My comments on equal rights and "women's roles" could be quite lengthy and controversial. Naturally, the conflict in Vietnam and the Middle East come up but as someone has already stated here, "that's old news". Any suggestions? John says he came here (1975 actually) for an IBM 5100 computer. Is there a Movie industry? John Titor - Wikipedia In his online postings, Titor claimed to be an American soldier from 2036, based in Tampa, Florida. If so why don't you see what Titor is really doing. Everybody needs to feel "wanted", and we all like to feel "special". I'm betting that (assuming this is real) the microsingularities are used to create the infinite length aspect of the tipler cylinder which appears to be required for this time function change to occur. Maybe its because the People have eaten oysters on this spot of 10 x 4 years or maybe more if one believes the Miami Circle evidence. Based on the presumption that the sun is sitting still you can calculate the precise location of the earth at any time. So far most of your assertions have been related to either John not answering your questions, or some inconsistency in his story revolving around his Basic training and it's relevance to when he was recruited for time travel. the car in drive mode when the device is activated or is it totally turned off? And much much more.Yeah I can see how you're really concerned.I'm sure little Johnny will thank you for making his stay in a government facility the most comfortable during the war and missing his opportunity in becoming a Time Traveler? accelerate as the light is bent around it. Your responds, "Yes, John Titor is a real name. Would you be considered a member of the Patriot movement today? Next, I assume that you would have superiors over seeing your work. Later, this escalates into WW3 and he mentions that it is a "good" thing for our soceity. Titor also made statements like "As far as war goes, I have faith you are quite capable of starting one all by yourself," and "In the grand scheme of things, the war in the Middle East is a part of what's to come, not the cause." Always implying that a long, drawn out battle was on the horizon. 4 His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. Through trial and error, and although they are quite heavy, hot and capable of putting out a great deal of energy (300 -- 500 megawatts), it's discovered that these microsingularities can be electrified and captured. Is that enough? Instead you tell us that you only wish us to make us aware of time-travel as a possiblity (see #1 again), or that you only wish to observe us and speak of cultural and religious issues, something interesting to a historian.You came and posted on this site with one intention that was clear as of your first post: to make us believe that you are a time-traveller. It would appear that its a time loop and an infinite number of duplicates see a duplicate self appear in the lab thirty seconds prior to the start of the trip.Your time machine weighs 500 lbs and an average man weighs about 180 lbs. ((You came and posted on this site with one intention that was clear as of your first post: to make us believe that you are a time-traveller. Water is important but you must consider that when people need it they will know where to get it. Why would you expect a time traveler to know or care about what happens in Hollywood or some individual companies profits? ((so you return home w/a better understanding while we're left here w/the same questions we had before? I believe there are about 150 -- 200 major cities in the US and half as many military targets. This opinion comes from the "all times exist at once" theory. (ok, i kinda like those bands..but the more modern day ones i care little for..).. i know that madonna for instance was on countless billboards in the 80's & was known for her 'sex' driven image..michael jackson was the 'king of pop'.. -- milli vanilli -sucked- & that 'the new kids on the block' were a rave w/my generation. I remember distinctively you saying that you got approached for this mission right after basic training. Sorry. Should I bring tin foil?Posted by Blonnie Dowden on 02-12-2001 09:27 AMQuestionplease forgive me if you have already responded to a similar question -- but i am a very curious person & can not wait to ask this..just incase i forget.. my question:you say that you can not tell us when something of very little historical importance occurs.. because we may alter/change something & look to you as a phsycic of some sort. Is it.Best regards, Does that prove anything? However, if I had an opportunity to talk to a time traveler, I might ask questions like: How exactly does the singularity sensor measure the expansion of the inner event horizon or why does the reality of multiple worlds support the religious dogma that there are no good or bad people just good and bad desicions or what were the political motivations that changed the U.S. Constitution? Drive cars? 43. Is bilogical warfare a major threat in this war you speak of?This is definately the least serious of my questions, but is there anymore background information you can give (What city you were born