peace was born. Taking Ikeda Sensei as my mentor, I learn to live with gratitude and strength. The powers of the Buddha and the Law are activated Im counting on all Soka youth around the world!The members responded enthusiastically, their youthful voices resounding through the hall.Portraits of Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei Toda, the Soka Gakkais first and second presidents, hung on the walls at the back of the room. Loan Omamori (portable) Gohonzons are usually available to borrow for short durations from SGI centres for local members with an approved application form; there is also a form available for those who would like to apply for a permanent Omamori Gohonzon, these applications are considered case by case by the National Planning Committee. Only then can we elicit a response This relationship is found wherever people strive for excellence, including in the arts, education, and any field that requires skilled workmanship.Shinichi stressed to the young people present: Having a mentor in life provides you with a model for living, and there is no more wonderful example than mentors and disciples striving together, dedicating their lives to the lofty ideal of peace and happiness for all humanity.This shared struggle of mentor and disciple, united in spirit and commitment, is the lifeline that ensures the eternal development of kosen-rufu. The way to achieve this is to keep on making earnest efforts to encourage and support each person; to engage in inspiring discussions with them with ones entire heart and being., President Ikeda, The New Human Revolution Vol. 0000001272 00000 n A review should be made after three months of inactivity. is using a modern Japanese rendering of the classical Confronting a deep-rooted fear, I pave the way to shine as a bright light for my family. This spirit of confidence unfolds in 3,000 ways, finally We can also encourage members who are are struggling or who feel discouraged to seek guidance from a more experienced leader. You must trust in it with all your heart, UHG Young Mens District Young Mens leader, UHG Young Womens District Young Womens leader, Young Mens District Young Mens leader, Young Womens District Young Womens leader. If Emphasise Group based meetings and home visits. that very instant, in the depths of our lives our prayer Rp, Districts, Areas, etc are created in response to the current situation where more effective support would assist the members practice. As a leader, it is important to mobilize the people Communicate, coordinate, plan and implement any activities held on a National basis with other National leaders. Valuing each individual, taking a personal interest in their well-being, and steady efforts in dialogue and offering encouragement represent the eternal and unchanging key to fresh growth and development for both individual members and the organization. tendency to doubt, are not confused. Each month the NPC sends out relevant leaders information to be shared as part of the planning meetings. of "Yes, that's exactly right." The following comic strip depicts an experience by firefighter and SGI-USA member Ken Ainsworth, of Valencia, Calif., illustrated by Rob Koo. Provide administrative support to the Region/Area Leaders and actively participate in propagation efforts, study, financial contributions and promoting subscription and reading of Tai Aronui. of the Lotus Sutra), Hokke Mongu (Words and Phrases of The general structure is presented from National to Group for ease of understanding. Of the 13 states of Malaysia, 12 now had, or were shortly scheduled to have, fine SGM centers.On November 29, Shinichi was presented with an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters from Universiti Putra Malaysia, one of the countrys leading universities, in a solemn convocation ceremony held in his honor. Lotus Sutra enables anyone to manifest Buddhahood in their the action to manifest it --- our lives can without doubt HTMk0:vcZ will definitely effect clear results in our lives and surroundings But with the Mystic The SGI organisation in New Zealand was officially established in 1994. I also believe that to be a of wholehearted conviction in their truth. All your efforts will turn into your own benefit and good fortune., President Ikeda, The New Human Revolution Vol. Chow used to write letters every few days to members who were scattered throughout Singapore, Malaysia, and other Asian countries. Leadership appointments can be very sensitive matters, therefore great care must be taken that the appointment process is carried out fairly and with thorough consultation. The Study Department organises study promotion throughout the country. Childrens Membership is for SGI members who would like their children to become a member of SGINZ, and where the child is living in a place where the Gohonzon is enshrined, and Family Membership is for an adult family member living in a place where the Gohonzon is enshrined. Communicating with our senior leaders we need to proactively communicate regularly with our senior leaders, keeping them informed about our activities and promptly telling them about any issues they should be aware of or that you would like their support on. (6) A third-states, "In the evil age of the Latter Shinichi felt that a magnificent path for kosen-rufu in the 21st century was now opening widely in Asia and the rest of the world.On the evening of December 5, Shinichi and Mineko were invited to a dinner at the official residence of Hong Kong Chief Secretary Anson Chan.In 1993, Mrs. Chan had become the first woman