Trust in God's Word Deborah trusted in the word of God. Deborahs prophesy was fulfilled in that a woman did indeed defeat Israels enemy. When the Israelites came at Sisera with 10,000 men, Sisera fled. The story of Jael in the Bible is short but it is power-packed with lessons about spiritual warfare. II Kings chapter 4, where we find her story, is also the haftarah portion which corresponds to parshat Vayera which tells of the miraculous birth of Abraham and Sarah's son Isaac as well as the binding of Isaac.There are at least three clear parallels: hospitality, a prophecy to a barren woman that she will bear a son, and the near-death experience of that son. Deborah agreed, but prophesied that the honor of defeating Jabin's army would then go to a woman. Instead she used things like the fact that he would trust a woman easily. Ehud wisely befriended the king by giving him presents and praise, and eventually made himself welcome in the kings court. They are as punctual as one can be The people and the entire system have the utmost respect for being punctual. He sees our potential in Him, which is why it is important that we dont disqualify ourselves from going towards the things that we know that He has called us be, do or have. That is why the Song of Deborah was written for On the day that the Israelites defeated Sisera, Deborah and Barak son of Abinoam sang this song (Judges 5:2-31) in tribute, first and foremost to God but Jael was hailed as a heroine and was part if this Song of Deborah and gave Jael a right and fitting place in the history of Israel. and is the daughter of Amram and Jochebed, and the sister of Moses and Aaron. Turn aside, my lord, she said to him. She only gets a few lines of Scripture, but we have so much to learn from her. She set them back up at the end of the days journey. Heber mistakenly assumes that the Canaanites have the military advantage; he forgets that God is on Israels side. Her family made and sold tools in farming, some domestic tools and weapons as well. However, Heber, along with his wife Jael, stayed in Canaan living north near Kedesh in the tribal territory of Naphtali. Midian has been referred to as a geographical area, a tribe or a confederation of tribes brought together for worship purposes. Your email address will not be published. And this might not mean that they die. Jael was the wife of Heber who was a Kenite, the same ethnic group that Moses' father-in-law (Jethro) had been from ( Judges 4:11 ). Massachussets, Hendrickson Publishers, 1987. But this is not realistic. They were well-educated, wealthy, wives, mothers, and judging from the number of solo female portraits single women or widows. All rights reserved, An Interview with Susan B. Mead on One Wise Woman, An Interview with Tiny oN 5 Things We can Learn from the Women of the Bible, Lessons from Jael on God's Chosen Vessels, there would be no glory for [Barak] in the journey [that he was] taking, for the Lord [would] sell Sisera into the hand of a woman, all the army of Sisera fell by the edge of the sword [and] not a man was left, there was peace between Jabinand the house of Heber, Click here for the supreme guide to finding your purpose as god's chosen vessel. Jack is also the Senior Writer at What Christians Want To Know whose mission is to equip, encourage, and energize Christians and to address questions about the believers daily walk with God and the Bible. As horrible as this was, we have to appreciate Jaels wit and bravery. Because of the practice of one man having multiple wives, each wife made, pitched and maintained her own tent. Asiatic jackals are characterized by their ears, which are slightly smaller than African common jackals. The Archaeological Study Bible, NIV version, Zondervan Publishers, 2005. In those days when men had multiple wives, each woman had a tent for herself. She put the tent peg to the side of Siseras head and hit it with a hammer. This shows how desperate he was to not be found. Living such a life required strong hands and a willingness to work hard. Once separated from its original theological context, the Jael and Sisera tradition transforms into a story about gender identity and conflict between the sexes. Barak demurred, saying he would go, provided she would also. Just before the battle had begun a downpour caused the battleground to become deep mud and Deborah took advantage of the circumstances, thus the Israelite foot soldiers were able to overtake the Canaanite iron chariots. Ch.1.4: CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE. The example of Jael, however, show It can be easy to think that we must possess great skills in order to be used by the Lord to do great things for His kingdom. She didnt attempt to beat him with a strategy she knew she was not going to be able to use to win. In those days, women made their own tents and pitched them. "Jael: Bible." (LogOut/ A woman whose physical strength, faithfulness, patience, and discernment