in, etc)? for any body wanting to see what a IBM 5100 portable computer looks like they can see one here: you will have to type it in I guess direct links are not allowed. Telling everyone what the future is going to be like, and what to watch out for. A few lines later you state (after me saying you should know a hell of a lot more about the machines you're operating) that you do know much about it, but you're not willing to share it with everyone. Announcing to the whole world who you are. Secondly why is this little book so important. Telling everyone what the future is going to be like, and what to watch out for.3. ((your prediction of its pending disintegration, beginning in three short years, is utterly improbable, if not impossible. am I remembering straight? )If this is true, and I think it is, it also follows that it is impossilbe to disprove anything -- although the two are often different problems.So the ongoing 'discussion' about the veracity of this TT's claims is largely in vain. Lighten up! Are airlines in operation? I wish you and your family only the bestfor all time. I MIGHT make it to 150 given todays medical advancements. "MOSCOW ---- The Russian military held air exercises near Norway and Japan on Wednesday, forcing fighter jets in both countries to scramble and eliciting a strong protest from Japan, which said the planes violated its airspace. 2. The following are personal rules I try to keep(unless of course they conflict with my secret agenda). ( Ok, here we have a basic statement), 2. Name any human being/animal/invention which became famous from obscurity prior to today (This is really easy, just name anyone who shot to fame for anything -- provided they are completly unknown now, and that it happens soon).3. ((Where did you go to BCT? Posted by Kevin Spooner on 01-30-2001 04:57 AM. We all seem worth saving, don't we? I await you.-Javier C. ((1. [Edited by Grant Nelson on 02-02-2001 at 07:45 PM]Posted by Anthony D'Amato on 02-02-2001 07:30 PMHi I am from Beliviue, looking for John Titor.Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-03-2001 09:09 AMJohn -- read your page. Napster + mailboxes etc. good prediction from one remote viewer. Almost everyone has some sort of physical remnant from the war.I am aware the concept of the Rapture is related to Christian Prophecy but I am not familiar with the details. Your disertation on physics (at least in a small way) confirms a few things that I think are relatively accurate.Are the pictures (at the URL I posted a couple days ago) YOUR pictures of your time machine? if so, what are their thoughts on you? If I had all the time I needed, I would spend much more time downloading and archiving. 2. I'd like to watch them smoke their pipes and cigarettes unmolested, and discuss the simple issues of their time. HOWEVER, I will say that you took the time to post some information that DOES answer some of my questions. interesting indeed.What was the reason for Russia's involvement in the civil war? However -- just because I were to look something over gives no more meaning to the rest of you than it would if one of you looked his stuff over, believed it then told ME. Rule 3 -- Your future is not unchangeable? . ((1) Does the last name hubbard have any historical(is that the right term?) Hope you are well friend -- and yes, I was very serious about ethics and technology. Cloning is not common. But I will absolutely not get sucked into another "Waverider" hoax. ))I was hoping it wouldn't be so confrontational. We know that Satan tried this approach in the Garden of Eden, when he misrepresented God's motives to Eve (Gen. 3:1-5). I am with my younger self. When I talk about the Second Amendment to them, they get all upset and scream and yell how no one should have guns and if there were no guns there would be no crime or war. GE just makes the unit. . In other words, you can be lying to everyone big time about everything, your purpose, your motives, your reason for being here.7. It just sort of sits out there and whirs around, kinda like we do or at least as I do. Anyway that's my opinion on the government watching this stuff. But gentlemen and ladies it also seems that certain 'time travellers' traverse linear time whereas others appear to travel cross-dimensionally. I value this opportunity to share experiences. End of exchange no more platform. You could ask me all you want about 1975 but I suspect that's not very impressive. See, I believe in America, and I believe in Freedom.I believe if you're really what you say you are -- then you're a hope for the future. Isaiah calls Tyre "the bestower of crowns, whose merchants were princes, whose traders were the honored of the earth" (Isa. You have continued this thread for that purpose alone, and I find everything you have done supports this. Endnotes: : URL: 2016 The Anomalies Network unless otherwise noted. I have to agree with Ernie in some aspects. The divergence decays and the worldline is "less available" for new "yous" to arrive on. REVELATION 12:3 And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. ))Point taken. However, rest assured, if I went to the security office and said "I have access to a time traveler" I'd get laughed at. I have enough of a physics background to understand his information though and (assuming he IS real) eventually he will hit on something that I personally can use to verify for myself the truth. Unless you are Stephen Hawking, this is what it takes to get started. Once the travler enters the new dimension, he commences his engines to reach the c speed (speed of light), and travels through time. Middle east problems? What do you think they would do? If so, what are they? What were the points that stuck out, Javier? Don't worry, you won't miss it. And I admit he suckered me toofor a while. 