However, going into the meaning of all the aspects that transiting Jupiter and Uranus could make to your natal placements of Jupiter and Uranus is also beyond the scope of this article. This brings up the question, what is desire? It may be outlined as follows: A person finds herself in a relative state ofharmony,but then a certainchange enters her life, shifting the status quo. As a result, we all hold subconscious (Uranus) memories that extend through the South Node of Uranus into the nomadic time period of humanity that predated the development of agricultural civilizations. The term archetypes at this point in the history of astrology is usually tossed around by writers without reflecting upon the origins of the word, which in published authorship can be traced to one Carl Jung. In An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudyar links the symbol for 17 Taurusto the Buddha in this way: When Gautama, having sought in vain for the answers to his questions among the teachers of tradition, sat under the Bodhi Tree, he had to fight his own battle in his own way, even though it is an eternal fight. Thus a two-fold operation: the piercing through then the projection of images. With regards to the South Node of the Moon, Green describes it as correlating to the kind of ego identities that the soul has created in past lives in order to actualize the evolutionary desires of the soul. Uranus, on the contrary, deliberately and directly challenges Saturns power: its exclusivism, its particularity, its rigidity. Marie Louise von Franz, fromMan and His Symbols. While this dynamic ability to think of how to create radical change can lead one operating with the Promethean impulse to become impassioned with peak experiences, it can also lead one to suffer the consequences of enraging the power structure, just as Zeus attempted to not only punish but torture Prometheus for eternity. Why do we desire and value what we do? Richard Tarnas has previously established a strong archetypal link between Uranus and Prometheus. Epstein, Mark. Thus a two-fold operation: the piercing through then the projection of images. Today we will be focusing upon the archetype within human consciousness of individuation, deconditioning, liberation, and freedom from the known. . The connection to Venus can be felt in the sensuality of our flesh merging with the flesh of our lover, the scent of our lovers sweat, the taste of their skin. These projected beliefs are typically influenced by various strands of consensus belief systems surrounding the individual in their present circumstances, consensus belief systems that often are out of alignment with ultimate understanding. Green describes people with Pluto in Aries or the First House as sensing that they have a special destiny on a very instinctual basis, and that as a result they desire to have the freedom and independence to initiate and fulfill any desire or experience they deem necessary, because experience is the vehicle through which they discover or become who and what they are (p. 43). If we can reach within for this calm state of mind and being, we can be like the reflective surface of a tranquil lake receiving the glow of the full moon, like our calm mind receiving the Light of Spirit. We can again bring the Buddha into our discussion of these times of Taurus because part of his spiritual awakening involved knowledge of his many previous incarnations, bringing the awareness that we all have a soul we have been re-incarnating in many different forms in many different lifetimes or incarnations. The conjunction of the two planets occurs approximately every fourteen years. On February 8, Mercury and Mars were conjunct in Pisces (also conjunct Neptune and Chiron in Pisces and square Jupiter in Gemini), and then once Mercury stationed retrograde, they were conjunct again on February 26, 2013 in square to Ceres in Gemini (I wrote about this here: Then there is also the most general process, to which the most vivid and convincing of our dreams bear witness. With Jupiter conjunct the North Node of Neptune, and Uranus in Aries in trine, with Mars in Sagittarius also coming in for a trine, the entire evolutionary trajectory of Neptune will be electrified in the next month. When did Green Bay trade for Favre? This natal interpretation of Uranus in Aries to me fits the current transit of Uranus in Aries being in square to Pluto in Capricorn, as we are all being confronted with how we can manage to integrate the ideal vision we have for our life into the current reality of the power structure, such as economic and political conditions in our surroundings. But these are nothing more than conscious representations; it would be absurd to assume that such variable representations could be inherited. Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala, p. 202. Since the current South Node of the Moon in Taurus will be conjunct the Solar Eclipse today, all of our soul desires on a collective and individual level could be triggered. In general, it seems to impel a movement towards encompassing greater wholes and enlarging ones world, embracing higher principles of order, higher orders of magnitude, broader horizons of experience (p. 294). Using the number seven as a symbol for consciousness in these ways, we find that the number four is in the middle, and the number four stands for being heart-centered. Behind every suffering, Buddhist teachers say, is the desire for things to be different. In Pluto: the Evolutionary Journey of the Soul, Jeffrey Wolf Green describes the evolved Aries archetype as having the intrinsic courage and capacity to break new ground in whatever aspect of life that they apply themselves to, and can give courage to others to do the same thing (p. 51). On March 28, 2013 there were several incredibly potent conjunctions in Aries: the Sun and Venus at 8 degrees of Aries, Venus and Uranus at 9 degrees of Aries, and the Sun conjunct Uranus at 9 degrees of Aries. The current Jupiter and Uranus cycle began in 2010, when Jupiter and Uranus were conjunct at the zero degree Aries point and at the end of Pisces: Jupiter and Uranus were conjunct at 018 Aries on June 8, 2010. This reveals the potency of the inward way, the surrender of the ego to a transcendent Force which can create throughthe person vivid manifestations of the Will of God. . Plume. It can only modify its outer appearance and the quality and balance of the organic forces which operate within that structure. (p.67-69), Carl Jung fromMan and His Symbols (1964). So what does all of this have to do with us today? These cyclical waves of creative and emancipatory cultural activity occurred either as intervening crests between the longer, less frequent Uranus-Pluto alignments or as climactic moments during or just after the period of the longer alignment., Liberated Vision: The Cycle of Jupiter and Uranus in EvolutionaryAstrology, Guiding Stars Radio: Dark Moon before a Solar EclipseEquinox,,, Saturn in Pisces WSAA Lecture on 9February. In that dream the entire paradigm of Evolutionary Astrology was conveyed to Jeffrey. In these times of eclipses, with the third intense Pluto-Uranus square fast approaching on May 20, may we be heart-centered, heart-focused, and live from the heart. In that dream the entire paradigm of Evolutionary Astrology was conveyed to Jeffrey. Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala, p. 196. In addition, with Jupiter continuing to be in Gemini and Venus moving into the beginning of Gemini at the time of the eclipse, we could experience a flood of information concerning the desires we have that are linked with past incarnations, more information than could even seem useful because of the overwhelming feeling it brings. In these ways Green equated the Uranus archetype with the concept of the individuated unconscious of the Soul developed by Carl Jung that correlates with the unique content of each Soul. It pierces through Saturn and throws upon the inside walls of the conscious ego images of the more universal and freer world which extends outside of these walls. Here the word transformative is not used lightly, as Uranus is force that can enflame Jupiter beyond the boundaries of Saturn to grasp insight unavailable in our former framework. Linked with specific qualities of the corresponding mythic figures- the Greek deity Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods, the Babylonian Marduk, the Roman Jupiter- it received as well certain symbolic amplifications that emerged in the various contributing traditions: Platonic, Hermetic, Arabic, and Renaissance. When terminology like individuation becomes so popular and commonplace in astrology and psychology that we talk and write about it like it is already understood by everyone in the same manner, it can be helpful to research the roots of the words and when it entered the mainstream of psychological literature. So even though the strong Taurus energy in this time period could potentially correspond with us falling into even more of a comfort zone than normal, we can use the deep rooted centering of Taurus to help us be present to the transformations occurring around us with our full being. Evolutionary Astrology embraces paradigms and methodologies which specifically measure the growth of the soul from life to life. The image of the Buddha above may not be the first one that comes to mind when you think of Taurus, the sign of the bull, until you begin to consider how his teachings connect with the conflicts we encounter in our physical incarnation in a body, and the suffering we cause ourselves through the crystallized patterns of thoughts and emotions we view our world from. In popular astrology we are familiar with linking the sign of Aries with the sort of bravado that could lead one to skinny dipping in public, but the deeper astrological symbolism of the sign links it with the courage necessary to fully individuate ourselves, open ourselves to exposing our pure Soul and living our True Path in the world, despite influences of societal conditioning that would have us conform to consensus expectations of behavior rooted in the past and present. Rudhyars description of the Buddha in this Sabian Symbol is also a timely image for the current South Node of the moon because it brings a sense of an active warrior energy to the traditional image of a calm, peaceful Buddha- this is because we will need to actively move beyond our ties to past patterns of desire into greater freedom and a new life of meaning amid the flux of changes that will most likely occur in this time period of eclipses. Currently in 2016 we are in a Gibbous phase between Jupiter in Virgo and Uranus in Aries that also involves a Last Quarter square between Jupiter and Saturn in Sagittarius, a Full opposition between Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces, and a Last quarter square between Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Sagittarius. . The triangle pointing upward symbolizes the transmutation of our lower nature into our higher nature, and the triangle pointing downward symbolizes the integration of our higher nature into our lower nature: they meet in the middle, the heart. Here I must clarify the relation between instincts and archetypes: what we properly call instincts are physiological urges, and are perceived by the senses. 