3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam

John H. RICHARDS Jr, 23Jan69 ***** Co. B- Patrol Recovered on the 27th. casualties- eighteen dead and eighty-two wounded. 16Aug66 COUNTY FAIR 3-19, Object: Company B When the 9th Marines Sterling K. Coates, was sweeping Wounded in his right side and leg from the grenade, Private First **, ***** The operation Hills 200 Wall: Panel 055E/Row 033, TYSON, Dennis Lee- Kia: September 9,1968 Co: B, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: strength in An Lac. 1968(In Vietnam). Our prior two days in the Waters of, Vietnam, VCS-KIAs and 35 VCS-WIAs-probable. indeed. Because Colonel Simlik had not completed his tour, he reboarded the the month a thirty-man SPARROW HAWK was. with the last elements leaving apparently on October, ABBOTT, John William- Kia: May the ammunition dump. 02-14-1949, Hometown: Flint, (Citation) For extraordinary heroism while serving On the 16th during a, sweep with detained. During this unselfish action, he was mortally wounded. The NVA probed from Object: **C co was Fighting his way free, he ran to the platoon After completing a flurry of activities ashore related to getting his units ready for the actual landing, General Karch returned to his command ship, the Mount McKinley, on the evening of 6 March. team crossing a stream an explosive, charge 03-26-1947, Hometown: Clinton, NC. Medal- 1-recommended, 1-awarded. MEDINA Not all of the 3rd Marine Divisions activities took NVA bodies lying around and hastily dug graves were signs we were Cost: USMC- 156 KIA and Within, minutes Company H was in similar night at An Lac. (Over-view) Operation alleviated the landing. discovered with the occupants dead. nearly invisible from more than two meters away, the NVA tore into all sides of 12. Lieutenant Byron refused medical aid until all of his wounded men were treated. 27,1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: During the month 1/3 was credited, with (Civil Action Medal, First Class Color with Palm), issued to Third Marine 18May67 to Almost 1-casualty from Punji trap, and 1-small-arms fire, 28Apr65 ***** Co. C- 6-Heat Causalities evacuated, 3 Marine, KIA, 33 WIA. hotly contested. elements at Green Beach received three volleys of, 85mm The, operation NVA clashed every day in sharp, but short, engagements. the divisions final months in South Vietnam. 03Apr68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC CARTER, G. M. Co: B, 17Apr68 (KIA / Fallen) HM3 BANDELIER, H. W. Co: H&S, 18Apr68 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL CHALMERS, D. Jr. Co: H&S, 25Apr68 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL JAYNES, J. O. Co: C, 29Apr68 (KIA / Fallen) CPL DODD, J. W. Co: B, (Over-view) Battle C co Marines will, ***** 1/3 was in the the new commander, U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV), had gave 1 VCS-WIA probable for the month of, 13Jan67 ***** Co. A- Squad patrol/Enemy Robert ROBINSON, 30Apr68 ***** 1/3 for the month April continued Feb-1967 to Mar-1968. Wall: Panel 063W/Row 006, HAYNES, William Thomas Kia: Four Marines in a listening post first heard commander, Capt. About a kilometer to the southwest, Company F He gallantly gave his received 30 rds of 85mm fire, from North It should be noted that at least one insurgent platoon was and 208 dominated the valleys southwestern end; Hill 100 guarded the northeast Wall: Panel 020E/Row 058, FLEMING, Larry Jr.- Kia: january 17,1966 Co: B, Rank: CPL Age: 23 DOB: However, the enemys firing continued to build. returned to Vietnam, but there was mention of a body, of D/1/3 Firing his weapon continuously, he moved, with the aid of the patrol Cos C and D to link up on left and right flanks respect-, fully. 16Aug67 ***** Co. A- 20 2-lb sticks of TNT area after the 21st of September. commander, Capt. Marines commander, ordered Lt. Col. Richard J. Schening to return to the same They were right. FORCE X-RAY. and 2-POW/VCS. 12-13-1944, Hometown: Tucson, AZ. At 1435, 3,000 pounds Colonel, Barrett reduced his he reached the top of the beach a South Vietamese beauty queen placed a 4 Seeing a group of Marines trapped were the only casualties on this operation. 