city of kenova ordinances

Every such passenger van shall be equipped with either flashing warning signal lights as are contemplated and referred to in West Virginia Code 17C-12-8, or a red caution flag which the driver or some other adult must use by exiting the passenger van and displaying while assisting in the loading or unloading of passengers. The driver of any vehicle which collides with any vehicle which is unattended shall immediately stop and shall then and there either locate and notify the operator or owner of such vehicle of the name and address of the driver and owner of the vehicle striking the unattended vehicle or shall leave in a conspicuous place in the vehicle struck a written notice giving the name and address of the driver and of the owner of the vehicle doing the striking and a statement of the circumstances thereof. Upon a second shoplifting conviction: A. "Driver" means every person who drives or is in actual physical control of a vehicle. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Government Offices in Kenova, WV. (e) The City may require any applicant for any service by the system to deposit a reasonable and equitable amount to insure payment of all charges for the services rendered by the system, which, 345 deposit shall be handled and disposed of under the applicable rules and regulations of the State Public Service Commission. Land or lands and real estate or real property include lands, tenements and hereditaments, and all rights thereto and interests therein except chattel interests. 90-27. (a) Each application for a permit to establish a mobile home park shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each mobile home unit therein. (Supp. Whoever violates any provision of this subsection shall forfeit any sick leave pay for the period such employee fails or refuses to return to work and such employee shall be subject to disciplinary action by the City. See City Job Opportunities; Career Opportunities; Get Alerts and Notifications; Email Subscriptions; Attend Upcoming Events and Meetings; Agendas and Minutes; Calendar; Column 2. Such returns, reports, licenses, declarations and applications, and the information contained therein, shall not be released by any City officer or employee except to an officer or agent of the United States, the State, the State Tax Department, the County or the City for official use only or except upon an order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or upon written waiver by the taxpayer. (6) A plan of the site showing the exact size and location of the proposed construction as well as any existing buildings or structures. Such costs, after the sale of any salvaged materials is credited to the account, shall be a lien against the real property upon which such costs were incurred. (WVaC 17B-2-1) PERSONS EXEMPT FROM LICENSE. (c) "Development" means any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations. IV, Sec. (Ord ) EXPENSES. Eff, ) Replacement, 49 Issuance of warrants; oaths; bonds. The Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall have the power to modify any of the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code upon application in writing by the owner, lessee or his authorized agent, when there are practical difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the Code, provided that the spirit of the Code shall be observed, public safety secured and substantial justice done. An Driving on Right; Passing. If the means of applying the parking brakes and the service brakes are connected in any way, they shall be so constructed that a failure of any one part shall not leave the vehicle without operative brakes Replacement, 146 57 Safety and Eaui~ment (7) The brake shoes operating within or upon the drums on the vehicle wheels of any motor vehicle may be used for both service and hand operation. Restaurants, bars or other establishments serving food or drink; C. Motion picture houses, theaters, concert halls, stadiums or other places of exhibition or entertainment; D. Auditoriums, convention centers, lecture halls or other places of public gatherings; E. Bakeries, grocery stores, clothing stores, hardware stores, shopping centers or other sales or rental establishments; F. Laundromats, dry cleaners, banks, barber and beauty shops, travel agencies, shoe repair shops, funeral parlors, gas or service stations, offices of accountants and attorneys, pharmacies, insurance offices, offices of professional health care providers, hospitals or other service establishments; G. Terminals, depots or other stations used for public transportation; H. Museums, libraries, galleries or other places of public display or collection; I. The above tariff is net. Eff ) AIDING ESCAPE AND SIMILAR OFFENSES. 11.2.2-1 APPEALS. Art Driving Under the Influence; Reckless Driving. Chapter 880 FIRE ROUTES, CHAPTER 111 ELECTRIC FRANCHISE. SECTION 7.9 RECALL. Title 11, ARTICLE 48-B REGISTRATION OF ALL TERRAIN VEHICLES, Alarms. (d) For the purposes of calculating overtime pay. The foregoing provisions shall apply to all passenger-type motor vehicles, including passenger buses and school buses, but in respect to trucks, including truck tractors, the requirements as to safety glass shall apply to all glass used in doors, windows, and windshields in the drivers' compartments of such vehicles. (Ord ) REDEMPTION OF IMPOUNDED DOG. A person is guilty of reporting a false emergency incident when knowing the information reported, conveyed or circulated is false or baseless, he: (a) Initiates or circulates a false report or warning of or impending occurrence of a fire, explosion, crime, catastrophe, accident, illness or other emergency under circumstances in which it is likely that public alarm or inconvenience will result or that firefighting apparatus, ambulance apparatus, one or more rescue vehicles or other emergency apparatus might be summoned; or Replacement, 197 GENERAL OFFENSES CODE 6 (b) (c) (d) Reports, by word or action, to any official or quasi-official agency or organization having the function of dealing with emergencies involving danger to life or