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Sejačka VertiSeeder

Disková sejačka na dosev trávnika. Zapracováva osivo priamo do pôdneho profilu.

Dosevom renovujeme trávnik a zvyšujeme jeho hustotu. Dosevom môžeme ale aj cielene meniť zloženie (zastúpenie jednotlivých druhov) trávnika. Výber správneho typu osiva s vyhovujúcou klíčivosťou je prvým krokom úspechu. Nevyhnutné je zabezpečiť optimálne podmienky na klíčenie a vzchádzanie. Teplota vzduchu by mala byť nad 12 º C, optimálna je vysoká vlhkosť vzduchu.
Odstránenie plsti a prevzdušnenie trávnika pred dosevom a závlaha do vyklíčenia osiva a zapojenia porastu je samozrejmosťou.

VertiSeeder rozreže špeciálnymi diskami a nožami povrch pôdy resp. trávnika, do ktorého sa robí dosev. Osivo je dopravené lievikovým násypníkom tesne nad vyrezanú ryhu, takže nemôže byť odnesené vetrom. Hustota výsevu na jednotku plochy je presne nastaviteľná. Každá sejacia jednotka je špeciálne odpružená, aby presne kopírovala úroveň terénu. Sejačky VertiSeeder sa dodávajú v dvoch variantoch, líšiacich sa hmotnosťou, šírkou záberu a produktivitou.

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Pracovná šírka (m)

Hmotnosť (kg)

Kapacita zásobníka (m3)

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17 HP





22 HP

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02.09.24 14:33

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01.09.24 16:53

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01.09.24 08:06

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Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study launched its fifth annual Voices of Public Intellectuals lecture se [url=]stanley mug[/url] ries Thursday night Feb. 6 with the first of three explorations of women and the law. Linda Kerber, a professor at the University of Iowa and a current Radcliffe Fellow, spoke on the Asymmetry of Citizenship. The right [url=]stanley website[/url] s and obligations of citizenship have been differently invoked for men and for women, with class and race playing associated roles, she told the audience at the Cronkhite Graduate Center.Against the backdrop of worldwide events that focus a new intensity on citizenship and loyalty, Kerber s talk used three specific legal cases 鈥?about working conditions, privacy, and legitimacy of birth 鈥?to illustrate the asymmetry [url=]stanley water flask[/url] of citizenship. The contemporary merger of the personal with the political, she said, has its roots in a time when a married woman s relation to the state was filtered through her husband. I would argue that this asymmetry is not a matter of chance Gkls Eliminate violence against women, most widespread, pervasive human rights violation
A press release on the findings, compiled by the Government alongside the Food and Agriculture Organization FAO and the World Food Programme WFP , reveals rice to have been the most-affected crop, with an expected slash in production of up to 89 per cent in damaged paddy fields, compared to the same time last year.Some parts of the country lost entire paddy plantations. Seeds, fertilizers and tools were also lost in the disaster, says the report, underscoring that many farmers risk missing the start of the upcoming winter and summer agriculture seasons.More than 250 thousand livestock have been lost in the six worst-affected regions/states assessed, which hit women especially hard as they are generally in charge of these animals. For restocking of sm [url=]stanley flaschen[/url] all livestock FAO and WFP highlight the provisio [url=]botella stanley[/url] n of animal feed and vaccines for preventing the spread of disease and supporting the survival of animals.Flooding was also devastating for the aquaculture [url=]stanley flask[/url] and fishing industries in Myanm

01.09.24 07:16

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This will mark Pebble third unit in as many years. Just last year the company rolled out the Pebble Steel, which was a remake of the original model. The watch the company is said to announce tomorrow will be something totally different, though.The new watch is said to have a color e-ink display, Cortex M4 SoC with a 6-axis gyroscope. It will lack a touchscreen, though, and instead have buttons on the side like its two predecessors.If the price is right, the new Pebble shou stanley butelka ld not have to worry abou stanley mug t the impeding Apple Watch. The two companies are targeting different markets stanley flask with the Apple Watch likely locked to iOS and with a starting price of $349.Pebble has built an incredible ecosystem around its products by heavily courting developers and enthusiasts. The watch even supports Android Wear apps. The company participates in hackathons and does not discourage users to modify its products. And now with a color model in the works, the Pebble is ready to stand tall against the best