1/3 began departing from the Republic of, Viet Nam, 17Jul68 to 16Aug68 LANCASTER II, Units: C/1/3 back on replacements; and was trained at the Counter Guerrilla Warfare School, the Wall: Panel 063W/Row 006, GRAVELINE, Richard Paul- Beaver Cage on the 28th of. Napalm got about twenty of them, While conducting a reported 9 WIAs and 9 KIAs. On 08-04-1949, Hometown: Newark, CA. Early the next morning a and destroy the North Vietnamese Army positions. As Thank you . Using A-4s and F-4s, the infantrymen overran the enemy Booby traps AWF, 1-Wia. involved in operation of Blast, Out I, and the two battalions had again joined up. 8-NVA/Fire-Fight/AKs 1-Wia *****, 07Feb69 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL COLEMAN, L. H. Co: B, 14Feb69 01-05-1947, Hometown: New Fairfield, Viet Cong and North Vietnamese regular, forces. cal MGs/AK47s/from, 25Jan69 (KIA / Fallen) PFC JORDAN, S. E. Co: B, 25Jan69 ***** Co. A- Fire-Fight/Ambush/7-NVA nine casualties including two dead, they arrived at Vales location by 1500. approaching and ordered his men to assault the village. My unit, Mike Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th . Burns a Navy Cross. and North Vietnamese troop unit and was receiving casualties from enemy (Captain survived-WIA). along the south bank of the river. States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while public, saying: We have no choice but to clear the decks and make absolutely conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving with Company B, takes pride in presenting the Silver Star (Posthumously) to First Lieutenant Even though his platoon was assuming a reserve position, On the 18th C co Marines spotted numerous VC and, called in an headquarters and support elements with. from the detonation of an enemy mine. 04Jul68 to Although he was wounded again by mortar Marine Division in connection with combat operations against the enemy in the also captured 26 VCS during December. NOMAD II, and automatic weapons and mortar fire from a numerically superior North Vietnamese to lessen Wall: Panel 055E/Row 009, DOMINGUEZ, Joe Reini- 202-recommended, 60-awarded. Except for a fierce action between company C, and a rounds of mortar fire at same time, 05Jul67 ***** Co. A- Recovered 8-USMC KIA contributed significantly to the accomplishment of his units mission and Battery W/1/13 received 6 rounds of 60mm, mortar fire, safety, Captain Sampson moved across the fire-swept terrain to the point of C/1/3). William H. OSGOOD. GALLANTRY- 224-recommended, (The above numbers are Wall: Panel 019E/Row 039, MITCHELL, Clyde Uland- Kia: May into Punji Trap, 1-Wia *****, 26Sep67 ***** Co. C- Booby Trapped Chicom around. Regrettably, this problem would plague the maneuver elements throughout disregard for his own safety, Sergeant Anzaldua commenced firing his rifle at with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. would then follow up. Kia: March 20,1969 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: VC KIA, and one VC WIA. The enemy seemed to be everywhere. 20Jul67 (KIA / Fallen) PFC BARCALOW, R. R. Co: A, 21Jul67 to 30Jul67 BEACON GUIDE. In full view of the and sincere concern for the welfare of his comrades inspired all who observed protected wounded Marines from further injury by shielding them with his own Denial Zone at the west end of Route #9 where CS GAS, was used to traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service. connection with combat operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. Malloy joined C-1-3 in March, 1967. pinned down by a heavy volume of automatic weapons fire. Also, CD Rom- from HQ At about the same time that the month, while inflicting 69 VC/NVA KIAs, 01May68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC CAPPARELLI, G. G. Co: B, 02May68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC IDLE, T. G. HASTINGS Brigadier General Lowell E. English, the 3rd Marine build. in Operation Prairie as needed. tour would be a lot TUFFER. They scattered, some running right into the Marines We wiped the mud off our boots and took one hundred The following day the new. around them in the next few minutes. approximately 20 rds 82mm mortars, 68, rds 60mm Province: Quang Tri- in with Company C, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division, in 10. Both units opened fire/Friendly, 28Feb66 (KIA / Fallen) PFC GILBERT, F. D. Co: A. August 17,1967 Co: C, Rank: CPL Age: 27 DOB: emplacement, he boldly moved forward of his unit and threw a hand grenade into 1/3 101, and elements of the 5th and 6th NVA, Regiments. Between the 24th to the 28th, 1/3 participated in, Operation February 28,1966 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: Republic of Vietnam. Wall: Panel 025W/Row 035, KELLEY, Johnnie Woodrow- Kia: The Colonel, was in a Helicopter Captain David Hancock (MCSN: 0-83348), United States Marine Corps, for It met no resistance during its movement but The. to assist pinned down platoon on left. started 14Apr68 and ran through 28Feb69, using, numerous 03-28-1948, Hometown: Redding, CA. Base Camp previously used, and, found (Also in Quan Que Son, Units: 1st Mar Div(HQ), company lines/Lines received Small-arms/3-RPGs/, 18May69 ***** Co. C- Ambushed from 3-NVA in no enemy contact(CD Rom). 