I mean what else are you supposed to do when the most attractive guy you know finally gives you the time of day? They wont look as good as the color-coded bookshelves I used to have, but thats beside the point. Its not that I dont like the light, you just think differently in the dark. (Moves as if in the dark, opens a drawer. Im gonna throw it back! It was Max! After you left, I never asked how your new friends were, or how your new school was because I didnt know what to say. First Place Winner! I can totally prove it to you, but then that means Ill have to read what youre thinking out loud and I wouldnt want to expose you like that, but then again, youre asking for it. I wear normal clothes. And why on earth is-oh, its in a cast. By: Masha, Age 14, Switzerland Description: Inspired by the Drama Notebook My Name lesson. Second Place Winner By: Jessie Stevenson, Age 13, California. Id made the wrong decision. I didnt know all of the pressure that it would be. Maybe if I tell you about all the things we did, and who we used to be together, youd remember. To live, to exist and to be alive. Some of the kids pull on it, touch it, pat your hair, flood you with questions, and thats just annoying. Im just not sure the best way to approach her. You know I have bipolar. Its just little things that dont seem racist as a kid, until youre way older, and then you realise, wow (pause), the world sucks. Ever since I was a kid the way people referred to me always sounded odd. Shes no hero, none of us are, were all just dying in our own ways. Not she or he, but they. But I think they are rather nice against my fangs and surely, she would understand that. Dad, I wish you could have seen it! I cant come over tonight. (Begins to smile.) The hospital is right next to a middle school and I can see kids my age talking, playing sports, and eating pizza for lunch. Amanda sits on her sister Isabels bed. I used to brag about being fearless, but I cant imagine what would have happened if I didnt get scared that day. So then wait, are you listening? I figure I can deal with my sister when she gets home from school. By: Audrey Robbins, Age 13, Florida USA From: Ontario, Canada Description: A monologue about girls struggling with social status Genre: Dramatic. Thats right, I married my Uncle. It was a big white room. I literally cried for this movie. I am 13 years old and I live in this hospital. I have dignity and poise. Until then, Ill just sit back and enjoy the show. I was on holiday with my family. I threw him in the trash can. I swear it wasnt my fault. In the midst of the story, Arthur dies. That gooey melted-ness along with the color is just And in case youre wondering why I would need to put chocolate in my pocket, it would obviously be so I could eat it at school! Your Ticket Confirmation # is located under the header in your email that reads "Your Ticket Reservation Details". Genre: Comedic. You may have seen me at your local Walmart. For Bromden, the fog represents his escape from the reality of the ward around him. I know that nobody cares enough to judge what I look like when they have their own insecurities. Come back. A white-hot searing that bled and pussed and crusted over. Ill have no escape. Ill never get married, or have children, or finish my snake skin collection or fulfill my life-long dream of being a fortune-cookie writer. Wooo everyone goes insane. (giggles) Youll have to tell me where you got your costume, so I can win next year. Youre out of your mind if you are considering going somewhere with me. Right now, if I told you that I knew how to time travel, would you go back to that night when you got drunk and ran naked into the pond behind my house? I mean I get that its symbolic. My dad is an entomologist, so he got me interested at a young age. In this scene, she is attending her high school reunion and feels the need to defend her life choices. Alright. I ordered it from my house, but it never arrived. Yeah, I know. This is exhausting. Most of the time. Mom, I WILL. (stops moving) So, what happened? Shes mean. Starring Jessica Lange, Halle Berry, David Strathairn, Cuba Gooding Jr., Daisy Eagan, Samuel L. Jackson, Joie Susannah Lee and Regina Taylor. But she insisted that it was all just coincidence and Jessica said that she would help me cover the cost of the dress. By: Karly Anderson, Age 14, Texas, USA Description: A young adult realizes they shouldnt have wasted the moments being in such a rush to grow up. The monsters who hide curled up in a beautiful skin. Honorable Mention! Genre: Dramatic. Secondly, youve met Kathys mom, and you guys totally hit it off! Oh, just look at him, with that smile that melts me. Why cant everyone just be accepted for who they are? Darling, listen to me. Im awake. Im sorry I gave you a hard time before. Your scientists will want to work with me on this. We never spoke any words to each other til the trial! I wasnt paying attention when my mom was telling me. You both should get back to school and when you guys have left home, I will too. Do you get my drift? So many grim faces, so many doctors, so many treatments. How do I fix it, dad? Genre: Comedic, Woah, woah, woah! We were in and out SO quick and we got some good cash out of it. Its true. I literally get paid to beat up people like you. What if people start throwing things; or worse, tell everybody about my performance, and how much I sucked. 10 Monologues from Female Characters Who Care About Politics; 10 Comedic Monologues for Girls, Ages 14 - Young Adult; 10 Monologues for High School Males They Haven't Heard; 10 Monologues from Characters Who Are People of Color; 10 Monologues from Latino, Latina, and Hispanic Characters; 10 Monologue from Characters Coping With Mental Illness Oh, they always left with one of usbut never me. You only have two pencils so you have to get it back or your mother will nag you for losing it and costing her a small fortune in school supplies. Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic. What you dont know is that one fateful night I went to that bridge over the river of death, and instead of dropping my own life in there, I dropped the trappings of it. Just like that. All I know is that today, this day, is my first birthday. Gender: Female Genre: Comedic. High class rank, Honor Society every teachers favorite. Bye. There you go. Even if he tracks me down, he got no rights. That man down there, do you see him? Seeing both side of family love the boy so much. I didnt know what to do! Jessie! I dont know, but Im this dogs parent now. (A boy walks in and sits on a sofa in his psychiatrists office.) Its the good times that hurt to think about. Howard is unaccepting of her and refuses to believe that death is ever for the best. See that bowl there? But if some white mans store gets robbed, they will do everything they can to help. but, I dont care, I just need somewhere to hide. my wife! Romeo exclaims as he declares his pain to the audience. They say it is an addiction and that I am in denial. And my old childhood friend would still be kind to me. It will bankrupt us. I read the novel, but this question doesnt make any sense. You feel yourself panic, the waves getting bigger and bigger! (turns back to groom). Michael is a secret time traveler who owns a record store. College is going alright so far, but I had a weird thing happen to me today. I have been captain of the debate club since you said your first word and believe it or not, sitting here beside (pause) obvious genius like you is not exactly how I wanted to spend my time tonight. Everest, and apparently, when people die up there, they just leave the bodies. And Im not going anywhere. Act casual. In Hebrew, it means bitter, desirable, serene. My patience wears thin with you ruffians. I hear you singing at night and its very calming, but also kind of sad. HERMIA. Hes my prince, for sure but am I his princess? I know this from personal experience. Im nothing to him. By: Isabelle P., Age 14, Wisconsin, USA Description: A teen explains why they are suicidal. For real? Im the smartest of all da leprechauns. He never did. It has been a long and treacherous, unforgiving path, especially with the invention of keto diets. First Place Winner! They are as inviting as the smell of warm cookies wafting from the oven. Not only that, but I end up losing more than I win. He said he still loved me, he just didnt want to be tied down anymore and mom, I respect that and were still friends. I felt a sharp pain in my thigh, it took me a second before I had even fully realized what happened. But, as quickly as I thought those things, I asked myself, What are my chance of winning really? Like, honestly Ive never won a thing in my life. Hed ignore me when I asked him questions or shared my opinion. Something just for me? So instead, I just waited for the cops to arrive. If you lay one of your webbed fingers on my Versace blanket, you better prepare to be smashed with my stilettos. First Place Winner! Genre: Dramatic. Yeah. His lack of intelligence gets in the way of everything, and I have to act dumb with him just to make him feel better. For me its like something I want is sitting on a golden platter but I cant touch it. Is that what we want to teach? Every single aspect of it. OTHELLO. Oh, you think your life is tough, doing your homework, going to school, cleaning your room. His bloody students. Who was maybe a little too good at her job. (Long pause.) Im your sister. (Opens book and begins reading again.) I liked them at first until I looked through the lenses and realized they made my thighs look like swollen sausages, the kind they only sell in bulk at Costco. But just a little. (Pause) All right dont say I didnt warn you. Sadness filled the room when I saw it. Do you think that I could forget with people telling me every day? And no throwing them this time! Im sorry to interrupt, but what does that mean? Runnings all right it gives me something to do but itll never be like swimming. I could flex my Debate Club prowess. Jessie! (Pause) I refuse because I would rather the reflection in my mirror remain a blur. We have a team of people and an unlicensed doctor who delivers shock treatments working on her. Well, got to go. My Junior year I hired someone to take the SAT for me. Give it a rest. (Rolls eyes and slaps forehead.) The story intertwines with other unrelated people in a series of bizarre and hilarious incidents. He let you go. Second Place Winner! (angrily) We worked too damn hard to give up now! The bill that I was supposed to pay for with the money that I was supposed to win from this competition. Excuse me, yeah hi. Whats it going to do to me? The movie Losing Isaiah is another kind. The one she kept hidden in an old toaster oven in the bottom cabinet. Its not ok, its not right. That would feel sooo good. First Place Winner! (to self) Im going to drop this phone in the toilet on accident when I get home. Finds a candle. I dont like disco. (Pause) I refuse because I cant make out what new places the eyes of others are staring at. I miss my friends, my dog, my house, and even my mom. Saying hi on the way to class. Look, I really have to tell you this. Not very Devon is it? I say. Second Place Winner By: Abby S., Alberta, Canada, Age 14 Gender: Male or Female Genre: Comedic Description: 30-year-old Sam is sharing a eulogy for their cats funeral. When I got my first iPhone, I spent days glued to the screen. Money, designer clothes, loving family. And she found that, had it. Hes so strong! If I had spoken to my mother the way you just spoke to me, she should have whipped me with a leather belt until I bled. He was dying. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." (Turns back to hero) Where was I? But it went downhill in seventh grade. If I had grown up with the things you have now; the opportunities and resources that you take for granted, I would be miles ahead! And that is the story of why I am laying in a hospital bed with a full body-cast. I rest my case. And thats a lot of work on my part. They just know it, deep down, they dont feel pretty. As I watched him fade away in a hospital bed I thought for once, just once, I would have his undivided attention. Barely. They just cant take all this flavor, you know? Gliding through the galaxy, faster that hundreds of times the speed of light, I can see in all directions. Im gonna send you packing like I do to everyone else, and youll end up nothing more than a two-bit, D-list villain with an inferiority complex. Second Place Winner! By: Jordan Dittamo, Age 12, Virginia, USA Description: A mother wants her daughter to stop reading and help out around the house. I beg for this case to be dismissed before my company suffers further. Man, all they do is cry and cry and cry, twenty-four seven. Well, you might want to get some more coffee. We are what you would call a lifestyle brand. Unfortunately, the weird kid next to you saw you do it and now he wants a piece. By: Saturn Davis, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Age 17 Gender: Female Genre: Comedy Description: A heavy girl gets asked to the homecoming dance by the finest boy in school. (Laughs humorlessly) Its funnybecause I really am so tired of being alone. Not only does it pull at the heartstrings of the audience, but the subject can show off the dramatic, emotional skills of any actor. But I mean, lets be honest here. (Pause.) Weve finally met. Im, Im just going to say it. I am a monster, but Im not one of the dangerous variety. Thats when I realized that monsters truly are everywhere. O, how may I Call this a lightning? I got my bachelors, two masters, my PhD, met your dad, and then I had you. Do you really want to know what that cockroach did? I wasnt asked to do any chores, or finish my homework, and I didnt have to attend Uncle Wyatts funeral. On the way to go meet them for some morning shopping, I got a flat tire. But I swear, if I get this promotion I will be the hardest worker youve ever had. A blanket of obscurity. Ricky never really knew how to click with people quite like everyone else, I suppose. (Anya leaves the office), By: Dakota Stranger, Georgia, USA, Age 14 Description: A kid dreams of an odd encounter that has a real-world complication. If I wanted my grass to be used for a whistle, I would have made it a whistle. (Smile turns into an angry frown) Okay. No need to write to us ahead of time. Well figure it out later. Second Place Winner! What? (knock knock) Who is it? Or FAAAAST! Oh, Sadako. Skylar Morrison likes to thump kids on the head. This relatively lengthy speech is one of the most awkwardly-funny, but serious monologues about death on the list. Yes, this is an emergency. Ill just tell everyone you eat your boogers. In frustration, you offer him one, hoping no one else is witnessing the exchange. I know! After all Ive done for you; raising you, teaching you, feeding you, clothing you- you dare to talk to me like this? I will not hesitate to take it! Like when our families used to go to the beach together. If you fought well, you were guaranteed a spot in the next one. But different does not always mean bad. By: Ellyse Blackburn, Age 13, Michigan, USA Description: A casket finally finds a purpose. By: Lauren H., Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, Age 16 Gender: Female Genre: Comedic Description: A teen expresses the frustrations of being vertically challenged. HE WASNT NICE! Ricky was the bees knees, even though he was a lil too old for us high school girls. Shes scared of the ocean and her stuffing could get wet! I have five stitches. Its the reason I wear hoodies all the time, why Im so tired. Thank you. If students or adults want to perform these monologues on video, we may be interested in sharing the video performance on this page. I could never figure out the reason for it. Just from reading the plot of Losing Isaiah, I felt the film is better suited to a Lifetime movie. Tell him the truth. You dont know who you are. "Elisha is found not in his study, but in the field: not with a book in his hand, but the plough" (Hall). Oh no! You sit down, listen to my problems, (supposedly) and ask me how I feel? Terrible. Genre: Dramatic. Well, Im a prince and-believe it or not- a true god. What do I have to eat or drink. My favorite book is Platos symposiumand why you may ask? Questions? This is a TRUE story that happened in San Antonio, Texas. But he was dead. Ive always found that a nice cup of hot tea can settle my nerves. My mama needs a stair lift so she can get downstairs to the beer fridge; she hasnt taken her pills dry since her twenties! I mean just because its my first major audition doesnt mean I should worry. I dont have time for a social life. And in doing so, Ive wasted so much time and money. I have a problem. After I saw that, I kept picturing him in my imagination, frozen. People always stopping and staring. There are plenty who are, though. Im just being there to ward off any girls who want to take my man. Everyone has to face the consequences of their actions and I guess I have to face mine too, no matter what it may be. Rent $3.99. In reality, the baby . I just wish he wouldnt yell, andwell, other stuff. If you need any assistance dont hesitate to ask me. But now everybody knows about me because of Aladdin. Society every teachers favorite from this competition it a whistle where was I better prepare to be dismissed my. Left home, I can win next year know it, pat hair. Any sense a team of people and an unlicensed doctor who delivers shock treatments working on her they have own. Wisconsin, USA Description: a teen explains why they are as inviting the..., Texas may ask would rather the reflection in my imagination, frozen sometimes lose... 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