to be appointed chief secretary, a position second only to the governor, while Hong Kong was still under British rule. The organiser will arrange a koha to SGINZ if applicable. It began military action in Afghanistan, where collaborators in the plot were thought to be hiding. taught for the sake of all humankind in this evil age of This is The sun will definitely each participant, without fail, to leave the activity with At the meeting, he noted that the name Singapore means Lion City, and discussed the significance of the lion in Buddhism: In Buddhism, the Buddha is described as a lion, and his preaching of the Law as the lions roar. Nichiren Daishonin taught that the word lion has the significance of mentor and disciple.1 The Lotus Sutra teaches that disciplesthat is, living beingswho live out their lives together with the Buddha, their mentor, can attain the same elevated life state as the Buddha.More specifically, the mentor-disciple, or teacher-student, relationship is unique to human beings, given their high spiritual capacity. It can When members move into the district, they should be included in membership list and an update sent to the SGINZ Office, this applies for: Members Moving out of the District membership list. lives our prayers are immediately realized. ), If accepted, ask the new leader to keep the proposal confidential until announced, Proposal level leader from the Group completes Leadership Details form for the appointment and submits it to the office, Inform only those involved in the appointment process that the appointment will go ahead (otherwise keep it confidential), Choose the time and place for the official announcement of the new leader, A leader from a recommendation level or above announces the new leadership position at time/place previously decided, The new position is effective from the time it is announced, Region (or National if applicable) updates the organisation chart Google doc, This should be completed by the candidate after agreeing to accept the responsibility, then forwarded within their Group to the National Planning Committee (NPC). His goal for the decade of his 70s was to complete laying the foundations for worldwide kosen-rufu.On May 3, Soka University of America in Aliso Viejo, Orange County, California, held its eagerly anticipated dedication ceremony. Home visit members from your Group, with Rp (or Area) leaders where possible. When making leadership appointments we should consider: On the recommendation of SGI, SGINZ has established a leadership appointment process and Personnel Committee. The Gosho text here may differ in places from what Who has given his life to spreading Nichiren Buddhism around the world, just as Mr. Toda taught? Once the decision is made the information should be communicated to the leaders up to the NPC, this will enable the streamlining of any other organisational changes to be able to happen at the same to minimise any possible disruptions and maximize the opportunities to advance kosen-rufu in New Zealand. Members had also held Charity Culture Festivals, which had been widely praised for making a positive contribution to society. For precisely this reason, the SGI makes the Gohonzon and Determined to carry out the basics of faith, practice and study within SGI. The Gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh of us ordinary people who embrace the Lotus Sutra and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, When we chant to the Gohonzon, our lives fall in rhythm with the fundamental law of the universe, enabling us to manifest tremendous life-force and putting us on a sure course to happiness, Exert yourself in the two ways of practice and study. That is the are not true followers. of the Lotus Sutra. How can this world be rid of misery? WebOpen to all SGI-USA Region through National Leaders. Text, The Encouraging members participation in activities; especially district discussion meetings. world as its subject. As the last major meeting for 2000, it marked the organizations fresh departure for the 21st century.From next year, 2001, we will begin the second series of Seven Bells2, aiming toward the year 2050! Shinichi spoke of the start of a new series of seven-year periods of development, and urged the members to work together, harnessing the solidarity of ordinary people, to make the 21st century a century of humanism and peace.He also noted that women were taking active leadership roles around the world: The times are clearly changing. SGINZ is structured to be able to support the faith, practice and study of its members; while SGINZ is an egalitarian organisation in nature. In some circumstances, it may be necessary to appoint a vice leader to support the current central figure. And the first Soka kindergarten outside Japan was the Hong Kong Soka Kindergarten, which opened in 1992.Shinichi then powerfully encouraged the Hong Kong and Macau members to continue dedicating their lives to their great noble mission in the 21st century.Earlier that year, in February 2000, a long-awaited auditorium had also been completed at the Soka Bodhi Tree Garden in India, and on November 26 [a few days before Shinichis arrival in Hong Kong], a general meeting of Bharat Soka Gakkai, the SGI organization in India, had been held there to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Soka Gakkais founding. What really counts is really whether hat occasion serves as an inspiration for everyone, including the leaders, to advance with fresh commitment in their journey of faith. 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