Learn more about symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment. Vitamin D and calcium intake and risk of early menopause. Menopause is usually detected due to age and symptoms. Email to a Friend. However, after age 35, egg quality generally declines, and you may have a lower reserve of eggs. But if most of the women in your family, your mother included, reach menopause early, late, or somewhere in the middle, you can eye your calendar with some degree of confidence. Menopause can happen in your 40s or 50s, but the average age is 51 in the United States. Its the combination and interaction of factors that are most important. Menopause is confirmed when there is a gap of almost 12 months since your last periods. And its hard to pinpoint the average age when perimenopause begins because everyone experiences those symptoms differently. All of the factors we've discussed above could help you determine the age you can expect to enter the menopause, but there is no definitive test to tell you the exact age you will reach the menopause for the moment. Menopause changes many aspects of our bodys biochemistry and future health. After analyzing data on close to 300,000 women, investigators found that women with three childbirths had the highest average age at menopause, at 51.36 years old, and that women who had never given birth had the lowest, at an average of 50.55 years of age. Menopause August 11, 2020 by My Due Date Calculator Menopause is the state of the natural reduction in reproductive hormones as a woman steps into her 40s. Menopause is technically one full year without bleeding, and perimenopause is the stage before the final menstrual period, also known as the menopausal transition. For example if you input the dates 03/15/2022 and 3/18/2022 . 20 Apr. In fact, the average age women stop having their periods for at least 12 months is 51 years. 589. The average age of menopause for people in the United States is 52. Usually sometime in your 40s, you will begin the transition from your reproductive years to menopause. That makes sense, says Streicher. The results are easy-to-understand, and your estimated age of menopause will fall into one of three groups: The Menopause Age Calculator will also help you to understand how different lifestyle choices can influence when menopause will occur and the impact this has on your future health. It naturally happens for many people when they are between the ages of 40 and 58. However, there is a wide range during which someone could begin menopause. This causes the brain to send more FSH into the body. Early menopause is menopause that begins between the ages of 40 and 45. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Menopause that occurs before age 40 is called premature menopause. Where can I find more information about menopause. It would be helpful for every woman to know exactly when menopause will arrive. Committee Opinion No. For instance, some research links exposure to certain endocrine-disrupting chemicals to earlier age at menopause. Menopause is when your periods stop due to lower hormone levels. When menstruation ends, Menopause means that your periods have completely stopped for at least 12 months. If theres not a lot that women can do to change when theyll experience menopause, why does predicting it even matter? There are a number of factors that affect womens age at menopause, but one is more important than any other: the age their mother experienced menopause. Premature or early menopause can occur at any age and, in many cases, there's no clear cause. Gold E. The timing of the age at which natural menopause occurs. From the age of 35 years onwards, our sex hormones start changing. The physical changes that usher in menopause can begin as early as age 40 or may not start until your late 50s.. The healthy changes you make today can help to reduce the symptoms of menopause, delay menopause and slow down the ageing process. Studies have also found that going through early menopause may increase your risk of developing certain medical issues, such as: But starting menopause earlier may have some benefits, too. How to handle headaches, night sweats, and more. Looking after yourself doesnt have to be hard or complicated. Read on to learn more about how your menopause age affects your health. Given the importance of womens health postmenopause, there is a need for future studies to provide deeper insight into the health prevention opportunities for women later in life. Her areas of research include evaluating womens hormone levels and lifestyle, occupational/environmental factors in relation to vasomotor and other symptoms and age at the final menstrual period and to cancer survival. The symptoms of menopause are the same as perimenopause, except that you no longer have a period. 1996-2023 Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. If your maternal grandmother also had an early menopause, this is even more significant. What matters, and what doesn't, when trying to predict when you'll reach menopause. Is menopause around the corner? Menopause Matters: BMI Calculator Diet, Exercise & Lifestyle: BMI Calculator Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator. The menopausal transition can last between four to eight years, sometimes longer. 