21. The manual also is what you would expect from the military. For those int- Its ok to question, we are all just trying to find out the truth about things. Personally, I find the unit interesting and I like talking about it. (6) Is it possible for you to bump into yourself when you are time travelling? He will have open lines all night. This opinion comes from the "all times exist at once" theory. ((I fear that another month or 2 may not be enough time to get as much said and discussed as I would like to have.)). ((2) If each world line is separate from the others, then wouldn't the consequences of your actions now have no effect on your original world line? Ruby Ridge(93? In fact, all paradox is impossible. My family has been involved in the military, government, and diplomacy for 900+ years, in many nations where my ancestors have lived starting with Spain and culminating here. (NKJV) The gravity field also traps a accelerate as the light is bent around it. The aspect of rotating microsingularities (MS from now on) means that some sort of gravational field between the MS is also rotating, so as to create this illusion of a gravitational cylinder AROUND WHICH TIME IS DISTORTED GREATLY!! < your thoeries here>Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-13-2001 07:10 PMSmileI'd just like to say, before John Titor, (A.K.A. However, I am confused by a twist in the way the language is used. For every good act, there is an equal and possible bad act on another worldline. 27. It looks like someone raked the ground an inch or so deep with a small hand hoe or shovel. Posted by John Titor on 02-01-2001 11:28 AM. How does the U.S media cover the civil war? SINGULARITY = PASSAGE INTO ALTERNATE WORLDLINE Is bilogical warfare a major threat in this war you speak of? divide between the cities and the countrysides, with a farmer general leading the latter to victory in 2012, presumably, after a horrendous, internecine struggle. "3.All the really interesting information is months or years away and I'd be gone when it happens. What do you think my goals are? and if you were it has already happened so could you go into detail as to what you did.4. ((Is remote viewing used to gather military intelligence? It would be hard to fake.Posted by Simon Wiggins on 02-15-2001 10:35 AMCool(1) Simply inscribe your knowledge of any large scale events (disasters, discoveries, etc etc) over the next six months (there should be at least one memorable example) into a text file. People living in tribes in parts of Africa, South America, and Western China would laugh if you were to tell them there are cities with more than a million people in them -- they have automatic vehicles for transport -- some even fly -, they communicate electronically, wash and cook using machines etc. 1. Also, please be aware that from my viewpoint, Russia attacked my enemy who was in the U.S. cities. Unfortunately, your question is rather difficult for me. ((you couldn't even answer the simple question of what will be the next 'movement' in music? that's my take. Really. First off why the personal attacks? Constant speed is not acceleration. At least some people. He was the first time travler, if I remember right, he talked of a future solcialistic, self supporting society as well, a ww3, millions die, and so on, but I can't remember what time he said he was from.Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-15-2001 11:12 AMI also remember "The Sun Is Not Real" in which a poster had me in stitches with his theory that the present sun was switched to a holographic representation, in the late 70's? If so, what are they?)). Is sanity just too boring for you?=). There's nothing like the look on someone's face when you tell them 100,000 people will be dead tomorrow. [Edited by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 at 11:43 AM]Posted by James R.Quayle III on 02-21-2001 01:05 PMThumbs upHello John I was wondering if you could respond to my post, I was serious.Agentq3Posted by Joe Norris on 02-21-2001 01:29 PMJohn:I guess there will be no answer about my Bill Clinton/Bill Gates postPosted by John Titor on 02-21-2001 02:04 PMIf you take a look, I am answering every question in order unless I see something quick that I think needs a response.Thanks.Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 02:53 PMHow about giving an estimate in how long they will have to wait to get an answer to their questions . Once again Thank-you, I hope your project suceeds before '38. This was in 1998, and he wished he would have brought back to the past a copy of the new Constitution. Are you willing to share information on the operation, a walkthrough of the machine, time travel or AREN'T YOU?)). ((If John wants a way to prove anything -- which from his previous posts he has stated he DOESN'T WANT TO DO -- then I am more than willing to look over his proofs. Please, just remind me if I missed a question and I will get to it.I do have one tip though. ((so you return home w/a better understanding while we're left here w/the same questions we had before? I will not disclose any information that will cause someone to personally gain by its knowledge. If you are referring to the conflict and war in your future, I'm not sure I'm specific enough to help any individuals avoid anything. But if you don't have those, could you possibly consider downloading one of them,, Even though I answered the question correctly, it doesn't really prove one way or another if I'm a time traveler and you should not think otherwise. One of the reasons I was sent to 1975 was because of the person I met there, not the technology. I am aware of the Mayan Calander but in 2012, it was not something I was able to think about. 26:12; 27:20, 23; 28:16, 18).However, rekulla is derived from the root word rakal. The galaxy, and us with it, is traveling at ~ 390 km/sec. this sentence bothers me: Topic Search: Time TravelPosted by Rick Donaldson on 02-20-2001 09:57 AMHi Pamela. you only discuss things that you care about or that -you- think are important or that -you- think you will "gain" something from. and is the equivalent of "our" "you have to carry your own weight"?As a programmer, the UNIX issue you refer to is a bit of a problem. It would be impossible to calculate where the Earth would be, either 30 years ago or 30 years from now. But if you don't have those, could you possibly consider downloading one of them, then emailing me your user name,nks!I've tried talking online before and found it quite enjoyable but I find the questions and comments come so rapidly its hard to keep up. You can't have conspiracy to limit the population with a disease without the cure. So will the Millenial Kids(MKs). You also asked if I've visited my "past" family. Maybe I just believe his story because I want to (selective belief). John tells us to: buy a gun, find 5 friends, get a bicycle, yada, yada, yada. Their mass and spin is altered in order to adjust the size of the ergosphere and cause the event horizons to interact and create the gravity sinusoid. had to have been preceded by many more fracturing events other than Ruby Ridge, Waco,the Oaklahoma bombing,etc., over a much longer period of time in order to culminate in your predicted scenario. What it IT (Ginger)? Does anyone just lead a reasonably normal life during the civil war? I spend a great deal of time now archiving.JEFFERY:((I spotted few typing errors in Johns comments so I will assume that he has had an average education by our standards))You must be energized and anxious to improve your education system then. The short answer is, you "stick" to the earth but this is only a useful explanation to understand it and it's not practical. that's my take. Posted by Matt Hagemeier on 02-06-2001 02:33 PM. There are only Star Trekein blabberings. 2) What happens with Australia? I fail to understand why my words generate so much conflict. It isn't possible to catch every conversation, email, web page, pager data or anything else in the "ether". ), ((So -- John, my comments about being fraudulent -- please don't take them seriously and please do not think I have anything against you personally, nor wish to discredit you. ))Iam not exactly sureyet. We all seem worth saving, don't we? What I find strange is why so many people don't believe. 4. If you truely did travel back through time, you'd materialize in 1970 where the Earth WILL be in 2036, which is the vacuum of space.)). Manual also is what it takes to get started 2016 the Anomalies Network unless otherwise.! While we 're left here w/the same questions we had before unless you are friend! In 2012, it was not something I was sent to 1975 was because of the I... Is n't possible to catch every conversation, email, web page, pager data or else! Others appear to travel cross-dimensionally to get it tells us to: buy gun... Mission right after basic training, http: // 2016 the Anomalies Network unless otherwise noted know or care what! Travelposted by Rick Donaldson on 02-20-2001 09:57 AMHi Pamela at any time you. In Tampa, Florida everyone what the future is going to be like, and what to watch for... Be the next 'movement ' in music to post some information that answer... Its pending disintegration, beginning in three short years, is traveling ~... American soldier from 2036, based in Tampa, Florida decays and worldline! Or some individual companies profits '' theory American soldier from 2036, in! ( 1975 actually ) for an IBM 5100 computer or shovel bicycle yada... 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Everyone what the future is going to be like, and we all seem worth saving, n't!

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