} I renounce all control over this chakra and my third eye by the goddess Hakini Shakti and all her many heads of the serpent. Otherwise, some believe that opening the third eye could be destabilizing. December 22, 2020. 10 minutes every day, consciously focusing on activating your third eye through yoga, regular or guided meditation, prayer, dancing, or chanting. body{--wp--preset--color--black: #000000;--wp--preset--color--cyan-bluish-gray: #abb8c3;--wp--preset--color--white: #fff;--wp--preset--color--pale-pink: #f78da7;--wp--preset--color--vivid-red: #cf2e2e;--wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-orange: #ff6900;--wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-amber: #fcb900;--wp--preset--color--light-green-cyan: #7bdcb5;--wp--preset--color--vivid-green-cyan: #00d084;--wp--preset--color--pale-cyan-blue: #8ed1fc;--wp--preset--color--vivid-cyan-blue: #0693e3;--wp--preset--color--vivid-purple: #9b51e0;--wp--preset--color--blue: #21759b;--wp--preset--color--dark-gray: #444;--wp--preset--color--medium-gray: #9f9f9f;--wp--preset--color--light-gray: #e6e6e6;--wp--preset--gradient--vivid-cyan-blue-to-vivid-purple: linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(6,147,227,1) 0%,rgb(155,81,224) 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My name is Emmanuel Richard and I am 49 years old and will be 50 this year. style.type = "text/css"; padding: 0 !important; To focus on it, turn your eyeballs toward the center of your brow with your eyes open or closed. Third eye kisses in the dark. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. 5. https:\/\/zoom.us\/j\/392740301 0r meeting number #392 740 301 Download zoom cloud app or sign up for free account\n+1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 US Toll Meeting ID: 392 740 301 International numbers available: https:\/\/zoom.us\/zoomconference\nTHANK YOU JESUS! console.log(""); I renounce the idol of self that formed with my eyes wide open to the carnal world that gave the Kundalini spirit a dwelling place in my body. This serpent energy in my body cause me a lot of pain, therefore has to be cast out of my body, soul and spirit for me to have a piece of mind. 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It is time for the demonic antagonists to be hanged as high as Haman. })('//deliveranceministry.com.au/?wordfence_lh=1&hid=9832623F1E30089C8718FEF5F52E8944'); The third eye, which is located near the pineal gland in your brain, is basically your window to the spiritual world I will present scientific evidence that the Pineal gland function like a physical eye, and this is the reason why, the organ has been called for thousands of years a "3rd eye" Followed by a series of fasting Prayer for the . script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); __gtagTracker('set', { return true; Drawing upon Scripture, the Fathers, and the saints we can identify at least six spiritual benefits to closing one's eyes during prayer. A: Wikipedia defines the third eye (also called the mind's eye) as "a mystical and esoteric concept of a speculative invisible eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight.". I terminate your assignment, and break all legal holds, in the name of Jesus. It is now Gods Judgement. Specialists advise people to try to raise their vibration, because only . 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I place this third eye of my inner vision under the Blood of Jesus Christ and ask You, Father God, to take control of its sight.I repent of opening the doors of clairvoyancy and renounce all clairvoyant magic powers I have gained through this eye. https:\/\/zoom.us\/j\/392740301 0r meeting number #392 740 301 Download zoom cloud app or sign up for free account\n+1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 US Toll Meeting ID: 392 740 301 International numbers available: https:\/\/zoom.us\/zoomconference\nEVERYONE'S INVITED!! for (var index = 0; index < disableStrs.length; index++) { Sealing Off Prayer Before Deliverance (#2), Deliverance Prayers From Serpent Spirits PDF, Prayer: Return All Witchcraft To The Sender PDF, Prayer To Control Thought Life or Tormenting Thoughts PDF, Prayer for Healing from Auto Immune Disorders PDF. The sun is a great source of power, she says. Show her than in Jesus her shattered personality and confused indetity can be made whole. } I am not a cult member and not associated with any cults as this Kundalini arousal or awakening happened by accident because I did not even know what it was at first. The third eye is not like a door that can be opened or closed, or a faucet that can be turned on or off. if ('pageview' === hitObject.hitType) { if ('send' === arguments[0]) { [deleted] . I close all gateways and portals (including the third eye) the enemy may use in Jesus Name. Come if you NEED HELP! return; The third eye is often related to clairvoyance, religious visions, intuition, out-of-body experiences, and the ability to observe chakras and auras. Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazaseth, by your blood shed 2000 years ago to cleanse me from any lingering spirits, close the gates, portals, channels, star-gate, vortex, cosmic gate, windows, doors of the body, soul and spirit through the mouth, ears, eyes, navel, solar plexes, and any other opening with your blood and allow your I renounce and ask You, Father God, to cancel all assignments over the eye of my soul and to halt all flow of ungodly soul power or psychic powers through any chakras or other means. var newtracker = function () { Visualize your third eye as an open window that is beaming with light. Father, I repent for opening doors into the occult realm and I ask You to forgive me. I go back to Adam and Eve, on both sides of the bloodline, and I chop you off at the roots, in the name of Jesus. All the ways of a man are clean in his own sight, But the Lord weighs the motives. Psychic Abilities. } else {if(YRC.EM)YRC.EM.trigger("yrc.newchannel");} function __gtagTracker() { God let Your Word dwell within me richly. 3. Can Using Crystal Meth be Considered Witchcraft? Make me whole in You. Omega-3: Foods that are rich in omega-3 can enhance cognitive function and thereby help to keep your third eye chakra open. Jesus repeated the question: "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Come if you NEED HELP! I renounce the office of believing I was some god or goddess; and I ask, Lord Jesus Christ, that you would neutralize with Your Blood the serpents poison that kept me in that state of bewitchment. Heavenly Father please send your blessings, we give you thanks and praise for all you have done and will do in Jesus'name Amen. parameters.send_to = monsterinsights_frontend.ua; Warfare Prayer for Salvation of Unsaved Loved Ones! Bring prayer hands to your forehead at your third eye center, right between your eyebrows. !\nwebsite: deliveranceministry.com.au\nFacebook group: Keys to the kingdom deliverance and fellowship group or https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/groups\/310864065932053\/\nContact: See contact on website to send us an email if you need help and deliverance.\n\nZoom: Monday night fellowship and deliverance starts at 6pm central time, and the main meeting on Sat starts at 5:30pm central time. function gaOptout() { Father, in Jesus name I cover myself with the Blood of Jesus, and this property that I am now in. Please help me by praying for me so that I can close my third eye and stop kundalini attacks. Your email address will not be published. Remove every vestige of it from me and return to me, cleansed by the blood of Your Son, any part of my soul or spirit shared with it.In the name of Jesus Christ, I also ask You, Father God, to disconnect me from all: cords, leylines, wires, transmissions, and broadcasts between the sixth chakra of Mother Earth in Kuh-E-Malek, Siah, and the sixth chakra in my body. __gtagDataLayer.apply(null, arguments); function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} var wfscr = document.createElement('script'); I heard of people saying implants or evil spirits but i know nothing is impossible when you ask god for help. You come out of the conscious, subconscious, unconscious mind, all parts of the body, will, emotions, and personality, in the name of Jesus. We can only manage or control it but it cannot be closed . Father, I repent for opening doors into the occult realm and I ask You to forgive me. /* Function to detect opted out users */ I bind up all the demons in me and around me in the name of Jesus. 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Read about the deep things of God and the riches of his grace. Jesus says: "The light of the body is the eye; therefore, if your eye is single, your whole body will be full of light." This saying is in direct correlation with having a double mindset, instead of allowing the mind's eye to be single and focused on God, who is peace, harmony . Consecration to the BlessedVirgin Mary for the Closingthe "Occult Third Eye"This prayer is very effective, dependingupon ones faith and sincerity, in removin. We are praying for you and your family. }; The third eye is one of the seven chakras of Hinduism. I go back to Adam and Eve, on both sides of the bloodline, and I chop you off at the roots, in the name of Jesus. __gtagDataLayer.apply(null, arguments); } for (var i = 0; i < evts.length; i++) { Your Third Eye will give you the ability to foresee the future. 'eventAction': 'event_action', I renounce all assignments of the eye of Shiva, the eye of Horus, the eye of Lucifer, the throne seat in the triangle, the cold fire Center, the horn of the unicorn, and all call-back programming through the temple of Maat, and of the goddess to open my third eye. __gaTracker.loaded = true; This should be something you resonate with, like "I choose happiness" or "peace." Chant the sound om or aum while meditating to open the third eye even more. 20 Proofs sickness is satans work & 37 Bible diseases and infirmities! I am asking for a prayer request because I have been suffering from illnesses that has to do with Kundalini activation, oppression, or possession. These significant events from the life of Jesus are made easier to comprehend and better-illustrated thanks to the passages . 37 Bible diseases and infirmities and will be 50 this year are rich in omega-3 enhance! As Haman be destabilizing and portals ( including the third eye as open! 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