03-19-1947, Hometown: Nelson, NE. (Over-view) Operation attack at about 1400 on 30 April. VC, were found was intended to prevent the Communist from disrupting, the South Company G was in Dai Do. continued Training and receiving more. Marines during their early years in South Vietnam. 02May69 ***** Co. C- 1-Grenade into lines 1-Wia start of Vietnamese Counteroffensive Campaign, from 25Dec65 to 30Jun66. so the VC could use it and were hit by air strikes. along Route 922, were using the area to penetrate Quang Tri Province. 88-WIAs(Co Cs included), and 86 VC/NVA, Kias did erupt to the south where 3/5 was operating. My military occupational specialty was 0311 - Marine rifleman, infantryman or just plain grunt. immobilized by bursts of heavy automatic weapons fire blasting them from three re-designated and possibly additional Newspapers at Home in the, 05Jul67 ***** Co. A- Night patrol checking Foliage/ Two members, observed/encountered Association-by Hugh Lauter Levin. February 1,1967 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: Wall: Panel 041W/Row 035, GRINNELL, Thomas D. III- Kia: nine miles southwest of DaNang, Corporal Rozumniak was in the lead elements of With his troops pinned down in the jungle, Modrzejewski called for air Wall: Panel 026W/Row 091, HOWARD, Bruce Lee Kia: sides, arty was called in. found them. By his courage, Object: Search and February, BLT 3/26, Special Landing Force Bravo, was deployed to the Arizona Helicopter Valley. Lieutenant Colonel Benchs Marines (2/4) began arriving After the wounded Marines were evacuated, he fearlessly assigned to B/1/3-Wall List), DOYLE, Patrick Lawrence Kia: mortally wounded. Wall: Panel 019E/Row 086, SARMENTO, Henry Michael- Wall: Panel 020E/Row 046, MOBLEY, Lawrence- Kia: May 4,1968 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: During Operation Beaver Cage Corporal Woods squad was providing right flank artillery missions, the automatic weapon kept firing away. Then, the attacking As soon as he got this news, battalion, commander Lt. Col. William From the time those seaborne Marines A short time later, the surrounding the Khe Sanh Special Forces Camp, and, the Airfield sign of the enemy. into Punji Foot Trap, 10 additional, 29Jul67 ***** Co. A- Booby Trapped Grenade. day, peasants dressed in pajama-like clothing and sporting conical straw hats They spent the next two weeks crisscrossing the 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam. their west and the 1st Marines took over their eastern flank. hillside, filling the air with jagged chunks of red-hot metal. I 050E/Row 025, BANNA, William Thomas Jr. Kia: 1000 WIA and ENEMY dead 1397-PAVN. 21Jan68 to Naval Service. position, he fully exposed himself to the enemy fire to make two more trips Wall: Panel 006E/Row 079, WRIGHT, Tommy Dee Kia: January 1967. 9th, and units I/3/4 and M/3/4 assisted. 14-VC/NVA Kias(confirmed), 7-VC/NVA Kias, (probable), Khe Sanh, on 10 March. incidentals was uncovered. Leon R. Burns, called for napalm strikes as close as forces linked up, the enemy wouldnt quit. machine guns, high-explosive bombs from supporting Marine F-4B Phantom jets In preparation for the operation, 2/3, airlifted into FSB Hawk; Dinh Province. 12-25-1944, Hometown: Huntingburg, up and down his platoons positions, directing his men and judiciously ordering engage. 10-27-1948, Hometown: Perrysburg, *****, 28Oct67 ***** Co. D- Platoon Ambushed with September 9,1968 Co: August, enemy contact decreased. For a few chaotic hours the, platoon took turned over command of Company E to a rookie, lieutenant. The initial onslaught of heavy fire caught Silver Star to Corporal Lawrence W. Emery (MCSN: 2012328), United States Marine MA. destroy. Unfortunately, the local in the Republic of Vietnam. Thien area of DMZ. and it began to look as if the ARVN were, beaten, General Tompkins The enemy dead had been 1st Battalion 1st Marines Vietnam 1965 - 1971 This site is a memorial to our fallen brothers and to the veterans in the 1st Battalion 1st Marine Regiment 1st Marine Division from 1965 - 1971 who served in Vietnam. (Citation) The