15 signs you have a strong intimidating personality

This is especially true for dishonest, ignorant, or people who have ulterior motives. If you have a strong intimidating personality, people usually dont understand the kind of person they are dealing with. Hence, whenever we come across someone who calls out our bullsh*t without hesitation, were usually taken aback. Staying honest, being proud of yourself, and fighting for what you believe in arent the things you should feel sorry for. People who are okay with being alone naturally come off as not needy and mysterious. do i have a strong personality? //, by She goes after what she wants and love Liars are not cool in any walk of life. Most people will like your level of self-assurance, but some will find it intimidating because it's a trait they lack. Unfortunately, some think that people like you with great personalities are often mistaken as rude, impolite, and indifferent. People who are courageous and open-minded will get to appreciate your honesty, wisdom, and unique perspective in life. It never even occurs to them to question authority. Avoiding eye contact is a telltale sign someone finds you intimidating. You know better, and that makes people dislike you a little. She has written for several websites on a range of subjects across lifestyle, relationships, and health & fitness, as well as academic pieces in her fields of study. Refusing to offer constructive feedback or calling you out when youre wrongis a sign that other people are afraid of how youll react. But guess what? They always want to learn and achieve more. Thats because you know that only two things in life are certain: death and taxes. No one knows your true personality - only you do. It was founded by Lachlan Brown in 2016. What other people do with their lives doesnt intimidate or persuade you anymore. Some people spend their whole lives looking, others get lost on the way. You stand firm with your values and you see no point in lowering them for anything or anyone. Dont you dare. Hack Spirit is one of the leading authorities providing practical and accessible relationship advice. You enjoy discussing matters of significance with people and are competent in debating your case. 61. You skip the pleasantries as you find small talks pointless. You know who you are and that scares some people. Even though you are pretty liberal in the way you do things, you are not just making decisions willy-nilly over here. By observing and noticing details, you can tell a lot by their behaviors and facial expressions. You are well known for being someone who is outspoken. You have strong moral codes The intimidating thing about people with. 1) You question authority I know that it may be hard to believe, but most people accept the status quo. Theyve got their whole lives planned out and uncertainty scares them. The signs above and below in this article will give you a good idea if youre intimidating and potentially scaring people away. Its just that you know that you have reasons and ways to do what you want. They know that you can sense what they mean even when they say otherwise. Someone like this may be guided by their instincts,. Fidgeting,although not always, can be a sign that someone is not entirely comfortable and has a nervous energy that they need to somehow get rid of. Here are four things you can start implementing straight away to make people more comfortable. Secondly, your peace of mind and your opinion about yourself has to be more important than what others think. 1) You Stick to Your Word While being someone people can count on should be a good thing, many people are intimidated by the idea that you do what you said you would do. Most people suffer through overworked schedules and get hung up on helping others before themselves, and that leads to a great deal of unhappiness and excessive responsibility. Being assertive is a good thing as it helps you get what you need. So if you tend to march to the beat of your drum, its likely that your unique personality intimidates people. Your goals are what some people like to call crazy. And thats great. And when something isnt right, you attend protests and are ready to put up a fight for those who cant fight for themselves. For politeness is like a counteran avowedly false coin, with which it is foolish to be stingy., Related: 10 Unexpected Reasons Why People Stare At You, Your email address will not be published. No sir. You know that the company of genuine friends will make every moment of your life happier, peaceful, and significant. Jelena has a background in photography and film-making and has spent the last few years as a content editor and copywriter. Even if you dont realize it, your strong personality makes people nervous and uncomfortable around you. Since you dont come around pleasing people, you can sometimes come off as someone rude. 15 Signs You Have A Strong Intimidating Personality Watch on Have you ever been told that you have a strong intimidating personality? Even if others may not like your attitude towards life, dont let it bother you. You should be able to embrace your independence without making other people feel afraid or uncomfortable and without jeopardizing relationships. Youre powerfully assertive yet non-confrontational. Because youre assertive and ambitious, you enjoy being in charge. Being strong-willedmeans youre not afraid to go against the grain and do things your own way. You cant control what people think of you, so its better to focus on becoming the real person that you are and work on being the best version of yourself. Although some people may argue that such a label is just a polite way of saying someone is loud, obnoxious, domineering, or an ass. This makes other people get jealous of you. No tolerance for ignorance can come across as impatience or hot-headedness. Images showed students queuing up outside The Kingsway School in Cheadle on Monday (February 27) as each child's preparedness to learn was checked at the gates. In just a few minutes you can connect with a highly intuitive psychic and get tailor-made advice for your situation. When you become straightforward and share your opinion, they would see that you lack empathy and are insensible to their struggles. That said, here are five signs you have a strong personality that other people may find intimidating. 1. You're watching 10 Shocking Dark Side Traits of SIGMA MALES .Everyone wants to be a Sigma Male, or do they not? Lachlan Brown Some people might even think youre rude or too dominating, but youre not a scary person. Look, if a conflict can be avoided, great, but if someone does something to provoke you, youre not afraid to stand up for yourself and get into an argument. They believe in their worth without seeking and craving validation from others. Thats because they just cant understand how you can be so comfortable with yourself. [CDATA[ So by paying close attention to these signs, youll be aware of what people think about you so you understand where theyre coming from. In this article, we'll explore 13 signs that you have a strong personality, and why these traits can be seen as intimidating to some people. Simplistic conversations are annoying. NEW QUIZ: At the heart of everything you do, think, and feel is your spiritual archetype. Menu. You dont get any satisfaction out of giving others what they want and you wont say yes just to get someone to stop asking. They feel quite unsafe and uneasy around you. But you dont just talk the talk; you walk the walk. Theyre unyielding as they have this powerful will that allows them to stand up for themselves and for what they believe in. That said, here are five signs you have a strong personality that other people may find intimidating. Because of this, youre able to face and handle whatever obstacles youre facing across your path. Whether you decide to thank them or blindly defend your irrational beliefs, the sting is still going to be there. Quality articles about relationships, dating, and self-help. He is portrayed as the glue that keeps the band together. By turning away, escape becomes easier. You don't need any psychology degree or special psychology education to understand our topics, it's our job to simplify everything for you. All rights reserved. This is my favorite trait of someone with an independent personality, probably because Id use it to describe myself. No one can influence you to act on something that isnt morally upright. Some people find you inspiring and others intimidating. Since theyre contented and comfortable with themselves, they couldnt care less if theyre making an impression or not. Suitable for c-PTSD survivors wanting to understand their brain and symptoms better, student counsellors & experienced practitioners who intend to use basic neuroscience of complex trauma . An intimidating personality is typically led by reason rather than emotion, which can make them seem cold and unfeeling. Jelena Dincic You know that the personality you have is the result of all the struggles, challenges, and experiences that youve gone through and learned from it. For instance, a hot lady who is used to getting her way all the time with her charms and seduction suddenly meets this new boss at her workplace who only looks at her and sees her level of incompetence at her work.