harvest bible church scandal

7. Jackie Alfirevic HBC mothership (1992-2011). Thank you Yahweh. These are the same elders that approved this same law suit to be dropped when James and co. knew that they would have to open all the books and all the dirt would come out! Good word, my sister. If you know anything about abuse it can take years to come forward. I havent seen the video but abuse of power at any level is sickening!! So Ill never forget the day I got up from my seat in a service, walked out, and never looked back. He unsubscribed from the emails but they were still sent him texts asking him to give. than submission to leaders I never worked at Harvest under Pastor James, I never wrote a book, I never had any altercation with Pastor James, and never had a complaint about him. Even people who were very close to us turned silent. May God be glorified through this. Hi Hurting in Davenport, 2.) And it wasnt just some random bloggers saying these things, either. He says he gave about $1K in these 6 months, and regrets it. Everything that is painful for everyone and anyone has been talked about endlessly for weeks. Then, a famous friend of his, Chicago shock jock Mancow Muller, spoke out in a local newspaper against the manipulation and ego he observed around MacDonalds cult of personality at Harvest. But should never be a pastor again! Some women were still in the middle of the trauma and were still currently attending Harvest. We warn the people of Harvest Bible Churchto separate themselves from these false messengers. I dont really care what someone else thinks. Your realness. I just knew I wasnt supposed to be there anymore. For a different church model, see My Dream Church https://sites.google.com/site/mydreamchurch/. I can see you have regret for not having the courage to do it then but youre working to make up for it by speaking now. Find a church with great accountability. Being part of Harvest, and hearing how the utmost leaders were tattooed with the Vertical Church logo, as I prepare the lesson, I cant help but wonder about the tattoo on the bodies of those who accepted the mark of James as their alliance with the Vertical Church of James. 4. I will be praying for you. Thank you for your story Dr. Lina, and thank you for shedding light on your fears, and your full confidence in the Lord at the end of the day. When the Church becomes the organization instead of the people, then it ceases to be the Church. Well, that same year, my wife was hired as the childrens pastor at the church we had been volunteering at on Wednesday nights (because our church had nothing going on) and I myself have been ordained as a deacon and have even had the privilege to preach on a Sunday morning. Will those men now be known for their mark as sinful followers of James? Though MacDonald initially opted to step away from all preaching and leadership roles at the churchs Chicago-area locations, in his January 16 sabbatical announcement he suggested he might still preach at a Harvest congregation in Naples, Florida, which led to another saga. In his remarks this week, he says he confessed his relational failings multiple times, but still lost longtime friends and ministry partners to Harvests narrative. You take feed back to heart and you use it as growth points. After telling us that the elder board always made every decision by full consent, we learned that the former head of the elder board found out about major church initiatives from his seat in the congregation. It is loving to tell the truth. One thing that has helped is recognizing seasons. There the preacher has no real power at all. And where I live that mostly rules out every English speaking church there is! How important it is to pray pray pray and check on our leaders also of their growth in Christ and what our church mission is and to stay biblical, not political but biblical. The surprise is not Harvest, but that you publicly hung them. I too visited Harvest. In the clips, the person who sounds like MacDonald talks about a plot to plant child pornography on Christianity Today CEO Harold Smiths computer. Praying for a healing and refocus of all Gods churches, Mary, You said, out of fear, I complied. But the truth needs to be out there. now James McDonald. 35The good man brings out of his good treasure what is good; and the evil man brings out of his evil treasure what is evil. Blessings to you! Women are not silenced: This model is not original and is old but it is appropriate for the megachurch and also for the persecuted church. Because ultimately what God wants is not a huge army of women who are nice. An eight-month investigation into pastor James MacDonald and Harvest Bible Chapel, his Chicago-area megachurch, culminated last week with the publication of a World Magazine article by Julie Roys. The fruit of people at Harvest coming to Christ belongs to the Holy Spirit, not to JM. We are to fear God not man. Were they unaware of what was happening behind the scenes? I will not blame those who suffer spiritual starvation for wolves like the James McDonalds, Joel Olsteens or Creflo Dollars (to name but a few), however designer churches and their false teachers are the direct results of people who refuse to be obedient and submissive to Gods will. Nellie, you know what Lina went through in prep for this how? Therefore Lina did what God moved her to do in His Boldness and Courage, being fear had silenced her. A former Harvest staffer was also reported to police last fall after being accused of embezzling $270,000 from the church. Superior to whom? I think Nellie and others are genuine in their questions of why now and why kick him when he is down. 12:18) as while working through this year-and-half-long process of transition. Why if it wasnt really a real sinful mess would so many in leadership just exit and give up what was a big part of our lives and our kids lives? 1.) It took months to get over the hurt he caused my husband and I. I have lived with fear in my life almost my entire life. The elders were given a paper that laid out their duties, that mostly consisted of protecting, encouraging, and blessing the senior pastor. God loves truth. The only hope is to totally exposed and excise it so that all will not be consumed. I just want you to know that what you did at HBC mattered, and your presence is greatly missed. It was your Study that helped me be obedient to God. 2. Its where I was led to Christ. Please anchor in on John 7:24. In his statement released this week, MacDonald continues to criticize the church for its treatment of him and cites the successful arbitration as confirmation that the truth has been on his side all along. After leaving, others came to us, with similar stories of why they left or quit being involved. The beloved drink is both an attraction and a generational divide. School of the Bible at 9:00am Wednesdaysat 7:00pm Give Online Contact Us 10088 N. Highway 99 Stockton, CA 95212 office@hbcstockton.org (209) 931-9548 Copyright 2023, Harvest Bible Church. Speaking the truth and not cowering in the corner. God bless. Through it all, our relationship with Christ was strengthened all the more. I hadnt realized that James had gotten a tattoo that week. Its by an unbeliever, but wow, is it eye-opening. Im far removed from this situation, but saddened by it nonetheless. Others have gone before you in challenging HBC to help pave the way and have paid the consequences for their courage. I hope to become braver. We did not want to cause a split or damage the cause of Christ, so we quietly left. The Pastor started teaching on obeying your authority and not questioning authority etc. Pray for the church and the people! I have or attend 3 or more small groups a week now and feel alive. Please avoid these former Harvest elders at all cost, lest you incur great detriment to your own soul. As Gods word says it would. If so Id be in agreement but again- this is not a political post. Linas testimoney is encouraging. []. Persecution or hardship drew them close. or is it the congregations fault for being weak and gullible? As a nation, something painful will bring us back. I speak as one who has gone thru it, like you. In the midst of efforts to reconcile with longtime critics, Harvest Bible Chapel fired its founder and senior pastor James MacDonald for engaging in conduct contrary and harmful to the best interests of the church.. Its difficult to understand how people can now know what they know and still only criticize the ones that feel compelled to now share their story. Same as your departure, not a single person reached out to see how I was doing once I left my job. I do have cds and dvd of contemporary Christian artists. When I started Bible studies Harvest I was given a booklet and videos on everything bad about the Catholic Church. Ross, Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! Jesus desires mercy and not sacrifice. I know many people who attend Harvest or who have been impacted by MacDonalds preaching are crushed today. You can read that story right here. I feared offending people. MacDonald took an indefinite sabbatical in January, following a tumultuous few months defending Harvest in a defamation lawsuit against its critics and in the aftermath of a World magazine investigation into mismanagement at the church. We cant judge the HEART of others, we can judge their actions and behaviors. My father went through prostate cancer. Ross, Ross, The culture of fear, intimidation, and secrecy has poisoned not just Rolling Meadows and its campuses, but also trickled down through the fellowship. It doesnt mean anything.. We are thankful and humbled by His care and protection of our family. , Titus 3:10-11 says as for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once, and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful, he is self condemned. Also 1 Timothy 5:20 says as for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, which is what we are doing, so that the rest may stand in fear. , Nothing is covered, nothing is unresolved, nothing is ongoing, only this attack from the enemy. Thanks Sheila. Just because its a church building with leaders doesnt mean that Christ is leading it. You are brave and you did the right thing! Im sure I will find much more to comment on, but I hope to leave it at that as an encouragement to you. Careers Workplace and Religion Columnists, Recreation Outdoors and Religion Columnists, Religious Music and Entertainment Columnists, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, revealed material obtained under subpoena, called into Mancow Mullers Chicago-area radio show. I didnt want to upset James. Last November, Harvests new elders (all those who served under MacDonald stepped down) declared that their former pastor failed to meet the elder qualifications laid out in Scripture and could not return to their church. Sounds like your faith in self is overwhelming only yourself! This team is to be made up of congregants, staff, professionals, and elders, and will be headed by a church member. 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