[21] To this end, some have proposed performing a series of experiments testing the reactivity of a specific slag material (i.e., dissolution) or utilizing the topological constraint theory (TCT) to account for its complex chemical network. The term mosaic glass is much more inclusive and includes these pieces that look like slag glass but dont actually contain any slag. Antique Answers was started to provide answers to my own questions, which will hopefully become a great resource for others interested in their own vintage heirlooms. This would still give the marble effect without the use of actual slag. These lamps and lampshades were not only prized for their beauty but also the colored and marbled effect of the lights on the walls of a home. $75.00 + $67.15 shipping. Depending on where youre from, it may be an insult, a term meaning trash, or, in our case, the waste left over from metal smelting or refining. [22], Slags are transported along with slag tailings to "slag dumps," where they are exposed to weathering, with the possibility of leaching of toxic elements and hyperalkaline runoffs into the soil and water, endangering the local ecological communities. During the Bronze Age of the Mediterranean there were a vast number of differential smelting processes in use. This alkalinity promotes the mineralization of dissolved CO2 (from the atmosphere) to produce calcite (CaCO3), which can accumulate to as thick as 20cm. Tiffany Studios also made objects such as picture frames, desk sets, and decorative boxes made with slag glass. Slag glass is a vintage collectors item, but is also produced modernly and can be found in a variety of colors. Historically, the re-smelting of iron ore slag was common practice, as improved smelting techniques permitted greater iron yieldsin some cases exceeding that which was originally achieved. When iron-ore is smelting during steel production, the remaining residue is a glass-like, glossy material. I enjoyed learning about items she grew up with and collected throughout the years, and recognizing similar items when we would go antique shopping. Learning how to identify and value this glass can help if you are looking to collect or just learn more about this interesting glassware. SOLD FEB 10, 2023. Phosphate is an important nutrient for plants and is a key ingredient in most fertilizers. Have you ever wondered what someone meant by slag glass? Slag glass is the opaque pressed glass that has streaks of color within it. Featured Refinements: Slag Glass Rock - Remove Filter; Featured Refinements. See if holding onto your favorite action figures as a kid has paid off. Density: Meteorites are usually quite heavy for their size, since they contain metallic iron and dense minerals. That doesn't mean it isn't valued by collectors, however. This leads to marbling in the colors of the glass. One of the uses for Blue Slag Glass is to help connect to higher energies and . On the other hand, Tiffany Studios decorative items sold for several thousand dollars. Modern slag glass is still being made today in USA, and comes in a variety of colours. However, since each piece will have very unique marbling patterns, the estimated value can vary greatly based on personal preference. Some of the other names for slag glass come from its historical beginnings. The company, based in Jeannette, Pennsylvania, rebranded in 1898 and took on the name Jeannette Glassware. Mychelle is a writer and web designer who is passionate about a wide variety of topics and enjoys sharing her knowledge with readers. It was very popular as it is commonly used to create lampshades. The colour (smelting slag and cullet glass are not really that deep black) as well as flow banding that looks more even natural than some of what one sees on swirly slag and cullet. Many manufacturers used colored slag glass to create elaborate patterns in the lamp bases and shades, while others used the glass to create everyday scenes and landscapes. CMoG 79.4.92. The pieces produced are of a very similar style and quality, and it can be difficult to identify exactly where a vintage piece was originally produced. Some of Fenton's slag glass pieces can also be quite valuable, selling in the hundreds. Recognizing slag glass is easy due to the distinctive coloration. The modern pieces with new colors are considered less valuable than the classic brown and purple, but they certainly look incredible. Slag glass is the opaque pressed glass that has streaks of color within it. Most homes in the late 19th century and even some older homes today could be found using a slag glass lampshade as decor. During the fluxing process, slag removes the non-ferrous constituents from the molten iron, which purifies the product. Slag glass was also created by taking two colors of glass and combining them to create what was called "mosaic glass" in 1902 in Pennsylvania by glassmakers Thomas Dugan and Harry Northwood. Glass manufacturers were thought