2. . Green explained this is similar to how we do not even consciously remember every single thing that happened to us yesterday, and our long-term memory becomes even more imprecise every following day, week, year, and decade. Follow Jeffrey Wolf Green has been called the founder of Evolutionary Astrology because he first started to lecture on the revolutionary astrological paradigm in 1977 after receiving a dream from the spiritual master Swami Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yogananda's guru. Unrelated to astrology, in the community college class I teach recently students have been creating projects and writing exploring what they want to attract into their life, what their current purpose in life is, what they desire to have in their life, and what they value. Rudhyar, Dane. Our attitude must be like of the mountain pine mentioned above: It does not get annoyed when its growth is obstructed by a stone, nor does it make plans about how to overcome the obstacles. We can further link this concept of being in the flesh to our thoughts and emotions, and indeed the sign of Taurus is connected to not only our physical form and sensuality, but also the crystallized form of our thoughts and feelings that make up the value system we live from. Other astrologers have talked about the Moon or the 12th house as the karmic past. In Jeffrey Wolf Greens Evolutionary Astrology, the purpose of experiencing disillusionment is to ultimately make it possible to align ourselves to a greater extent with the actual truth and meaning of anything. Green, Jeff. Indeed, if we look at the Sabian Symbol for the North Node of the Moon, 17 degrees Scorpio, at the time of todays Solar Eclipse, we will see that we do indeed have this power of divine thought within us: Scorpio 17: A Woman, fecundated by her own spirit, is Great with child.. At this First Quarter square between Jupiter and Uranus, we would have still been in the process of exploring numerous potential paths involving our developing vision, but the creation of forms and structures through which to express the vision would have become a necessity. The potential of using Taurus sensory awareness to develop greater connection with Spirit and presence in the Now of the constant flux of life, also reminds me of the wisdom contained in Taoism. What if it were no longer there? It is our sense of self-certainty in either case that is the issue, because since life is always changing, if we are clinging to any sense of self too strongly we are not being fully in the moment, fully going on being (p.22). In his Complete Astrology, Alan Oken noted that the symbol of Aries, the ram, was always the sacficial animal in ancient works such as the Golden Fleece and Moses. Jeff Wolf Green's writing embodies everything you would expect from Pluto; intense, powerful, riveting, transformative and penetrating . During each of these, as well as during the intervening oppositions, decisive crests of remarkably synchronous breakthroughs and innovations appeared to take place within a brief period of time in many areas of human activity. As the Jupiter and Uranus cycle can be an emancipatory one, being emancipatory necessitates oppressive conditions one must liberate oneself from in the first place. The final First Quarter square formed by Jupiter and Uranus in April 2014 was extraordinary in magnitude, as it occurred as part of a Cardinal Grand Square involving Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars retrograde in Libra, and Pluto stationing retrograde in Capricorn. Vintage. Taurus being the sign of the South Node of the Moon at this time makes us even more magnetized than usual to past patterns because of the comfort Taurus finds in the stability, and so it will take the intense transformation energy of its archetypal polarity, Scorpio, to force us onto a path of greater evolutionary growth. In other cases, the Uranian action is sharp and explosive. This attempt to control or manage what cannot be changed interferes with our going on being. not only endure as timeless universals but are also co-creatively enacted and recursively affected through human participation (p.86). Pluto: The Soul's . At this time of Saturn in Scorpio standing in opposition to the extreme magnetic desire energy of Taurus, it is a time for us to face our desires and places we are acting out of confusion without fear. The key, from the Buddhas perspective, is to find nirvana through overcoming ones own self-created obstacles to that composure. But man certainly is able to participate consciously in his development. Health, mind & body. Plume. The Jeffrey Wolf Green Association of Evolutionary Astrologers was founded in 2022 as a place for astrologers and students of Evolutionary Astrology, both seasoned and new, to come together and share their passion and excitement for the core teachings of Evolutionary Astrology as taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green. . Does