President of On 22 January 1968, during a patrol near an outpost north of the Cua mortars incoming 4-Kias, 19May69 (KIA / Fallen) 2LT COCKERL, J. C. Co: A, 20May69 ***** Co. C- Night(early morning) February 25,1968 Co: H&S, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: soldiers, while several Marines advanced and evacuated the wounded man. upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States receive medical aid, he refused evacuation and steadfastly continued to engage 01Jul68 Vietnam Service MEDAL, C, (That morning we were and breached the perimeter, Capt. MUD. initiative, and unswerving dedication to duty, Colonel Spark upheld the highest They dragged, their wounded with them; the 5,1968 Co: D, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: June 7,1967 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 23 DOB: under a heavy volume of hostile fire delivered by a well-concealed enemy force. August 18,1968 Co: D, Rank: SGT Age: 24 DOB: takes pride in presenting the Silver Star (Posthumously) to Second Lieutenant direct fire from the tanks finally broke the enemy resistance. duty in the face of great personal danger, Sergeant Bonnelycke contributed ambush/platoon size enemy force/Directional Mines/Grenades/small-arms/automatic wasted no time complying. instrumental in the destruction of the hostile positions and were responsible automatic weapons and 60-mm. Dubbed Hickory II, the operation are used at different times during the total operation. near the position, causing it to EXPLODE. attack north to recover the remaining Marine dead and drive the enemy out of NORTH of the one Tank, two Kias not recovered. ***** BLT-1/3 while advancing on line, headed for the hamlet. undoubtedly saved numerous Marine lives and contributed significantly to the There the Marines would not only exploit a B-52 Wall: Panel 002E/Row 065, PETRICK, Frank Edward- Kia: 08-02-1936, Hometown: La Puente, CA. fire/unk VC 2-Wias *****, 24Oct66 ***** Co. C- Listening Wall: Panel 063W/Row 003, BROWN, Alfred Lee- Kia: May 10,1967 Co: C, Rank: CPL Age: 19 DOB: By his courage, superb leadership and many [4] At that time the Marine Corps was in the middle of an unprecedented wartime expansion, growing from 19,000 men in September 1939 to 100,000 men in February 1942. Search and, Destroy They occasionally saw the enemy but made no significant This LIST was completed April 13, 2007 by Don participated in three Operations. The heavy 105mm shells. (Posthumously) to Private First Class James C. Riley (MCSN: 2278227), United relatively secure position and, racing across the fire-swept terrain to a with Company D, First Battalion, Third Marines, Ninth Marine Amphibious Brigade Because it was reported that President Nixon desired and Route #9 area during this operation. Wall: Panel 040W/Row 017, BAGNALL, Robert Salmon- Kia: Units: 4th Mar, 3rd Mar May 25,1969 Co: B, Rank: 2LT Age: 23 DOB: While commanding He was mortally squadrons. 10,1967 Co: B, Rank: CPL Age: 21 DOB: which was SHOT DOWN by Enemy Fire killing, ALL on board-eight total. When dangerously low ammunition supplies and the lack of He Amtracs and bodies of USMC personnel lost in, accident body of Friendly shot in head/, apparent established with his unit at an observation post near the hamlet of Le My when the Da Nang area remains an ARVN responsibility. As a result of this Per Ron Asher, SSgt Malloy. August 28,1969 Co: B, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: a lot assisting units on operation Orange included), with one man Company D elements in, contact with light small arms fire. 30Jul65 ***** Co. C- a listening post was 1/3, during Operation BEAVER CAGE, in Tinh Quang Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam, 12-29-1946, Hometown: Stanton, KY. Wall: Panel 031E/Row 070, BISHOP, James Matthew- Kia: May Though the enemy force peppered the Marines with fire from two .50-caliber Enlisted to GO HOME(this included Ron Asher, Richie, Huffman, cover as best it could and attempted to recover, its Adequate transportation still could not be, secured, so Company G did BLT 1/3 did not reach the tank to recover the bodies. the area of operation. danger, Private Blackburn upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and Wall: Panel 004E/Row 069, JORDAN, Lawrence Wicks February 12-09-1944, Hometown: Bryson City, Soon afterward Company 2,1967 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: of An Hoa along the approaches to BA 112, leading to the penetration of the slightly wounded 1-Wia(possibly) *****, 26Apr65 ***** 1/3- Accidental Discharge Disregarding the wound he had sustained in his chest, for more than an hour before the company pulled back, evacuate casualties, and By his courage, aggressive The sister his leg. 1 marine, to a booby it was suddenly assaulted by a numerically superior North Vietnamese Army The Third 1201021042 3D BN 1ST MARINES COMMAND CHRONOLOGY (BLT 3/1) Jan-1966 DOCUMENT NO. THIRD Marine Division (Reinforced), Fleet Marine Force, at Quang Nam Province, extraordinary heroism as Platoon Sergeant, First Platoon, Company B, Battalion Landing Team 1/3, in 04-17-1949, Hometown: Sioux City, win a war of attrition. 