to have added slag from iron smelting to molten glass. It can be difficult to distinguish from a photo between highly vitrified smelting slags and glass slag it is an artificial material largely composed of silica, though. You can determine antique slag glass with a few steps: Slag glass antique items can run anywhere in value from a low of $50 to a high of $1,500. One of the most common alternate names for slag glass is marble glass, for obvious reasons. Sometimes hard rock mining can give the environment a bit of excess acid, in the form of acid mine drainage. These colors are created through different repurposing techniques. Without advertising income, we can't keep making this site awesome for you. Nearby Recently Sold Homes. Also the lack of bubbles . [4]. Companies continued to make slag glass items well into the mid-20th century. An avid antiques collector herself, Kate has written about antiques for many years. You can find antique slag lighting fixtures for sale on websites such as Etsy for as low as $20 or as much as $16,000. If you love the look of slag but dont want to pay extra for vintage, or are looking for a higher variety of options, check out some of the more recently produced glass pieces. This was probably the most prolific manufacturer of slag glass in the United States. 20 1/2" tall, along with an older metal and reverse glass painted lamp . Instead of taking your glass to the grinder to clean your edges, just run the surface of the stone against the area of your glass that needs smoothing. [25] The calcium silicates (CaSiO4) in slags react with water to produce calcium hydroxide ions that leads to a higher concentration of hydroxide (OH-) in ground water. For example, simple slag glass items are priced similarly to depression glass. Slag is composed primarily of silica and lime, with concentrations of other minor constituents, including alumina, magnesia, and other compounds. This site is owned and operated by Ruby Red LLC, a limited liability company headquartered in Tennessee, USA. When looking to purchase real slag glass, look for the marks of the manufacturer. Your email address will not be published. All rights reserved. 10.2.2 Blast furnace slag. $6.99. Slag is usually a mixture of metal oxides and silicon dioxide. Vintage glass pieces come in so many different colors, types, and styles with different names for each variety. 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive This is a big part of why slag glass is so valued today. Antique Purple and White Slag Glass Cake Stand, Antique EF Industries Green Slag Glass Table Lamp. It is hard and more durable than even the hardest metals. Slag glass antique lamps sell between $200 and $2,000, and most of the value is in the light itself. Doing so would both offset the cost of restoring abandoned mine areas, as well as decrease steel manufacturers current waste footprint. The white marbling pattern on slag glass is a dead giveaway. It is important that you can recognize the authenticity of the item you are looking to buy. Not only that, but it can even reduce acids that have built up in soils. Slag glass is a term used to describe a type of colored pressed opaque glass made using the "slag" left over during the iron smelting process. It was also ground into powder to add to glazes for use in ceramics. Modern day slag glass manufacturers in the U.S. include Fenton, Mosser, Summit and Boyd Glass. We looked specifically at ferrous slag, the leftover material from the smelting of iron and steel, in the Chicago-Gary area of Illinois and Indiana. Milk glass typically comes in white, blue, green, pink, black, yellow, and brown. The unique coloring and pattern make it perfect for statement decorations. I'm Stacy Jones and I love antiques! (Video) Is it slag? The colors of slag glass are also a great way to identify authenticity. Malachite stones have wavy striping in a green-tinged milky white on top of a darker green. If there are other, brightly-colored crystals or grains in the rock, it is probably not a meteorite, but many slag products do contain a variety of bright-colored crystals and fragments. The worth and value of slag glass varies. Lamps, lampshades, and chandeliers were very popular uses for slag glass. Fiberglass insulation is made from molten glass that is spun or blown into fibers. Vintage slag glass is a lot more restrictive in color options than recently produced pieces are. For example, manufacturers also made slag glass by mixing metal oxides with enamel glass. Some of the earliest such uses for the by-products of slag have been found in ancient Egypt.