color: #ffffff; .card-body.focus-height{ For questions, contact Shannon Bauman at display: flex; Generate income while getting your new development project entitled with the established car wash and living unit. They also conduct site-specific plan reviews associated with all of the above. .card-text:last-child { However, codes stipulating setbacks and manure limits exist and apply to all horse property. */ position: relative; .card-body.dkblue{ The London Planning Commission has the responsibility of reviewing plans for proposed developments and subdivisions while keeping the long-term vision of London } .right {text-align:right;} Its primary role is to consider how land use decisions affect the County. .card-title { ]]>*/, Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP), Friends of Gilpin County Community Center, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Trash Transfer Site, Recycling, Slash and Logs, 2023 Commissioners' Districts Redistricting, Resolutions, Ordinances, and Public Health Orders, Residential Emergency Phone Notification Sign-up, Historical Preservation Commission Meetings, Recreational Sport Shooting Collaborative. } .card { .region-content :not(.region-footer) .paragraph .paragraph__column .paragraph__column--container-wrapper .paragraph--type--card-basic .paragraph__column .paragraph__title .field--name-field-card-title {font-size:.9em;padding-left:5px;} [CDATA[/* >*/ The State of Colorado is committed to providing equitable access to our services to all Coloradans. The Planning Commission is also responsible for the enforcement of existing zoning and health codes as well as providing accurate maps to the public regarding zoning, flood plains, roads, etc. Oct 2021. } position: relative; position: initial; WebThe Operable Unit 5 Update - February 2023 has been added to the state's Clear Creek Superfund Site website. background-color: #6cbf49; .card-img-bottom { 24-6-402(2)(c), Notice is hereby given of the following described Have a question? ]]>*/, Deputy Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP), Friends of Gilpin County Community Center, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Trash Transfer Site, Recycling, Slash and Logs, 2023 Commissioners' Districts Redistricting, Resolutions, Ordinances, and Public Health Orders, Residential Emergency Phone Notification Sign-up, Historical Preservation Commission Meetings. GILPIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Agenda August 10, 2021 Pursuant to C.R.S. } .card-subtitle { 499 0 obj
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144 0 obj
<. .card-body.dkblue{ height: 100%; .header__logo--image {max-width:175px;} border-top-right-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px); } background-color: #fff; } .card-title { Department InformationWe serve all Colorado residents in their everyday lives. .row.display-flex > [class*='col-'] { } The planning team also helped the community see the positive side of development. All requests for subdivision exemptions, variances, rezones and special user reviews must be through our online portal. } Our ongoing accessibility effort works towards being in line with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.1, level AA criteria. Their powers and duties are prescribed by state statue. } } Address Address 1 Frank H Ogawa Plaza Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Oakland, CA 94612 Phone Numbers Phone: (510) 238-7354 Email Address Business Hours Commission meetings take place twice a month, on Wednesdays, 6:00 pm. Quick BLM Facts 1,573 records of mining claims on public land managed by the Bureau of Land Management. margin-top: -0.375rem; Encourage a mix of Residential & Commercial uses; 2. } .card-img, width: 100%; Click here to discuss ideas with others in the planning community. font-weight:500; } /*-->/Uvy[D)U,0$WJ/EYpp.yY>>x%NEcqaX@
chUg)2ukQsg"Pt&t)|$6~]nu?S-wPg?S{7^m)m6'X(_td[s=?Nk. width: 100%; background-clip: border-box; position: initial; width: 100%; .card-subtitle { .region-jumbotron {background:#fff;} .view-article-blocks .views-row .views-field-created {color:#444;} $1,200,000.