property, an alleged occurrence or impending occurrence of a fire, explosion, crime, catastrophe, accident, illness or other emergency in which it is likely that public alarm or inconvenience will result or that firefighting apparatus, ambulance apparatus, one or more rescue vehicles or other emergency apparatus might be summoned, which did not occur, does not in fact exist; or Reports to a law enforcement officer or agency the alleged occurrence of any offense or incident which did not in fact occur or an allegedly impending occurrence of an offense or incident which is not in fact about to occur or false information relating to an actual offense or incident or to the alleged implication of some person therein; or Without just cause, calls or summons by telephone, fire alarm system or otherwise, any firefighting apparatus, ambulance apparatus, rescue vehicles or other emergency vehicles. VI, Sec. Activity Amusement or music devices: Less than 20: Billiard or pool: First table Each additional table Bowling alley: First alley Each additional alley Carnivals: For each performance Riding devices Concessions Games of skill Candy or merchandise wheels Collection agency Employment agency Fortune telling, palmist, etc. The Clerk-Treasurer is hereby invested with full power and authority, and it is hereby made his duty, to prescribe forms for applications for business registration franchise certificates, and for certificates and assessments and to make, issue and put in force all necessary and needful rules and regulations for ascertaining, assessing and collecting the taxes imposed by Section and the enforcement under the provisions thereof DISPOSITION OF MONEY COLLECTED. No owner or operator of any vehicle required to be inspected under West Virginia Code Article 17C-16 shall operate or permit to be operated such vehicle without having displayed thereon a current and valid certificate of inspection and approval or fail to produce same upon demand of any authorized person as therein designated. The quality of the bidder's performance of previous contracts or services; 5. Whoever violates Section (a) or (b) shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both, and in addition may, for a first offense, be placed on probation for a period not to exceed one year. 111, Sec. (Ord ) SEWER RATE SCHEDULE. All such unsafe buildings are hereby declared to be public nuisances and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal in accordance with the procedures provided by law. (a) No person, except those hereinafter expressly exempted, shall drive any motor vehicle upon a street or highway in this Municipality or upon any subdivision street, as used in West Virginia Code Article 8-24, when the use of such subdivision street is generally used by the public unless the person has a valid driver's license under the provisions of the West Virginia Code for the type or class of vehicle being driven. (Ord ) ADMINISTRATION. (3) The Director may at his or her discretion dismiss any of the commissioners from their positions should it be deemed necessary for the good of the Commission. No person shall ride sidesaddle on a seat. CROSS REFERENCES Submission of ordinances and resolutions to Mayor - see CHTR. Seek and accept gifts, bequests, endowments and funds from any and all sources for the accomplishment of the functions of the Commission. Pedestrians shall move, whenever practicable, upon the right half of crosswalks. (Wac 17C-17-3) MAXIMUM WIDTH, HEIGHT AND LENGTH. 2-76 An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into an, CHAPTER VII ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Section 7.1 Administrative Officers Generally. (Ord ) Replacement, 241 GENERAL OFFENSES CODE 48 (d) For purposes of this section, "cuitodial parent i5rparentsn means the parent or, parents with whom the minor child is living, or a divorced or separated parent who does not have legal custody but who is exercising supervisory control over the minor child at the time of the minor child's act. House trailer courts as defined by State law shall be provided with a master meter or master meters. Such lien shall also include the clerical cost of the ClerkITreasurer not to exceed the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) and a fee for the search of the records to ascertain the owners of such property not to exceed the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00). A sexually oriented business may not be operated in the same building, structure or portion thereof, containing another sexually oriented business. The Clerk-Treasurer may distrain upon any goods, chattels or intangibles represented by negotiable evidences of indebtedness of any taxpayer delinquent under this article for the amount of all taxes and penalties accrued and unpaid hereunder. (d) The speed limit on controlled-access highways and interstate highways, where no special hazard exists that requires a lower speed, shall be not less than fifty-five miles per hour and the speed limits specified in subsection (b) of this section do not apply. to more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), the Mayor shall report, in writing, the fact that such expenditure has been made, specifying with particularity the amount of such expenditure, to whom made, and including copies of receipts and invoices relating thereto. treated and observed as the legal holiday Replacement, 71 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 30J (b) When the return day of any summons or other court proceeding or any notice or time fixed for holding any court or doing any official act shall fall on any of these holidays, the next ensuing day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday shall be taken as meant and intended. Whoever violates any provision of this article shall, for a first conviction thereof, be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00); and upon a second or subsequent conviction thereof shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisoned not more than thirty days or both. This article has been established to provide a place for cross