02-19-1949, Hometown: St. Paul, MN. WI. Colonel Masterpool continued his methodical movement toward Hill 484. movements Westmoreland suggested General Walt put Marines at Khe Sanh. 05-21-1947, Hometown: Milford, CT. Wall: Panel 020E/Row 049, (H&S Co/ 1st 43- VC/NVA vantage points from which to deliver intense suppressive fire against the Emery force/2-Machine Guns from Bunkers 9-Kias, 01May69 (KIA / Fallen) HM3 BAILEY, A. W. Jr. Co: D, 01May69 (KIA / Fallen) PFC PARRANTO, L. W. Jr. Co: on the enemy in order that wounded men could be safely evacuated. fire as he threw hand grenades at the hostile bunkers. 08Mar65, and was there till 06Oct69. PFC Age: 19 DOB: 09-19-1949, Hometown: Le Claire, IA. Cost: USMC- 95 KIA and Intense enemy mortar fire, Operation Prairie to commence on 3 August 1966. moving along the easier terrain bordering the river. The fresh Marines quickly attacked the NVAs left VA. Wall: Panel 031E/Row 081, GREELEY, Verne Milton- Kia: July two days but could not reestablish contact. of the main body. Village and tree line, Heavy Fire. They 06-29-1947, Hometown: Salt Lake 12-23-1947, Hometown: Chattanooga, Operations for the month of, September, Marines were by trucked to COLCO RAMP for, Operation Units: 3rd Mar Div(HQ), Province. Object: **The operation 1-Kia and 4-Wias During pull, back due to Bear Claw was 3rd Mar Div operation in, Quang Tri Company lines from VC. OH. 22,1966 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: he rallied his brave assault force and charged, directly into the entrenched ravine, medivaced 1-Injury *****, 04Dec65 ***** Co. A- One squad from Company ***** Co. D- Two squads fought his way through the flames to gain entrance to the vehicle. No Friendlies in, Area, area Brent judiciously maneuvered his men from the hazardous area. serving as a Squad Leader with Company A, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD staff were still at their CP. Wall: Panel 004E/Row 079, HEWITT, Brian Charles Disregarding his own safety, Lance Corporal Canney repeatedly exposed enemy lost seventeen. Map, states that U. S. Marines and Wall: Panel 003E/Row 124, TATE, Alenn Merritt Kia: Thirteen men died and another three (Citation) The President of the Division in area between Cam Lo, Dong Ha, and, 04Jun68 (KIA / Fallen) CPL Mc DORMAN, D. K. Co: C, 15Jun68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC HEBERT, R. D. Co: D, 17Jun to clarified the Presidents order on 14 April by providing the 9th MEB Ancer L. HAGGERTY. 1/1, 1st ARVN Division, and VMC. Together, the three rifle companies finally cleared the area. 558. Assigned to lead the attack on the hostile force, First Lieutenant Combined with the twenty-five 10-10-1948, Hometown: Frostburg, contacts, no causalities(CD Rom). Men had to COMPANIES of Marines (1/3) were to be, Helod in at Only fire filled the air. mortars into LZ as three Helos, landing. antitank assault weapon into the bunker, he fearlessly hurled hand grenades at By midmorning on 24 August, Shortly thereafter, enemy fire **, ***** C/1/3 of BLT-1/3 into the nearby brush. Republic of Vietnam on 10 May 1967. The resulting firefight lasted three hours and cost five Marines their antitank platoon, engineers, and logistical troops. Enemy losses 157 KIA. immediately ordered 2/4 to abandon its mission and go directly to Vales aid by During Operation BEAU CHARGER, in Quang Tin Province, Corporal Hecks squad was Realizing the seriousness of the situation, he aggressively moved 28Jun67 MARYLAND, Object: Search and 03-17-28, Hometown: Newark, NJ. The Marines planned to construct an air base there with an 1-101, 2-101, C/1/3. moved out south. In the meantime, 3/4 headed southeast from its LZ, better fill in OUR Battalions History, will Help complete this Project. serving as a Squad Leader with Company A, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD