The country tag of the country you wish to add Revolutionary Zeal to. Specify a negative value to remove Republican Tradition. If no country tag is specified, the country you are currently playing as will become the owner of the specified province. This console command sets the religious school for the country with the specified country tag. If not specified, your current country will be affected. Optional. If this is not specified, the country you are currently playing as will be affected. For example, 'commandlistfile.txt'. Optional. By studying these numbers and patterns, youll get a better understanding of the games AI. invest [investment id] [province id] DLC: Dharma. If not specified, this will default to the country you are currently playing as. This command changes the owner of the specified province and also makes it a core of the country with the specified country tag. The amount added is equal to the number specified, admiral [fire] [shock] [maneuver] [siege] [, This command will start the disaster with the specified ID within the country you are currently playing as. This command kills the consort of the specified country. Instead, you need to go in with a very specific strategy. If those hotkeys aren't working for you, or need more help with using the console, see our console guide. For a video game rooted in deep history, becoming part of such an important cultural force is downright awesome. Europa Universalis 4 is one of the most rewarding games you can play. If this is not specified, the country you are currently playing as will be affected. This command will make your current country surrender. This console command will spread the revolution to the province with the specified ID. Its a pretty straightforward goal, but its also one of the most difficult alliances to achieve. The amount of spy network points to add. The tag of the country you wish to change the amount of favor for (the amount of favor towards your country, that is). Now that you know a bit more about why youd want to join the Holy Roman Empire, lets dive into what youll need to do. All crash dumps older than the specified amount of days will be deleted. If specified, the country with this tag will have their army reevaluated. The country tag of the country you wish to become a subject. This command prints statistics to the game.log file. This command prints a specified amount of random RGB (color) values to the game.log file. This command can be used to increase or decrease a specified country's prestige. If you do not specify a country tag here, the first specified country tag will be annexed for the country you are currently playing as. The country tag of the country you wish to end the mission cooldown for. The tag of the country to make the revolution target. Use the tag command to resume playing again. If the two specified countries are already integrating, this command will instantly complete the integration process. A joke command - prints the joke response 'No help for you' to the console. This command will enable victory cards in singleplayer mode. This command resets the personal deity of your current country. The tag of the country you wish to add to your interest. It will cause your capital to be moved into the captured HRE province. That part is less surprising: just as in real life, you can expect to ally yourself with someone who dislikes you! This command will start the disaster with the specified ID within the country you are currently playing as. If the province is already a center of trade, its level will be adjusted to the specified level. meritocracy [amount] [country tag] DLC: Mandate of Heaven. The name of the file, placed in the game's Documents folder (Documents/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis IV), that you wish to run all commands within (with extension). Note that they should be of the Reformed religion (as otherwise there is no fervor to add or remove). If not specified, the leader will be spawned into your current country's military. 1 for level one, 2 for level two, and 3 for level three. This cheat sets the age of your country's consort to the specified amount of years. The level to set the center of trade in the specified province to. The name of the faction you wish to add. The colonized province will become a core with the province's original characteristics (like religion and culture). The tag of the country you wish to add or remove administrative power to/from. The ID of the Shinto incident you wish to start. Age of Empires Cheats. you can use " set_in_empire" on a province to add it to HRE. The ID of the province to set the missionary progress for. The ID of the province you wish to change the base tax of. Province manpower is base manpower * manpower efficiency * local autonomy. The name of the actor, or mesh you wish to spawn. doom [amount] [country tag] DLC: El Dorado. Optional. If you don't specify a country tag, the administrative power will be added to the country that you are playing as. add_prosperity [province id] [progress %]. If not specified, the country you are playing as will be affected. Specify a negative number to remove points. Specify a negative number to remove. This command reloads all strait vertex buffers. This is a debug command. But given OP owns most of england and large parts of france. This will print price information to the game.log file. If executed with a command as an argument, help for that command will be printed to console. EU4 Console Commands: 226 Europa Universalis 4 Cheats, Stellaris Console Commands: 201 Easy-To-Use Cheat Codes, Best Graphics Card for Gamers and Video Editors 2022, Best Antivirus for a Gaming PC: TOP 7 Softwares in 2022. If not specified, the country you are currently playing as will be affected. The ID of the province you wish to upgrade to a center of trade (and/or adjust the level of). The amount of absolutism to add to your (or the specified) country. Specify 'open' here to open the specified window, 'close' to close it (no quote marks). The country tag of the country that you wish to find out the neighbor status of (whether or not the country you are playing as is a neighbor). 