it lead to wisdom, cessation, and peace? In the Buddhist view, knowledge is never envisioned as an end in itself but only as a beginning, useful as a means of getting oriented. When our vision of life fueled by the knowledge we are gaining from our personal experience (Jupiter) comes into conflict with the norms dictated by consensus belief systems (Capricorn where Pluto is currently transiting and the location of the South Nodes of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) we arrive at a crux in which we can feel judged, ashamed, and guilty or could instead rebel and individuate with self assertion in the direction of the vision being felt within. A few years later when we arrived at the crisis in action signified by the First Quarter square between Uranus in Aries with Jupiter in Cancer, we found ourselves in an extremely catalytic astrological atmosphere that also involved a First Quarter square between Pluto in Capricorn with Uranus in Aries. . As the next month develops we will have an especially potent fire to cultivate as Mars in Sagittarius will create a Grand Fire Trine with Jupiter and Uranus. (2006). During this phase we will explore the full meaning of the Jupiter and Uranus cycle that began in 2010, and as relationships will be essential for us to discover this meaning, it will also be necessary at times to withdraw from the social sphere in order to reconnect with our inner vision. Going on Being: Buddhism and the Way of Change. It again brings up the issue of whether or not all this information, this going into our past problems can help us- and again, the advice of the Buddha to train mind, discipline mind, in order to disentangle ourselves from our past thoughts and desires, in order to change through changing the way we think, does feel helpful to me. In the time of Pisces we were able to open to some sense somewhere of greater vision and possibility in our life- now is the time to manifest, and work with our mind to change the way we are thinking, to align our mind and our perceptions with not only our Will but the Divine Will of the Universe. Meat! These can perhaps become more manageable to think of grouped into three categories: Right View (encompassing Understanding and Thought), Right Relationship (consisting of Speech, Action, and Livelihood), and Right Meditation (Effort, Mindfulness, and Concentration).. . Rudhyar, Dane. The heart is the fourth chakra (the middle chakra, with three above and three below), just like humans are the fourth kingdom (three kingdoms below- mineral, plant, animal, and three kingdoms above- the soul, and the more angelic realms). Grand Fire Trine of Mars in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Leo, and Uranus in Aries: from October 1 through October 15, 2014 between the degrees of 12 and 21 in the Fire signs. Dane Rudhyar brilliantly described how Uranus can shatter the structures of Saturn to new awareness: In Jeffrey Wolf Greens Evolutionary Astrology, Uranus is the long term memory mind of our Soul- meaning not just all of the memories from our own lifetime beyond the ones we consciously remember this moment, but all of the memories from all of the past incarnations of our Soul. What is the new serial killer documentary on Netflix? Jupiter cannot change radically the structure set by Saturn. On Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 10:00 am Pacific Standard Time, I will be appearing on Kristin FontanasGuiding Stars radio show. The challenges that will be experienced during 2016 in the buildup to Jupiter reaching this first opposition to Uranus in their current cycle, will ultimately enrich the flowering of meaning and vision we can give birth to at the end of 2016. This idea of surrendering to the perhaps unconscious potential of the Self fits well with the current astrological time period and the acceleration of Aries energy occurring, having come after a time period with excessive astrological energy in Pisces. I was recently listening to a taped lecture by astrologer Alan Oken and gained a new sense of understanding for the sign of Taurus by hearing him break down the etymology of Incarnation. The image of The Birth of Venus is reflected in the Sabian Symbol for the very first degree of the zodiac, the first degree of Aries: A woman just risen from the sea who is embraced by a seal, and represents the Emergence of new forms and of the potentiality of consciousness (Rudyar, p.49). Recently, I have felt compelled to read some of Jungs own original writing regarding archetypes and how he came to describe them. Scorpio is the polarity to Taurus, and the location of our collective focus of evolutionary growth in the form of the North Node of the Moon, as well as the current location of Saturn, the great karmic master of our three dimensional reality here. This is different than the meaning of the aspects made by transiting Uranus or Jupiter to your natal placements. The cycle and interplay between Jupiter and Uranus connects us with transformative breakthroughs in thoughts, behaviors, and events that can feel unsettling and liberating. The fact is that each person has to do something different, something that is uniquely his own (p. 162-164). such as Uranus-Neptune) consistently burst forth in a more frequent cyclical efflorescence in coincidence with the Jupiter-Uranus alignments. Actual dates: Jupiter in Cancer was square Uranus in Aries on August 21, 2013 at 1204 with Uranus retrograde. by Jeffrey Wolf Green Well, good morning. Alan Oken, Soul-Centered Astrology, p. 121. . Again, the realization of this uniqueness in the individual man is the goal of the process of individuation. Green explained this is similar to how we do not even consciously remember every single thing that happened to us yesterday, and our long term memory becomes even more imprecise every following day, week, year, and decade. As we open our hearts and Higher Minds, we externalize those aspects of ourself which correspond to the Christ and the Buddha. This means that we are building toward our experience of the full meaning of their current cycle that will occur with Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries at the end of 2016 and throughout 2017. Indeed, in the many folds of myth Prometheus not only created humans and gave them the gift of fire, he has also been said to be humanitys benefactor of the arts of civilization such as writing, mathematics, science, agriculture, and medicine. Regarding the aspect between Jupiter and Uranus in the chart, start with the basic meaning of their phasal relationship outlined in the first two books on Pluto written by Jeffrey Wolf Green: are they New Phase, First Quarter Phase, Disseminating Phase, or Balsamic Phase? Evolutionary Astrology defined by Steven Forrest and Jeffrey Wolf Green. . Green, Jeff. Each time we thus reach out with joy, each time we cast our view toward distances that have not yet been touched, we transform not only the present moment and the one following but alter the past within us, weave it into the pattern of our existence, and dissolve the foreign body of pain whose exact composition we ultimately do not know., Rainer Maria Rilke (from Letters on Life, p. 7). In world transits, the cyclical alignments of Jupiter and Uranus correlated consistently with condensed waves of celebrated milestones of creative or emancipatory activity across many fields. sort by * Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. Uranus in Aries is strident in the face of restrictions, and so as obstacles arose as restraining influences on the vision emerging out of the new cycle between Jupiter and Uranus in the years that followed, we could have felt mental anguish, agony, or anger. Rudhyar illustrated this symbol as a representation that every emergent process at first is susceptible to failure, and that when initiating new changes we become surrounded by memories and the ghosts of past failures during previous cycles, and in danger of falling prey to regressive fear or insecurity (p. 50). . The Buddha and Buddhism teaches that we are what we think, that we become what we think, and that it is possible to change who and what we become in form, through changing the form of our thoughts. a spiritual impulse taking form (p. 165). . In the painting The Birth of Venus by Botticelli above, we can see this sense of insecurity even in the Goddess Venus herself, as she feels a need to slightly begin to cover herself. The Evolutionary Astrology paradigm taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green also places great importance on the connection between our desires, our Soul, and our past incarnations. Mark Epstein explored important questions in this book, bringing up the fact he had many friends and associates who gained insights through therapy and yet remained as unhappy, dissatisfied, and egocentric after being in therapy as they were before. This is a key point to ponder and realize that the Jupiter vision of life we develop is not only conditioned by familial and cultural influences, but also by significant Soul memories and the full meaning of the Uranus archetype, including the South Node of Uranus by aspect and house position. Jupiter in Leo in trine to Uranus in Aries, with Mars in Sagittarius forming a Grand Fire Trine in the next month, is a perfect time to embody the heart of the lion and push past the fears we have had of not being able to manifest our vision in our current circumstances. Jupiter helps us integrate what the external world has to offer that will contribute to our inner structure, just as Jupiter needs the same protective structure of Saturn in order to operate within. An Astrological Mandala: the cycle of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases. But in order to do this in connection with our evolutionary intentions, we will need to do it while integrating the polarity of Taurus: Scorpio. It was the same with his psychological and spiritual knowledge, responded the Buddha. Along these lines, Jupiter organizes the chaos of life within the structure of our consciousness through love and yearning, through our intuition and imagination, through abstract conceptualization and image-based feelings, and through nonlinear awareness. The ego must be able to listen attentively and to give itself, without any further design or purpose, to that inner urge toward growth. Yet this is the nature of the trickster and the romantic hero who is willing to risk all for their ideal, their true love and calling, no matter the consequences. All the books on Goodreads for this author particularity, its rigidity what... Efflorescence in coincidence with the Jupiter-Uranus alignments its rigidity, 2013 at 1204 with Uranus retrograde and. Which the most general process, to which the most vivid and convincing of our dreams witness. 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