2022, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1028455917301444, Dunneram Y, Greenwood DC, Burley VJ, Cade JE. Menopause is inevitable for all of us and cant be avoided. During this stage, menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, get milder or go away. Menopause and Diabetes: What Is the Relationship? Number of days in the remaining partial year. 20 Apr. Learn what experts recommend for thin hair, hair loss. If your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9, you're an ideal weight for your height. Its usually diagnosed when youve gone a year without a menstrual cycle. Menopause Facts and Statistics: What You Need to Know. By age 40, only around 10% of people will achieve pregnancy per menstrual cycle. This is especially true if your periods stopped at an early age (before 40) or there is a medical reason to do so. PLoS One, "Persistent Organic Pollutants and Early Menopause in U.S. Take the free quiz to discover your Menopause Type, learn how to feel better naturally (and lose weight). Perimenopause is the stage when a woman begins to transition into menopause. Some factors are still unknowns. A 2021 study in Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause Society found that the age at which people began menopause was affected by multiple genes. It causes symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats and mood changes. This calculator assumes the start date is day 0 and begins counting one full day after day 0. Technically it is not the loss of eggs that lead to the end of menstrual periods, it is the fact your ovaries produce drastically less estrogen and progesterone the two hormones that control menstruation. This study is important because it investigates the cumulative impact of intergenerational violence on reproductive aging, says Faubion. The Menopause Age Calculator will estimate your predicted menopause age based on the key influencing factors supported by thecurrent online research. These can be random events, but can also be passed on," says Howard Zacur, MD, PhD, who directs the reproductive endocrinology and infertility division at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. And its often the question women pose to their ob-gyn when they begin to notice changes in their monthly period or have their first hot flash. Committee Opinion No. Body composition is the percentage of fat, muscles, bone and water in your body. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Questions to ask your doctor might include: Its important to see your doctor right away if you have any vaginal bleeding after menopause. Practice relaxation techniques. Earlier (46-49), Average (50-52) and Later (53-60) menopause point ranges are based on current bell curve studies for the age of menopause. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. I have sleep difficulties Never Often Always If you experience menopause between ages 40 and 45, you're said to have early menopause. Because pregnancy puts menstruation and ovulation on pause, its been theorized that a high number of pregnancies may delay menopause, but the findings of a Norwegian study published in Human Reproductionin February 2020belie that assumption. The timing of the age at which natural menopause occurs. My periods have changed. Radiation to the pelvic area can cause the ovaries to stop working, leading to sudden menopause. 29 Sep. 2022. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3197715/, Sapre S, Thakur R. Lifestyle and dietary factors determine age at natural menopause. Menopause, sometimes called the change of life, happens when a woman stops having monthly periods. Answer according to your average over the last 10 years (except for number of biological children), Answer based on your average over the last 10 years, Learn more about your predicted age of menopause, Written by Belinda Benn Medically reviewed by Dr. Lana Ltter & Dr. Greta File Updated 24 January 2023 Content quality assurance process Most Popular, Most Recent, Video Training. You can adjust your answers in the calculator to see how different lifestyle choices may impact your estimated age range of menopause. Although maintaining good overall health is important for a variety of reasons, it wont necessarily translate to later menopause, says Streicher. Hormone replacement therapy: an increased risk of recurrence and mortality for breast cancer patients? All rights reserved. And if your mother smoked or had a condition that generally brings menopause forward (more on this later), your period will probably stick around for longer than hers did. 2011 Sep;38(3):455-66. In the United States, the average age for menopause to start is 52 years. All rights reserved. On the other hand, dont assume that just because you are still menstruating you canget pregnant. 2014;101(3):633-634. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2013.12.032. In the time leading up to menopause (perimenopause), you may have irregular periods or skip periods entirely. To end fibroid pain, this writer decided to get a hysterectomy at age 41. Even then, its difficult to know because every person is different. Date accessed online: Web. Smoking has the most substantial influence of all the lifestyle factors on early menopause. Relationship between alcohol consumption and age at menopause: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. However, strenuous exercise over long periods can increase the stress hormones, which may be an influencing factor in earlier menopause. Studies have found that smoking during the reproductive years was significantly associated with earlier menopause. Now its time to learn more about supporting your hormonal health naturally. Menopause and Breast Cancer: What Is the Relationship? BMC Public Health. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) offers powerful tools that can be used to treat both the physical and psychological symptoms of menopause. All rights reserved. By age 45, fertility has declined so much that it is unlikely that you will get pregnant without assistance. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. If youve had surgery on or around your ovaries, its more likely that youll have earlier menopause. Genetic factors are believed to have the most substantial influence and will account for up to 50% of your Menopause Age Calculator result. It often occurs around age 51. Although the average age of the first period has been getting younger in U.S. women, there hasn't been a corresponding shift in the average age at menopause. How long the transition from perimenopause to menopause will last and your age at your final menstrual period is different for everyone. 589. This isnt always true, of course. It can sometimes happen earlier naturally. Menopause. If youre bleeding like crazy it would be helpful to know, she says. Experiencing menopause at 40 to 45 years of age is called early menopause, and that occurs in about 5 to 7 percent of the population, so its safe to say that at least 7 percent of women are going to go through menopause early or prematurely, says Faubion. If you have surgery to remove your ovaries (oophorectomy), you will experience menopause immediately because the organs that produce hormones and release eggs are no longer present. Most women experience menopause between the ages of 50 and 52 years. They wont use a menopause calculator, but rather a blood test to check your hormone levels. This isnt going to happen; were born with millions of eggs and many of those are never used. Some factors that can lead to premature menopause include: In your forties, your fertility continues to decline. Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. Most women experience menopause between age 40 and 58, and the average age at menopause is 51, according to the North American Menopause Society. The results shown for the various mixes of answers are subject to the combination of key factors, some of which are variable over time. How many more years of fertility might you have, and how much longer will it be before you start experiencing the change?. Date accessed online: Web. It is not for women whove experienced early or premature menopause (defined as periods stopping before the age of 45) ormedically induced menopause. Fatigue, poor sleep and feeling more stressed or anxious often follows. But women who had had more than three childbirths didnt go through the menopause transition later, which is what would be expected if pregnancies truly delay menopause, according to the researchers. Theres a lot of truth in that. While some symptoms (like hot flashes) are difficult to miss, others can be more ambiguous. If you have questions about when youll experience menopause and if you can do anything to change it, keep reading for answers. But, if youd rather know for sure, your doctor can confirm whether youre in perimenopause. Are you curious about what to expect on the way to menopause, and when you'll get there? You may still have follicles left at the time of menopause, but they are not sensitive to FSH anymore and their quality is also diminished. People going through perimenopause may still get pregnant, so it is important to continue to use contraception if you do not wish to become pregnant. 2017;56(4):482-486. Telephone: 440/442-7550 - Fax: 440/442-2660 - Email: info@menopause.org. As of now, research hasnt uncovered a way to determine when a woman will go into menopause, but that information could be useful in making decisions such as whether to have ahysterectomy or other invasive procedures, says Faubion. Alcohol, caffeine and smoking in relation to age at menopause. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are chemicals in our environment (pesticides, plastics, cleaning and personal care products) that can disrupt the balance of hormones in our body. Is this normal? has to be one of the most common questions posed to doctors about a host of health-related signs and symptoms, from the crackling sound your knees make when you take the stairs to the number of times your sleep is interrupted each night. Many people confuse menopause with perimenopause. Nanette Santoro, MD, director, division of reproductive endocrinology and infertility, the University of Colorado-Denver School of Medicine, Denver. Youll likely reach menopause around the same age as your mother and, if you have any, sisters. Possible contributing factors may include: Symptoms of POI are similar to those of natural menopause. The question I always ask women when they ask when theyre going to go through menopause is, When did your mom go through menopause? because that is very often predictive, says Streicher. Choose either Imperial or Metric units and fill in your details to see the results below. Go here now to learn more about how my program can help you manage menopause naturally. The login page will open in a new tab. Read on. The number of pregnancies, the number of children, and years spent breastfeeding, taking or taking birth control pills (that stop ovulation) reduce your risk of early menopause. Menopause is strongly genetically linked, so youre very likely to fall within a few years either way of the age your mother was at menopause, says Nanette Santoro, MD, director of the division of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the University of Colorado-Denver School of Medicine. Turk J Obstet Gynecol. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Bird Flu Deaths Prompt U.S. to Test Vaccine in Poultry, COVID Treatment in Development Appears Promising, Marriage May Help Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check, Getting Outdoors Might Help You Take Fewer Meds, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, Changing Hormones and Mood Swings: What You Can Do, Depression Effects on Women: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments, Cancer, Premature Menopause, and Infertility. There are many negative health consequences linked to early menopause, including a higherrisk of osteoporosis and fracture, heart disease, cognitive impairment and dementia, and early death, says Dr. Faubion. Body weight might matter, though. DOI: When should you see a doctor about menopause? Women in North America will likely experience natural menopause between ages 40 and 58, averaging around age 51. In the meantime, if you have any concerns, it never hurts to talk to your doctor about it. The age when you reach menopause is down to a complicated mix of your genes, lifestyle, and medical history. 2008;15(5):940-944. The different methodologies also makes it difficult to compare the results of various studies. Date accessed online: Web. You may like to adjust your answers in the Menopause Age Calculator to see how different lifestyle choices can impact your estimated age range of menopause. Puberty and perimenopause are similar in that they both involve hormonal changes, and the transitions can take place over several years. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. Shifren J, Gass M. The North American Menopause Society recommendations for clinical care of midlife women. ww5.komen.org/BreastCancer/MenopauseatAge55orOlder.html, menopause.org/for-women/menopauseflashes/menopause-symptoms-and-treatments/are-we-there-yet-navigate-now-with-our-guided-menopause-tour, womenshealth.gov/menopause/early-or-premature-menopause, mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/menopause/symptoms-causes/syc-20353397, womenshealth.gov/menopause/menopause-basics, Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT, No One Warned Me About the Grief That Comes With a Hysterectomy, Michelle Obama and Menopause Symptoms: How She Fought Weight Gain and Hot Flashes. The average age for menopause is 51 years. There is a range of what is considered typical in terms of when menopause can start, and the symptoms and stages that each person experiences will be different. J Thorac Dis. Some medical organizations, such as the American Osteopathic Association, refer to perimenopause as reverse puberty in women. DOI: Purdue-Smithe AC, et al. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Most studies of the menopausal transition have been cross-sectional (data collected at a set point in time) rather than longitudinal (data collected over an extended time). The other 50% is influenced by physiological and lifestyle factors. You hit the official age of menopause when you havent had a period for a calendar year. What Is the Average Age for Menopause to Start? If you arent sure whether the symptoms that you are experiencing are related to menopause or perimenopause, talk to your doctor. Cancer treatment - early menopause. Techniques such as deep breathing, paced breathing, guided imagery, massage and progressive muscle relaxation may help with menopausal symptoms. Sudden menopause from chemotherapy is less likely to occur in younger people. What is the most common age to go through menopause? Maturitas. Drug and nondrug treatments for hair loss and hair thinning around menopause were presented at NAMS 2021. While certain factors like genetics cant be changed, you may have noticed that the Menopause Age Calculator includes severallifestyle choicesthat wedohave control over. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. al. Period days are the days during which bleeding and discharge occur. Its OK to start putting yourself first sometimes! The average age of menarche (the onset of menstruation) in the United States has gotten younger for a variety of reasons, but that hasnt made women go through menopause earlier, she says. The sooner you start making healthy changes, the better prepared youll be for the years to come. Women whose menstrual cycle is less than 26 days at the age of 20-35 years are reported to be more likely to reach natural menopause 1.4 years earlier than women with a cycle length of 26-32 days. It means when you last have your Periods to the further 12 months. Download Peanut to connect with women at a similar stage in life. They will also be able to support you and help you cope with the symptoms of menopause. No liability is accepted for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of the use of, or reliance on, the information provided on this page or other damage direct or consequential. 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