references and future legislation. x about without destination or shdl remain in or upon any public street, road, avenue, alley, park or other public place between 11:OO p.m. and 6:00 a.m., of the following day. Sec. All such compensation and all expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of said Article 13 shall be paid solely and only from funds provided under the authority or power given it so as to bind the Board or the City beyond the extent to which money shall have been or may be provided under the authority of said Article 13. (e) The City shall not accept the bid of any vendor or contractor who is in default on the payment of any taxes. You are further notified that said lien may be paid, and release thereof had, at the office of the Treasurer, City of Kenova, City Hall, Kenova, West Virginia. All candidates shall run as individuals without party affiliation and shall be listed on the ballot by name only. Left turns on other than two-way roadways. No person shall make, turn in or telephone, or by use of any means or method of communication aid or abet in the making or turning in of any alarm of fire which he knows to be false at the time of making such alarm. (2) Any ordinance, law or rule stating that motor vehicles shall be operated to allow sufficient space enabling any other vehicle to enter and occupy such space without danger is not applicable to vehicles in a funeral procession. (WVaC ) Owner, when applied to property, includes any part owner, joint owner or tenant in common of the whole or part of such property. On apartment buildingsor any other multiple occupancy building containing more than one family or business unit the bill rendered shall not be less than the minimum monthly charge applicable to each unit multiplied by the number of units on the site at the time the meter is read, or the actual charge for the water used or the size of the meter installed, whichever is greater. (c) (d) "Refuse" means all putrescible and nonputrescible solid wastes except body wastes, including garbage, rubbish, ashes, street cleaning, dead animals, abandoned automobiles and solid market and industrial wastes. "Occupant" means any person residing in, renting, leasing, occupying or transacting business in any premises within the City. It shall be a personal obligation of the taxpayer and shall be a lien upon the property of the taxpayer, that no such tax lien shall be enforceable against a purchaser, including a lien creditor, for valuable consideration without notice, unless docketed in the office of the county court of such county. (Ord ) Replacement, 169 ARTICLE 353 Commercial Drivers Definitions Exemptions. (Wac ) ASSAULT OF AN OFFICER. Upon such a finding by the court, the court may then, in a jury trial, by special interrogatory to the jury, determine (1) that the injured party tailed to wear a safety belt. (5) The use of yellow flashing warning lights shall be authorized as follows: A. Authorization for snow removal equipment shall be designated by the Commissioner of the Division of Highways. Energy Rebates /QuickLinks.aspx. A separate application and permit shall be required for each sexually oriented (j) If the establishment is in operation (Section (0(5)) it may remain in operation during the pendency of its application for a permit and/or license under the provisions of this article, inclusive of any period(s) of judicial review of administrative action. This article has been established to provide a place for cross references and future legislation. 11, Sec. and (2) that the failure to wear the safety belt constituted a failure to mitigate damages. Utility and Facility Reauirements. No. MidAmerican Energy Company, a corporation, its successors or assigns are hereby granted and vested with the, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BOARD OF ELECTIONS AND ETHICS PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Elections and Ethics at its Board Meeting on Wednesday, July 28, 2010, certified the short title and summary statement of the, ORDINANCE NO. (WVaC ) 1995 Replacement, 220 3 1 Liauor Control PROHIBITED ACTS GENERALLY. (WVaC ) Manufacture, sell, give or offer to make a sale or gift of, transport or otherwise possess any alcoholic liquor or nonintoxicating beer except as permitted by West Virginia Code Chapters 11 and 60. The Clerk-Treasurer shall give to the taxpayer written notice of any assessment made pursuant to this article. A lamp emitting a red light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear may be used in addition to the red reflector. The tax imposed and levied by this article is in addition to all other taxes imposed and levied by this Municipality. (Repealed) Art Parks and Recreation Board. In case of emergency, the City shall have the right to restrict the use of any part of the system in any reasonable manner for the protection of the system and the inhabitants of the City. (Ord ) CORRECTIVE ACTION AND TERMINATION. Definitions. (8) When an automobile is illegally parked and impedes the flow of traffic. (d) After denial of an application by the Director and City Council, or denial of a renewal of an application, or suspension or revocation of a permit and/or license by the Director, the applicant or licensee or permittee may seek prompt judicial review of such administrative action in any court of competent jurisdiction. Eligible employees are those employees who have been employed by the City for at least one (1) year, and have worked a total of at least twelve hundred and fifty (1,250) hours over the previous twelve (12) month period prior to requesting the unpaid leave. The order shall fix a date when such work shall be completed, which, for good cause shown, may be extended by the Commission. For purposes of this article, such written notice is termed as "notice of assessment." The Permit Officer shall require copies of all necessary permits from those governmental agencies from which approval is required by federal or state law. Further, nothing in this section, nor any rule or regulation of the Commissioner, shall prevent or be deemed to prohibit any person who is less than eighteen but at least sixteen years of age from being employed by a licensee whose principal business is the sale of food or consumer goods or the providing of recreational activities, including, but not limited to, nationally franchised fast food outlets, family-oriented restaurants, bowling alleys, drug stores, discount stores, grocery stores and convenience stores: provided, that such person shall not sell or deliver wine or alcoholic liquor. When a yellow lens is illuminated with rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of vehicles may proceed through the intersection or past such signal only with caution. No person shall keep or harbor any dog within the Municipality which, by frequent and habitual barking, howling or yelping, creates unreasonably loud and disturbing noises of such a character, intensity and duration as to disturb the peace, quiet and good order of the Municipality. (b) The Clerk-Treasurer shall prescribe by general regulation the manner of remittance of such funds; and the Chief of Police shall be authorized to distrain immediately upon request, as aforesaid, for the amount which any person may have been assessed under the provisions of this article, and to sell upon ten days' notice so much of that person's property, subject to such distress, as may be necessary to pay the tax so assessed, including penalties COLLECTION OF BACK TAXES; NOTICE OF DISCONTINUANCE OF BUSINESS. No officer or employee of the City of Kenova, whether holding a paid or unpaid office, shall be eligible to appointment on said Sanitary Board until at least 1 year after the expiration of the term of his public office. 2.2 Attendance requirement - see CHTR. (WVaC 17C-14-11) (d) No person shall throw, place or deposit upon any street or highway any material, article or substance which injures or damages, or is likely to injure or damage, the street or highway. Funeral leave benefit. 'Railroad train" means a steam engine, electric or other motor, with or without cars coupled thereto, operated upon rails, except streetcars. (c) A sun screening device when used in conjunction with the automotive safety glazing materials of the side wings or side windows located at the immediate right and left of the driver shall be a nonreflective type with reflectivity of not more than twenty percent (20%) and have a light transmission of not less than thirty-five percent (35%). Interest and penalties Records Cessation of business Tax constitutes debt due City Penalty. Provided that in the interest of highway maintenance, no vehicle moved on a street or highway, other than school buses, shall be equipped with studded tires which are operational with a recommended air pressure greater than forty pounds per square inch Replacement, 148 59 Safety and Eaui~ment (d) No studded tires or chains shall be sold or used within the Municipality which do not meet the specifications established by the rules and regulations which the Commissioner of Highways shall promulgate. Whoever violates Section (b) shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 6.6 CONTRACTORS, LICENSING OF building permit prerequisites definition Replacement, 11 13 GENERAL INDEX CONTRACTORS, LICENSING OF (Cont.) The Sanitary Board shall be composed of the Mayor of the City of Kenova, and two persons appointed by the City Council, one of whom, during the period of construction of the System or any additions thereto must be a registered professional engineer. Chapter 813 2013 EDITION Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants GENERAL PROVISIONS 813.010 Driving under the influence of intoxicants; penalty 813.011 Felony driving under the influence of intoxicants; GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA SESSION 2015 SESSION LAW 2016-47 HOUSE BILL 392 AN ACT AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE TO MAKE CHANGES RELATED TO THE MEMBERSHIP AND OPERATION OF THE, ORDINANCE NO. (2) For all new construction and substantial improvements, those fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor that are subject to flooding shall be designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls by allowing for the entry and exit of floodwaters. 7.1 General Election Laws to Control. Whoever violates the provisions of this article shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00); upon a second conviction within one year thereafter, shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00); and upon a third or subsequent conviction shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). (Wac l7c- 10-3) DRIVERS TO EXERCISE DUE CARE. The owner shall within the time fixed in the order, notify the Commission of his intention to comply with the order, in which case, the work shall be done under the supervision of the City Building Officials. (4) "Person" means a natural person, corporation, firm, partnership, association or society and the plural as well as the singular. (6) Be signed by the permittee, or his authorized agent. The BOCA National Property Maintenance Code. ( ) Pavment of Billing and Collecting Fee. "Garbage can" means a metal, plastic or rubber watertight receptacle, together with a close fining cover of like material, weighing not more than approximately sixty-five pounds, having a capacity of not more than fifty-five gallons or for the safe and convenient carrying and the emptying of the contents thereof. "Journeyman plumber" means any person, CHAPTER XVII ALARM SYSTEMS Article I General Provisions 17-1 FINDINGS AND DECLARATIONS. Whoever violates any provision of this Traffic Code for which another penalty is not provided shall for a first conviction thereof be fined not more than one hundred dollars (S ) or imprisoned not more than ten days; for a second such conviction within one year thereafter such person shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars (S200.00) or imprisoned not more than twenty days or both; upon a third or subsequent conviction such person shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars (S500.00) or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both.