'echo test 123' would print 'test 123' to the console. Click on the name of a command to visit its command page for more help and examples. The second reason is a bit more strategic. This command makes the specified country the game's 'revolution target'. See argument information for help with CID Type and Index. A number. Names: Optional. The ID of the achievement you wish to test. This command enables and disables (toggles) the visibility of debug information. Hover over a cheat code to view detailed argument explanation. emperor of HRE) then add it as that tag. The country tag of the country that you wish to send the insult to. Hover over a cheat code to view detailed argument explanation. This command causes all spies belonging to the specified country fail. This command improves a country's opinion of another country by 100. If not specified, the liberty desire of the country you are currently playing as will be changed. The country tag of the country you wish to start a golden age within. The amount of sailors to add to the specified country. This command prints information about diplomatic relations to the game console. Institution IDs: The country tag of the country you wish to make all belonging spies fail. Click on the name of a command to visit its command page for more help and examples. The amount of random colors (RGB values) to print to the game.log file. The ID of the idea group you wish to add. The first country tag is for the country you wish to clear the aggressive expansion towards. This debug command copies the version number of your Europa Universalis IV installation / game to your clipboard. This command will make you play as (switch to) the specified country tag. The threshold for classification of a country as an island. The admiral's Shock rating, a number from 0-6. Optional. imperial_incident [imperial incident id] DLC: Emperor. Specify a negative number to remove money from the Curia Treasury. Powers are administrative, military, diplomatic, etc. The amount of administrative power you wish to add. See argument information for subject types and IDs. This command reloads the game's heightmaps. Specify a negative number to reduce Revolutionary Zeal. This is a debug command, it is used to debug canals within the map. If not specified, they will be added to the country you are currently playing as. change_culture_court [court member id] [culture id]. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Specify negative numbers to reduce reform progress. This command sets the AI's invasion target to the province with the specified ID. The ID of the province you wish to claim for your current country (or another country if you specify a country tag after). Despite the manic schedule, he finds plenty of time for books, comics, movies, and video games. If a heir already exists, this command will replace the heir with a new heir. See, This command adds the specified idea group to your country, or the specified country tag. The country tag of the country you wish to make a protectorate (the county that will be controlled and protected). The ID of the province you wish to win the siege for. This command will add 100 Papal Influence to the country with the specified tag. The name of the newly created galley flagship (i.e. This command claims the province with the specified ID for either your current country, or the country with the specified country tag (if you specify a country tag). If the province isnt bordering a HRE province, you could string add provinces until it is bordering and then return them. The tag of the country to add the sailors to. This command removes a claim a specified country has made on a province. The ID of the province you wish to spread the revolution to. There is no way to specify another country tag/amount - use the tag command to switch to another country and use this command to add splendor to another country. This debug command will highlight all provinces that would be classified as an island under the specified threshold (as in, those that the 'Province is on an island' condition would apply to). reichsreform / emperor_reichsreform (Call for Reichsreform), reichsregiment / emperor_reichsregiment (Institute Reichsregiment), hofgericht / emperor_hofgericht (Reform the Hofgericht), gemeinerpfennig / emperor_gemeinerpfennig (Enact Gemeiner Pfennig), landfriede / emperor_landfriede (Ewiger Landfriede), erbkaisertum / emperor_erbkaisertum (Proclaim Erbkaisertum), privilegia_de_non_appelando / emperor_privilegia_de_non_appelando (Revoke The Privilegia), renovatio / emperor_renovatio (Renovatio Imperii), emperor_reichsstabilitaet (Absolute Reichsstabilitt), emperor_landsknechtswesen (Create the Landsknechtswesen), emperor_reichstag_collegia (Establish the Reichstag Collegia), emperor_expand_gemeiner_pfennig (Expand the Gemeiner Pfennig), emperor_rechenschaft (Embrace Rechenschaft Measures), emperor_imperial_estates (Curtail the Imperial Estates), illius_qui_se_pro_divini (Illius Qui Se Pro Divini), apostolicae_servitutis (Apostolicae Servitutis), immensa_aeterni_dei (Immensa Aeterni Dei). This command prints information about the game's texture usage to the console. If you specify a country tag, the consort will be added to that country. But once you're firing on all cylinders, the game experience is unforgettable. This console command adds the specified amount of Revolutionary Zeal to the country with the specified country tag. This command will change the mode of the game map to the specified map mode. The amount to set the Chinese Emperor's meritocracy to. This command starts the integration process of one country into another. For example, commands.txt. add_to_curia_treasury [amount] DLC: Emperor. See argument information for religion IDs. The country tag of the country that declared the casus belli (the other country involved in the casus belli). Own_core [province ID] [tag] and debug_mode are the ones you will need. When a province is assimilated, ownership is switched over (to the assimilating country), it is cored, and both its culture and religion are changed to that of the assimilating country. The country tag to add trust to (trust is added from the country you are currently playing as). This command changes the owner of a specified province to the specified country. This command will add the specified amount of army tradition to a specified country tag. insult [country tag] [country tag] [insult id] DLC: Dharma. The tag of the country you wish to add a colonist to. The ID of the court member you wish to change the culture of. This command ends the cooldown that limits how soon a country can start another mission after cancelling a previous mission. incident [shinto incident id] [country tag], insult [country tag] [country tag] [insult id], religious_school [religious school id] [country tag]. If you do not specify a country tag here, the consort within your current country will be killed. The amount of devastation you wish to add the to aforementioned province. This console command sets the age of your ruler to the specified amount of years. This console command will run the commands within the file with the specified name when the game year hits the specified year. The country tag of the country you wish to protect/control the other specified country tag. Optional. Use clr_flag to remove. Specify a negative number to remove prestige. A number. Press the up or down arrow keys to traverse through previously executed commands. Why take this weird steps? Note that, like the reset_migrate command, this only ends the current cooldown in place, a cooldown will be applied again when you next cancel a mission. This command adds the specified amount of government ability points to your current country. The tag of the country you wish to add or remove fervor from. This command toggles (enables and disables) the games self-learning AI (artificial intelligence). Specify a negative number to remove. The tag of the country that should no longer class the specified province as a core. remove_trait [ruler trait id] DLC: Rights of Man. Specify a negative number to remove doom. If not specified, the country that you are playing as will be affected. EUIV: AAR's, Let's Plays, and Fan Fiction, EU IV: Alternate History Short Story Contest Contr. All rights reserved. This command will end all wars the specified country is engaged in. The country tag to add spy network points to. Use the command 'combat_dice -1' to restore normal functionality (random). This cheat adds 10% patriarch authority to the country with the specified tag. This command sets the base tax (multiplier) for the province with the specified ID to the specified value. NOTE: This command will only end wars the country is the aggressor or defender in, not wars they are assisting in (e.g. The country tag of the country the Chinese Emperor you wish to change the meritocracy of belongs to. I would suggest creating a mod instead of meddling with the files directly. Stellaris Console Commands This command reloads the game's trade winds. This is a toggle debug command. First, you conquer a province within the HRE without directly attacking the owner. If you do not specify a country tag, the incident will start in the country you are playing as. Optional. This can all be observed by using a special map mode by writing "mapmode aihre" in . The country tag of the country you wish to permanently claim the specified province for. Give yourself an owned core in the HRE, give away your land not within the HRE, so all your stuff is inside the HRE. annex or . See argument information for the game IDs (0-3). Specify negative numbers to remove imperial authority. After completing a PhD in English, he started teaching by day and writing by night. The ID of the province you wish to change the base production of. This console command reshuffles bribes for all parliament seats. The country tag of the country you wish to annex. This command restarts the debug timer. You use the console to add_opinion with the Emperor and add them manually. Specify a negative number to remove base unrest. This command sets the Chinese Emperor of the specified country's meritocracy to the specified amount. Negative numbers reduce diplomatic power. This console command adds the reform with the specified ID to the Holy Roman Empire. The amount of innovativeness you wish to add. EU4 Cheats is a searchable list of all EU4 Console Commands for the lastest version on Steam (PC and Mac). Optional. This command can be used to increase or decrease inflation within a specified country. The amount of progress the country should have towards harmonization - a number between 0 and 100 (e.g. This command can be used to discover the capital of the specified country for a specified country. See argument information for court member types and culture IDs. The leader's Fire rating, a number from 0-6. The ID of the estate agenda you wish to start. This command enables debug tooltips meaning country tags, province IDs and border distances will be shown to you when you hover over locations in the game. Estate IDs: The amount of loyalty you wish to add to the specified estate. The amount of reform progress with you wish add. This command makes one country protectorate another. Reform IDs: The ID of the Golden Bull you wish to give to the current pope. Negative numbers will decrease absolutism. Optional. If you do not specify a country tag as an argument, the country you are playing as will assimilate, otherwise, the country with the specified tag will assimilate the province. The tag of the country you wish to have the first specified country integrated into. Optional. If a country tag is specified as a second argument, absolutism will be added to this country. The amount of favor you wish to add. Terrain ingcognita is the hiding of unknown (i.e. This command enables Great Power Frenzy. The ID of the insult you wish to be sent. (can be negative) example: cash 999999 (adds 999999 ducats). The tag of the country you wish to kill a cardinal within. The name of the trigger that you wish to assert. Optional. I tried using the 2nd one. The tag of the country you wish to be the aggressor (start the war). Though EU4 has been out for a while, players are still discovering all the secrets for joining the Holy Roman Empire. The amount of corruption you wish to set for the target country - note that this will set the country's corruption to this value, not add this to the existing amount. This debug command initiates a forceful reevaluation of all planned army movements by the AI. The tag of the country you wish to integrate into another. If a country tag is specified as an argument, this command will apply to the country with that tag. Now thats a complicated topic. Specify a negative number to remove inflation. The admiral's Siege rating, a number from 0-6. This command will print a list of global flags to the console. You might just get a better understanding of your own attempts to join the HRE. The tag of the country you wish to make the owner of the specified province. This command forms a union between the two specified countries. This console command will clear all government reforms for the country with the specified country tag. This command sets the base production efficiency (multiplier) for the province with the specified ID to the specified value. That should make them your vassal without taking up a slot. If not specified, your current nation will be affected. This command shows the modifier values (boosts, etc) for the specified province ID. This command enables and disables (toggles) the visibility of vertex textures in the game map. This command kills the heir of the specified country. age_consort [years] [country tag] DLC: Rights of Man. If not specified, this will be the country you are currently playing as. The command makes the specified country the march of the second specified country. To find out the CID type of a faction, enable debug_mode, switch to a country that the faction is a rebel to and head to the "Stability & Expansion" tab of the Country View menu. Eu4 console commands By Usefull Eu4 console commands (I will try to update the guide so it covers most of the Eu4 cheats and many variations of them) Started: 29/8/2019 3 Award Favorite Share General Cheats cash (add ducats). If specified, the country with the specified tag will have their liberty desire modified. The country you were playing as before will be controlled by AI. The progress to set for the missionary, a number between 0 and 100 (0 = 0%, 100 = 100%). If you specify a second country tag, the consort will be of that nationality. This command can be used to change the religion of either a country or province, specified by a country tag or province ID. The language tag of the localisation file you wish to reload (e.g. The country tag of the country you wish to discover the capital. The amount of humans you wish to add to your current country. The amount of diplomatic power you wish to add. Optional. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). This command enables and disables (toggles) terrain incognita. If not, it will be your country. If not specified, you will be granted the maximum amount of government ability points. This command kills a random leader (from any country in the game). Common commands you might consider using include: fow - Removes the fog of war. This is a debug command - it will validate all events (and won't trigger them). Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. For example, entering 3 here would mean all crash dumps made more than 3 days ago would be permanently deleted. The ID of the casus belli you wish to remove. If not specified, the country that you're currently playing as will be affected (provided it is Buddhist). If not specified, the admiral will be added to the country you are currently playing as. This is a toggle command that turns instant colonization on and off. The country tag of the country you wish to add the specified amount of money to. The date you wish to set the game date to. The ID of the unit to spawn in the specified province. The ID of the province you wish to set the AI's invasion target to. This command adds the specified amount of humans to your current country. This command makes the province with the specified ID become a backer (in support) of the current issue that is running in parliament. Ever since its release in 2016, Stellaris has captured the imagination of many gamers. 'combat_dice 3' would mean the combat dice would always land on 3. Optional. This command will refresh the values on the performance calculator (this command is untested by EU4Cheats, so may not work as intended). The ID of the issue you wish to add to parliament. The ID of the trait you wish to add to your ruler. Wondering how to join the HRE in EU4? This console command starts the estate agenda with the specified ID. This command prints a list of all countries and their general ideas to the game.log file. The country tag of the country you wish for the opinion to come from. This command will copy to your clipboard all timer info. Is there a command that allows you to join the hre? HOI4 Console Commands Even 5 months later I don't think there is a command to add provinces to the HRE. Specify -1 here to revert the combat dice to normal (making it random again). event [event id] [country tag] [option id]. The amount of war exhaustion you wish to add. Specify negative numbers to remove piety. This command adds the specified amount of money to the Curia Treasury. Optional. Ultimately, he lives his life by the philosophy of the Rocky Horror Picture Show: "don't dream itbe it! Optional. religious_school [religious school id] [country tag] DLC: Cradle of Civilization. The country tag or province ID of the country/province you wish to change the religion of. This command enables and disables (toggles) the collision box debug information being drawn on the screen. But type help at the console and see if there's a command that I missed. The message that you wish to print to the console (can include spaces). If you do not specify an amount, the default amount is 100. This command ends the cooldown that limits how fast you can migrate. Optional. If you do not specify a country tag here, aggressive expansion from all countries for the first specified country will be cleared. The Europa Universalis IV console can be opened by pressing one of the following keyboard hotkeys: `, ~, SHIFT + 2. Specify a negative number to remove favor. The province must be part of a colony. This console command will run all of the commands within the file with the specified name. If mission completion for the specified mission ID is enabled, typing this command will enable it. The stability key, idea group key, or tech key you wish to add to a country. The first reason, though a shallow one, is that its pretty damn cool. This debug command will debug your game's save system. Specifying a country tag as a second argument will result in this command changing the age of that country's ruler. Optional. With our guide by your side, youll be able to join the Holy Roman Empire in no time. This command makes the specified province no longer a core of the country it belongs to. The country tag of the country you wish to add/remove piety from. This command adds the specified amount of levels in all technology types (for your current country). should be a button to add a province. And you can't add non core provinces to the HRE. The only thing that I can think of to accomplish this is consoling ownership to you, adding province to HRE, and returning it to the original owner. The ID of the province flag you wish to clear. add_republican_tradition [amount] [country tag]. Specify a negative amount to subtract. This command adds the specified amount of innovativeness to the country with the specified tag. you can use " set_in_empire" on a province to add it to HRE. If you love good strategy games, its a hell of a time to be alive. The ID of the character to pass to the event. This command spawns the unit with the specified ID within the province with the specified ID. This command enables and disables (toggles) god mode. Since 1.21, for nations to want to join the HRE, they need to be threatened enough by another nation, and be weak enough compared to the threatening nation. Long time plater first time cheater. The tag of the country you wish to add the diplomat enroute to. See argument explanation for estate IDs. When i use add_reformlevel it crashes the game, you need to add the [], for the first one add 100 so that you can pass the reform pretty easy, second one might just add 1 and see if it progress to next reform, never done it but these should be commands. This command reloads the GUI (HUD elements) of the game. 2 would add 2000 manpower). The amount of fervor you wish to add. The amount of liberty desire you wish to add to the target country. Optional. The ID of the province to set the flag for. For example, its rare to see a minor AI country join up with the HRE. This command will reload all regions on the map - useful for debugging and fixing bugs. Any keys that are unlocalized will be saved to the games log file (at Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\logs). Note that this does not add the specified amount of corruption to a country - it sets the corruption to the number entered. This command disables Great Power Frenzy. Specify a negative number to subtract. This command changes the song currently being played (in-game music) to the next song queued in the playlist. Valve Corporation. This command can be used to increase or decrease the imperial authority of a specified country's emperor. You need to tag switch to the owner of the province or temporarily give the province to someone (e.g. Synthetics is an easter egg state that can only be created through this console command. tributary [country tag] DLC: Mandate of Heaven. leader [fire] [shock] [maneuver] [siege] [country tag]. Specify a negative number to remove progress. This command adds the specified amount of mandate to the country you are currently playing as. This console command adds the specified amount of unrest (advancement) to the specified faction.
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