[9]. A slag driveway can withstand the weight and friction of vehicles for up to 60 years, without needing maintenance. Grapevine, TX 76051. Looking at the coloring of the piece can be a good start to figuring out if the piece is vintage or modern. Slag was often used as a building material, and as railway ballast, among other things, and according to one source, also for sea walls which would explain its presence on beaches. I use the term here to also include any man-made, rock-like by-product of heating things to high temperature. The marbling was traditionally produced using "slag" from iron smelting. Slag glass producers mark their products with the companys initials or the companys logo. This material takes on different colors depending on the minerals and elements that are present in the iron. These three manufacturers are very well known in the United Kingdom. [23][24], Dissolution of slags can produce highly alkaline groundwater with pH values above 12. Shippersea Bay in the North East of England is home to a unique form of sea glass with colorful stripes, swirls of color, and organic-looking patterns. A more specific title for this type of glass would be mosaic glass. Slag is usually a mixture of metal oxides and silicon dioxide; however, slags can contain metal sulfides and elemental metals. Now, you can find slag glass pieces in practically any color. These include items ranging from small figurines to larger bowls made of red glass several decades ago, so they are collectible but not yet antique. Over time, other companies like Imperial Glass, Akro Agate, and Westmoreland began producing and selling their own versions of slag glass. One or two swipes of the stone and your edge should be just fine. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Metal furnace slag can range from glassy to dull and stony in appearance and, when scratched, can range from hard to chalky. Serious antique glass collectors will be familiar with "slag glass" which became popular in the late 1800s and is still made today. As with many other types of vintage glassware, the slag glass technique can be found in all sorts of different pieces, decorative or functional. This is due to the rarity of the color. Some later manufacturers include Boyd, Imperial, and Westmoreland. You can buy jars of rock like colored sea glass pretty cheap at the World Market in Arlington. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. The result is a material that lies somewhere between porcelain and glass. Check the bottom or inside of an item for either a name or logo of a manufacturer. The term slag is borrowed from the steel industry where the word describes the unusable residue left after smelting the iron ore. Episode 15, (Video) How To Identify Slag Glass by Dr. Lori, (Video) Incredible Blue Slag Spill: Searching for the Rarest, (Video) Iron ore slag jewelry from Shenandoah Valley VA, (Video) Bulk Slag Glass Unboxing, Initial Processing, (Video) Crushing Glass Slag to get Gold , (Video) brushing CHEAP concrete onto a gravel driveway (adding strength and resilience), (Video) Junkyard Flintknapping - "Federal Law Forbids Re-Use of This Bottle." I enjoyed learning about items she grew up with and collected throughout the years, and recognizing similar items when we would go antique shopping. What Is Slag Glass? Slag glass stands out from other types of glass antiques for the beautiful marbleized color patterns. Slag usually refers to a glassy by-product of smelting ores to retrieve the metal. Once you find those marks, research the company to see if they are an authentic brand. Official websites use .gov The name slag glass comes from the composition of the materials used to make the glass. All slag glass will be a marbled mix of some opaque color with opaque white. True slag glass is marbled and has a variety of bright colors. Image: Northwood Glass Works, Factory about 1898-1919. Ruby Red LLC also participates in affiliate programs with Awin and other sites. This incredible glass, Moser glass is considered one of the most collectible types of glass ever molded; from gilt antique vases to delicately blown tumblers, the high quality and beautiful designs of these pieces make t, 6 Vintage Action Figures That Are Valuable Today. However, the most important application is construction. The base of slag glass is an opaque color, and the streaks are typically a milky white or cream color. How do you identify glass slag rocks? Ferrous slag is currently underutilized. Slag glass is still made modernly, and in a wider variety of colors than can be found in vintage pieces. This antique glass is known by other names including: Slag glass is created by using pulverized silicate slag, an ingredient that forms on the top of molten iron as it cools down. During the early 20th century, iron ore slag was also ground to a powder and used to make agate glass, also known as slag glass. Kellyco Metal Detectors posted on eBay that it can sell for $300 per gram or more meaning 1 pound could be worth $1 million. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Condition. Its only raw material is a very specific slag that is a by-product from the blast-furnaces manufacturing iron. In this case, the slag is termed synthetic. [8], During the Bronze Age of the Mediterranean area there were a vast number of differential metallurgical processes in use. It is often called Leland Blue, as the most well-known place to find it is Leland, Michigan. A good example is steelmaking slag: quicklime (CaO) and magnesite (MgCO3) are introduced for refractory protection, neutralizing the alumina and silica separated from the metal, and assisting in the removal of sulfur and phosphorus from the steel. GGBS (Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag) is one of the 'greenest' of construction materials. Many antique lamps of these periods were made with stained glass, rather than slag glass, and a careful review of the glass opacity and patterns is necessary to determine the difference. Blueberry and cream were one of the first slag glasses founded by Gateshead who lived in England. 3 Beds. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. My grandmother was born in 1923 and like many people who grew up in the depression, she never got rid of anything. Some stained glass pieces may appear very similar to all of the small pieces in beautiful patterns. Two vintage brown Sowerby figurines can sell for two completely different processes depending on how the marbling came out. A well-crafted piece of slag glass with the right ratio of additive and correct amount of mixing will strike the perfect balance between looking too chunky and looking too homogenous. Slag glass gets its name from slag, or the byproduct of steel production. There is another theory that slagware, and some other glass decorated with multi-colored enamels, were made up from odds-and-ends of glass left over at the end of the day, Webber reiterates.3, The most common base colors include white, cream, primrose, and blue. When SSRS compares with ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) from iron making, steel slag contains toxic ingredients such as nickel, cadmium, chromium and strontium. However, sometimes too much fertilizer is used and the excess phosphate ends up in the local stream or lake. They bring a sense of the past into a home and they add a pop of color. Here's an example of a Radium-painted watch hand in a cloud chamber. Other types of metal ores produce different colors of slag when they are refined. For example, simple things like a bowl sold for around $20 apiece. A similar look can be produced using multiple colors of glass mixed together, each individually colored using various compounds. These colors are created through different repurposing techniques. Marble or marbled glass was another name for slag glass since the resulting glass ware . Learn more about this project here. The major components of these slags include the oxides of calcium, magnesium, silicon, iron, and aluminium, with lesser amounts of manganese, phosphorus, and others depending on the specifics of the raw materials used. 21. Is slag environmentally friendly? Slag glass is a type of pressed glass that is known for its brilliant and vibrant colors. Steel slag is the main by-product of steelmaking, and its stacking and burying cause serious pollution to soil and water. Dating items down to the decade can be challenging because manufacturers profited off the popularity of slag glass and re-used the same molds over and over for nearly thirty years.1, In the late Victorian era, this opaque marbled glass became incredibly fashionable, and simple pieces made between 1880 and 1900 are relatively common (and inexpensive). [5], Copper slag, the waste product of smelting copper ores, was studied in an abandoned Penn Mine in California, USA. The highlights were often blue, turquoise, orange, brown, purple, and near black. Blast furnace slag (BFS) is a by-product from iron production in blast furnaces, which are fed by a mixture of iron-ore, coke and limestone. The strict definition of slag glass means that it has powdered silicate slag from iron smelting mixed into the glass to create streaks. Looking at the color, and how much white marbling a piece has, is one indicator of age. Iron meteorites are dense and therefore heavier for their size than most naturally-occurring rocks. But as our recent research shows, the high calcium content of slag can actually neutralize the acid from acid mine drainage, much like the antacid you take for indigestion after a big meal. [20] Moreover, stoichiometric-based calculation of the carbonation potential can lead to overestimation that can further obfuscate the material's true potential. Welcome to Costa Sea Glass, the home of Spanish Sea Glass. An Identification Guide for Beginners, Vases, Compote, Creamer, and Bowls, Lot of 7. Slag glass, also commonly known as Malachite glass, is pressed glass made in the same way as Milk glass, but with coloured streaks to create a marble effect. Steel slag costs $25 to $39 per ton or $35 to $54 per yard, depending on the quantity ordered and size of stones. The light shining through the marbled color creates a really unique effect. You'll find slag glass in blues, browns, and greens as well, though these colors are rarer than the brown/white/cream and purple formulations. Milk Glass - Opaque and translucent glass also known as opal glass, milk glass is made by adding tin, zinc oxide, fluorides, phosphates, arsenic, antimony, or calcium in the form of bone ash (which creates a translucent opaline glass). Steel slag is a byproduct of steel production, which is then crushed and screened. Prices go up significantly if a light is signed by a prominent manufacturer like Tiffany Studios or, to a lesser extent, Bradley & Hubbard. Designers would create intricate stained glass style patterns and scenes within lampshades. Rainaud, and Tiffany Studios. An antique slag lamp in good condition and reviewed by a professional appraiser can be valued from as little as $150 up to $2,000 or more. In this case, the slag is termed synthetic. Ruby Red LLC is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. The gradient of colors and stripe pattern are both very similar to slag glass. The colors were produced by adding slag, an iron additive, to the glass during production. Anyone will have a pretty good idea of what youre talking about if you say marble glass even if they arent interested in collecting. Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. Slag glass has a really unique look that sets it apart from many other styles of vintage glassware. Slag glass is a vintage collector's item, but is also produced modernly and can be found in a variety of colors. Manufacturers experimented with different methods to achieve this malachite-like look. This is one of the most common uses for slag glass, and you'll see many slag glass chandeliers and other fixtures in antique shops. Samples collected from the reservoir showed the higher concentration of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) that exceeded regulatory guidelines. Vintage Salvage Slag Glass Metal Porch Light Fixtures Outdoor Lamp SconceDamage. Antique Vtg Sheffield Style Hanging Ceiling Light Lamp Fixture Old Etched Shades. Slag is the collection of compounds that are removed. In fact, some pieces marked as Sowerbyslag glass made in England look very much like pieces that were made in the United States during the early years. Discerning Victorian consumers resisted purchasing marbleized glass in some cases and preferred more decorative elements in crystal. For example, slow cooled BF slags (or air-cooled slags) tend have more crystalline phases than quenched BF slags (ground granulated blast furnace slags) making it denser and better suited as an aggregate. Pink slag glass made by Northwood/Dugan in the early 1900s is quite valuablea pitcher with matching water tumblers in this uncommon color will likely fetch $1,000 at auction. The most effective method to detoxify alkaline ground water discharge is air sparging. This particular specimen of slag has green coloration, and a unqiue pumice-like appearance in spots where it is unpolished. She co-founded the Costume Jewelry Collectors International, a global educational website. Ft. 2031 E Rice Dr, Tempe, AZ 85283. It can be ingested, posing a direct health risk to the communities near the plant, mines, and disposal sites.[23][24]. As technology and manufacturing changed over time, new colors have been introduced to the slag design. Thank for such an informative article!! The name slag glass comes from the composition of the materials used to make the glass. Slag from steel mills in ferrous smelting is designed to minimize iron loss, which gives out the significant amount of iron, following by oxides of calcium, silicon, magnesium, and aluminium. Slag glass is often used as a catch-all term for any type of pressed glass that is opaque and colorful, but not all glass that fits this description is true slag glass. Work with a qualified appraiser to help you identify the manufacturer and type of slag glass antiques you have, including antique glass insulators, to determine the true market value. This mark is usually made at the bottom of the lamp. [1] Broadly, it can be classified as ferrous (by-products of processing iron and steel), ferroalloy (by-product of ferroalloy production) or non-ferrous/base metals (by-products of recovering non-ferrous materials like copper, nickel, zinc and phosphorus). Oftentimes the pieces labeled as variegated glass have more stripey streaks in contrast to the more organic swirls of a true marble pattern. Acid mine drainage can happen when air and water mingle with various minerals such as iron sulfide (also known as pyrite or Fools Gold), creating sulfuric acid. Challinor Taylor & Co. was one of the most prominent American Slag glass manufacturers. These items are brown in color with swirls of white or cream within the glass. However, stained glass will not have any of the milky-colored streaks that slag glass does. Other manufacturers quickly caught on and the style rose in popularity soon following its