were praised in the very first poem of the Hebrew Bible: The Song of Deborah.. [4] The Kenites were a nomadic tribe, some of whom lived in close proximity to the Israelites. The Israelites finally destroyed him, Jael was the wife of Heber the Kenite. Jael was the typical woman taking care of the daily affairs of her home. In order to be considered LIVING an organism must meet all 8 of the following criteria: 1. While running away, he found refuge in the tent of a woman, Jael. Deborah had great reason to applaud Jaels actions in her poem. During the time of the Exodus the Kenites acted in kindness to Moses and the Israelites. Jael had a front row seat to the vicious cycle of idolatry and judgment upon the nation of Israel namely the destruction of the lands and the assimilation of pagan practices. If she did not act, Deborahs prophecy from God would not have been fulfilled. But if you will not go with me, I will not go (Judges 4:8) and Deborah the Judge agreed to go but told Barak But because of your attitude, you will not be honored when Sisera is defeated. Then, however, another XYZ Burgers franchise opened just down the street from Jael's restaurant. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Barak, the leader of the army, needed some spiritual support to approach the army. She calls for Barak from Kedesh in Naphtali to go up against Jabin and his army as the Lord will turn him over to Barak. "[14][15] According to Herbert Lockyer she may have acted out of practical necessity. Killing Sisera was the ultimate betrayal of a guest. The name Jael means "mountain goat". Most Blessed is Jael among women, indeed. "J-L". But while she was doing that, she was very much aware of the fact that there was a battle going on. Jenna Martin is a youth ministry worker and freelance writer who specializes in Bible, health, and tourism topics. Jael and Judith were also used as propaganda figures by Protestants and Catholics alike to symbolize the violent overthrow of heresy. If I asked most people to think of a warrior woman mentioned in Judges 4 and 5, I am pretty sure that most minds would go straight to Deborah. A woman who, without her remarkably courageous deed, the descendants of Israel would have been lost. ", And Jael said to him, "Go, boast before your father in hell and tell him that you have fallen into the hands of a woman. Throughout the narrative, we actually see Naomi looking out for Ruth, even while in the midst of paralyzing grief. Once Sisera was asleep, from shear exhaustion, Jael puts her tent building expertise to work. 1 Characteristics of Mary, Mother of Jesus. When the Jews ate at King Achashverosh's (non-kosher) party, they brought death upon themselves. 1 Corinthians 10:31 tells us, Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.. And in many ways we can see, from the story of Samson, just how weak Delilah was in her relation to Samson. Where he sank, there he fell dead. Heber was a descendant of Jethro, the priest of Midian and the father-in-law of Moses. I will make Sisera, the commander of King Jabins army, come to you. A womans tent is the very last place anybody would look for a fugitive or a runaway army commander. No matter how difficult or threatening the situation, God's power within us is greater than we can ever fully see or comprehend. Ephesians 6:12 puts it like this: For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Her decision was an easy one. As Barak was passing by the tent of Jael, in pursuit of Sisera, she shows him the corpse of the dead Canaanite general inside her tent. He is the one who gives life; he is the one who cancels our debts; he is the one who nails our sins to the cross once and for all. (Gen. 15:18, 19). They also can tolerate dehydration and high body temperatures. Sisera died (Judges 4:21). Jael was married to a Kenanite named Heber, a man descended from Jethro (Moses' father-in-law of the Midianites). As such, Jael shows us that God will use absolutely anybody to bring His will about. The fact is, if God could use Jael to free the children of Israel and bring peace to their land, He can use you for whatever He has called you to do too. 5:2426) recounts: Extolled above women be Jael, Java applications are usually compiled to bytecode, which can execute on any Java virtual machine (JVM), regardless of the computer architecture. Jezebel Who was Jezebel? It is believed they served customers wherever they traveled in the way of metalworkers. So, what can we learn from this courageous womans story? Works by Gregorio Lazzarini and Artemisia Gentileschi are two examples of an attractive Jael, shown in the act of killing her foe. The common jackal's face is brown or red with white shades across its cheeks and throat. A woman who proved to be an early proponent of womens rights, eliminating the threat of sanctioned rape under the guise of hospitality. God tends to bypass the people that man would think are the most qualified to manifest His word in favour of those that man would overlook. Whatever her motive was for killing Sisera the Israelites celebrated her as a national heroine. That means that if anything, Jael should have been an ally to Sisera. Jaels primary job, though, was to pitch tents, and she had become an expert in all phases of making, pitching, and striking such dwellings. But if you will not go with me, I will not go, But because of your attitude, you will not be honored when Sisera is defeated. If she did not act, women would continue to be raped and tortured by their guests. If she did not act, she would miss the only chance of aligning herself with the Israelite conquerors. Deborah prophesied that because of his weak faith, God would give victory through the hand of a woman. Upset, Jael called XYZ Burgers to complain. Conclusion Cultivate gratitude to God first and foremost. Yael plays an important role in the story of Israel's wars with the Canaanites, described in the Book of Judges. He asked for water, she gave milk; And if we really want to see victory, we have to really put away sin. Yet, God used this to accomplish the purpose of delivering Israel from the evil grip of the Canaanites. Blessed is she among women in tents. Be highly organized Slideshow. After all, a sleeping man cannot defend himself. She was sympathetic and understanding even when the situation around her was difficult. This is not a story about physical strength but about strength of commitment to God. The Canaanites were defeated, and Sisera fled the scene.[3]. She Was Weak In Loyalty. Who was Melchizedek and Why was He so Important? The Kenites may have been a part of the Midianite group. Evil could challenge but never conquer God. Hospitality laws in the middle east, at that time, were very strict. And when God steps in, His goal is to bring an end to the battle once and for all. But it holds so many lessons about spiritual warfare. Naomi thought her family line had ended, but God . In any case, it would still be disastrous for Jaels reputation for Sisera to be alone with her. Jabin was trying to conquer Israel, which was at that time under the leadership of Deborah, a prophetess and the only female to judge the nation of Israel. [1], As of 2016, Yael was one of the most common female first names in contemporary Israel.[2]. IMAGINE: Being a Nomadic, tent dweller who seizes the opportunity to save Israel from their cruel oppressor taking all is fair in love and war to a whole new level. What are some of the outstanding qualities of Jael based on the little that has been revealed about her in the Bible? But Jael also knows that her faithful God will break the bonds of slavery as long as the Israelites humble themselves, and turn back to the One True God of their nation. Remember that as a woman, you too have the ability and the right to discern Gods Truth and will, regardless of the war and chaos surrounding you. She was accustomed to setting up and tearing down camp. Jael is a Hebrew name, from Yal meaning "ibex" or "chimois" (which are species of wild mountain goats), from the root yal meaning "to profit, to ascend" (perhaps in reference to the goat's nimble ability to ascend mountains with ease). You have the right to your own mind, no matter what your husband says and does, or where he takes you. At her feet he sank, he fell, he lay still; 5. She also assured him that God would defeat Sisera through him however Barak refused to go to battle without her (Judges 4:6-8). But she is mentioned in Judges 5 as well in the song of Deborah and Barak. She did not need to have her trust in God confirmed by the responses of others. But if you will not go withme, I will not go. I will go with you,she said, but you will receive nohonor on the road you are aboutto take, because the Lord willsell Sisera into a womans hand.Judges 4:8, 9. It may not be in line with our idea of perfect timing, however He is not a man that He should lie;" His word does not return to Him void but accomplishes what He pleases (Isaiah 55:11). (Matthew 8:3), He healed on the Sabbath even though no work was supposed to be done. She also accepted Hegai's advice on what to was to request before going in to see the king (Esther 2:15). 5 Things You Should Know about the ESV Bible Translation. She feeds him some milk and hides him under a rug. Jael is the second female warrior listed in the Bible. The Jezebel Bible story comes to a close with the queen's gory death. A guest, once ritually invited into the home, had to be protected and cared for, even at the expense of everyone else in the house even at the expense of giving the woman of the house to the guest of honor for his lascivious pleasure. Delilah does not like to be under authority and she loves to have her way. Jaels tent is seen as sacred ground, and this is why Sisera enters: he believes himself to be safe. The other primary female character, Jael, has not been viewed so positively. There is no doubt that he was bigger and very much stronger than Jael. Eve - First Woman. Barak said to her, If you will go withme, I will go. Judges 5:7 distinctly describes her leadership as of a maternal variety: she nourishes Israel; she does not try to adopt a man's hardness or masculinity. Jael proved herself to be resourceful and courageous. Adaptations to windblown deserts include double rows of eyelashes, the ability to close the nostrils, and wide-spreading soft feet. According to tradition, both her and husband would have had separate tents, doubling her work, efforts and skill. For Moses, it was the staff in his hand. 3. When he asked for water, she gave him milk. Heber (whose name means ally,) contracts himself out to the Canaanite army led by General Sisera for weapon-making. I heard the Lord say, your little girls name is Jael, she will be a symbol of the bondage I will break in your marriage. Chercher les emplois correspondant Characteristics of jael ou embaucher sur le plus grand march de freelance au monde avec plus de 21 millions d'emplois. In Judges 4, the Israelite army, led by General Barak and under the prophecy of Judge Deborah, planned a surprise attack against their oppressors and rescue Israel from the bonds of slavery. Otherwise, it will continue to harass us until it destroys us. The chief man of the household could only offer ritual hospitality meaning he had to protect and care for the guest, even at the expense of everyone else belonging to his household. Mountain goats are large hoofed mammals that live in North America. A woman who rose from obscurity to greatness, and becomes synonymous with the likes of other well-known tentdwellers: Sarah, Hagar, Leah and Rachel. When Moses fled Egypt and went to Midian he met Jethro and eventually married his daughter Zipporah, thus marrying into the tribe of Kenite. She spun the goat hair, wove it, and made the tents. If she did not act, King Jabil and the Canaanites would continue their oppressive power over the Israelites. You are not a second-class citizen, and you have the right to assert Gods will. There Barak found Sisera lying dead on the ground, with the tent peg through the side of his head (Judges 4:22). The Pharaohs Daughter Moses Adoptive Mother,,,,,,,,,,,, Soon Sisera would be awake again, and she took the opportunity to do what God was asking her to do. He denounced religious rulers for heaping impossible burdens on the people listening to them. Siseras character is seriously lacking as he willfully broke every rule that governed hospitality. Your imperfections and disadvantages do not disqualify you from doing something great for God. You can also download it and share it with anyone else you feel would benefit from it: In the beginning of Judges 4 we are told that the children of Israel had been harshly oppressed by Jabin, the King of Canaan, for twenty years as a result of their sin (Judges 4:1-3). Her campsite must have been close to the battlefield because her family was making and supplying weapons for the army. . Jael was no warrior. Come in. Jael did not kill Sisera out of personal anger or revenge. Her action appears to show her faithfulness to the Covenant people of Israel which, as mentioned, the Kenite clan had identification through Moses. She will be blessed above all women (Judges 5:24) because of her heroic act. May their lives and walks with God strengthen your faith and encourage your soul. And God doubles down on this theme by using another woman, Jael, to deal the fatal blow to Israel's enemy. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names translates this name with Ibex. Lessons from Deborah in the Bible (characteristics and leadership qualities), 20 Free Christian Coloring Pages printables for adults and children . It literally translates to "he shall ascend or go up". Faith, not fear, wins. Moreover, she has a masculine name and Sisera addresses her using . Her family were tinsmiths who made farming utensils, domestic items, and weapons. Sisera was, however, unaware that Hebers wife, Jael, whose tent he ran to, sympathized with the Israelites because of the twenty years of oppression by Jabin, his commander Sisera, and his 900 iron chariots. And her expression is placid - almost sweet - as she methodically sets about her task. 5), putatively composed by her, is perhaps the oldest section of the . Andy Botwin (Justin Kirk) goes to a Rabbinical school to dodge military service where he meets Yael Hoffman. However, she is not the only woman of valour detailed in this particular part of the Bible. Deborah and Jael: Bible Women, Women Warriors,, Deborah and Jael, Dr. Claude Mariottini, Sisera arrived on foot at the tent of Heber on the plain of Zaanaim. Women, especially Jael, then had every reason to be terrified for fear of being raped at the hand of her guest. And Jael was living amongst the Canaanites, harboring a Canaanite general, knowing full well the evil he was capable of. 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