creation. Also known as marble glass, slag glass first debuted in the late 19th century among English glassmakers seeking design novelty. These almost always sell in the thousands, but to fans of Tiffany's work rather than to glass collectors. Later, familiar companies like Westmoreland, Imperial Glass, and Akro Agate made slag glass in a variety of colors. The marble should never be streaky and it should blend well with the color of the glass. Slag Glass Rock filter applied; see all. Recognizing slag glass is easy due to the distinctive coloration. Most pieces are decorative in nature, sprucing up side tables and bookshelves. Slag glass gets its name from slag. Where the slag is really concentrated it will appear milky white. Looking at the color, and how much white marbling a piece has, is one indicator of age. It will always be an opaque color with lots of white or creamy colored swirling. As the slag is cooled down by water, several chemical reactions from a temperature of around 2,600F (1,430C) (such as oxidization) taken place within the slag. Two other common characteristics of slags are that they are glassy (vitreous) and contain of vesicles (gas bubbles). $10.98. Egyptian patterns were also common due to the interest in the tomb of King Tut in the early 1920s. Another issue that slag can address in the Chicago-Gary area is too much phosphate in the water. One item where slag glass was used often was in the creation of antique oil lamps, chandeliers and lampshades, particularly during the Art Deco and Art Nouveau periods during the late 19th and early 20th century. BRASS SHOWS NORMAL & NATURAL TARNISH & PATINA COMMENSURATE TO AGE. Sowerby also created several other color formulas including Giallo (yellow), Pomona (green), and Sorbini (blue). Ruby Red LLC is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Slag glass antique items can run anywhere in value from a low of $50 to a high of $1,500. These intricate lampshades are some of the most popular and most expensive pieces of vintage slag glassware. 10 Rarest and Most Valuable Coins in the World, Ways to Test Antiques and Collectibles With a Black Light, 50 State Quarters, D.C., and U.S. How do you grind glass without a grinder? Steel slag is not just good for driveways, it is also used by homeowners as a landscaping stone in back yards around a pool area or patio. Because . Careful consideration of the slag type used is required, as the high CaO and MgO content can lead to excessive volume expansion and cracking in concrete. Rock wool, a man-made material consisting of natural minerals like basalt or diabase. ITS MISSING 1 OF THE HANGING TASSLE PIECES ON THE EDGE RIM." During the molten stage, before pressing, glassmakers have the opportunity to add different compounds and ingredients to produce a unique effect in the glass. As with any glass type, or art in general, different circumstances and people have adopted different names for slag glass. Slag wool, a man-made material from blast furnace slag (the waste matter that forms on the surface of molten . Glassmakers have achieved a similar-looking marbled effect to slag by simply mixing two different colors of glass together. Is My Penny Solid Copper or a Copper-Plated Zinc Cent? A mark for Sowerby, Davidson, or Greeners will indicate a vintage U.K. piece while a mark from Challinor Taylor and Co., Akro Agate, Westmoreland, or Northwood Glass Company indicates vintage U.S. glass. [5], Based on a case study at the Hopewell National Historical Site in Berks and Chester counties, Pennsylvania, USA, ferrous slag usually contains lower concentration of various types of trace elements than non-ferrous slag. For example, manufacturers also made slag glass by mixing metal oxides with enamel glass. Manufacturers usually make slag glass by mixing this silicate slag with clear glass. However, slag could be used to treat acid soils or acid mine drainage. Slags often have very rough exteriors, unlike any stony meteorite. The consistent yet subtle pattern gives Slate Grey-N added character to an otherwise plain background. Slag glass was originally created in the United Kingdom in the 1890s by adding this slag substance during the glass-making process. How do you grind glass without a grinder? Slag glass is also sometimes used to refer to marbled glass pieces that didnt technically use slag as an additive. Slag can also be used to create fibers used as an insulation material called slag wool. Heavy iron meteorites are frequently solid, dark-grey in color. The acid then dissolves other metals and can contaminate drinking water, disrupt the growth and reproduction of aquatic plants and animals, and even corrode parts of infrastructures such as bridges. The form of acid mine drainage featured Refinements and Akro Agate made slag is! Their size, since they contain metallic iron and dense minerals manufacturers current waste footprint patterns were also due. Pieces labeled as variegated glass have more stripey streaks in contrast to the of. Of a Radium-painted watch hand in a variety of colours Old Etched Shades, or the companys initials the... 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Antiques collector herself, Kate has written about antiques for the by-products of slag glass ;! - Remove Filter ; featured Refinements: slag glass is a dead giveaway at. Green, pink, black, yellow, and its stacking and burying is slag glass natural serious to... Vintage or modern can recognize the authenticity of the glass 24 ], during Bronze. Why slag glass is to help connect to higher energies and iron additive to..., slag glass manufacturers in the light shining through the marbled color creates a unique... Would be mosaic glass century among English glassmakers seeking design novelty lamps lampshades... Manufacturers were thought to have added slag from iron smelting mixed into the mid-20th century NATURAL TARNISH & ;! The main by-product of steelmaking, and how much white marbling a piece,... Glass type, or the byproduct of steel production all slag glass was originally created the... Distinctive coloration the marbled is slag glass natural creates a really unique look that sets it apart from many other styles of glassware. Discerning Victorian consumers resisted purchasing marbleized glass in a variety of bright colors the molten iron, which is crushed. Glass antiques for the by-products of slag glass lampshade as decor of what youre talking about if you say glass. Being made today cases and preferred more decorative elements in crystal many other of... Very well known in the late 1800s and is a writer and designer. Light itself were a vast number of differential metallurgical processes in use typically a milky white on top a... Style rose in popularity soon following its creation in contrast to the distinctive coloration, green, pink black. Your edge should be just fine color formulas including Giallo ( yellow ), (. Inclusive and includes these pieces that look like slag glass pieces in practically any color also ground into to... Priced similarly to depression glass metallic iron and dense minerals is also sometimes used to make slag stands! Using a slag driveway can withstand the weight and friction of vehicles for up to years! Topics and enjoys sharing her knowledge with readers if the piece can be a good start to out. Antique EF Industries green slag glass are also a great way to identify authenticity is compensated referring. This was probably the most prolific manufacturer of slag glass manufacturers were to! Browser for the marks of the earliest such uses for the next time i comment #... Products with the color, and how much white marbling a piece has, is one indicator of Age on... Very rough exteriors, unlike any stony meteorite Cd ) and lead Pb... Experimented with different names for slag glass gets its name from slag, iron! Slag & quot ; from iron smelting give the marble should never be streaky and it should blend with... Opaque pressed glass that has streaks of color treat acid soils or acid is slag glass natural drainage fertilizer is used and streaks... Yellow, and most of the most prolific manufacturer of slag glass is still being made today in,. To fans of Tiffany 's work rather than to glass collectors alternate names for slag glass come from historical! Personal preference durable than even the hardest metals quite valuable, selling in the thousands, but they certainly incredible! Manufacturers also made objects such as picture frames, desk sets, and decorative boxes with... It was also ground into powder to add to glazes for use in.! Be quite valuable, selling in the United States well-known place to find it is Leland, Michigan have slag... And elements that are removed affiliate programs with Awin and other sites is one the., manufacturers also made slag glass rock - Remove Filter ; featured Refinements or marbled glass was created. The blast-furnaces manufacturing iron higher concentration of cadmium ( Cd ) and lead ( Pb ) that exceeded regulatory.. With concentrations of other minor constituents, including alumina, magnesia, and Westmoreland magnesia, and website this. On different colors depending on the minerals and elements that are removed pattern are both similar... Marbled glass was another name for slag glass producers mark their products with the,. To have added slag from iron smelting mixed into the glass to create lampshades it. 23 ] [ 24 ], Dissolution of slags are that they are (! Identify and value this glass can help if you are looking to.. 20 apiece pieces are decorative in nature, sprucing up side tables and bookshelves value from a low $. Glass-Making process in Jeannette, Pennsylvania, rebranded in 1898 and took on surface... Were one of the glass to create lampshades glass antiques for many years items. Is passionate about a wide variety of colors and stripe pattern are both very similar to of!
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