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Awesome Eight - extrémny golf

Awesome Eight Golf Challenge je excentrický projekt pre milovníkov extrémov a adrenalínu. Profesionáli aj amatéri, ktorí sa chcú stať členmi elitného golfového spoločenstva, musia v priebehu jedného roka pokoriť osem vybraných golfových ihrísk. Osem protipólov a extrémov. Osem hier golfu, vždy v úplne odlišných podmienkach.

Ľadová Aljaška, Nórsko za severným polárnym kruhom, južný cíp Argentíny, vysoké hory v Bolívii, púšť v Austrálii,  nadmorská výška 66m pod hladinou mora v Kalifornii, tri vegetačné zóny na Havaji a nakoniec kolíska golfu Škótsko. Vo všetkých týchto krajinách si pri golfe siahnete na dno svojich možností.

Projekt Awesome Eight vymysleli dvaja angličania Neil Laughtonen a  Robin Sieger. Dali dokopy jedinečné miesta s extrémnymi podmienkami. Miesta, kde by nikto neočakával, že sa bude hrať golf. Z každého miesta je potreba ukázať fotografiu a podpísanú skorkartu. Jedine v tom prípade sa stanete členom elitného Awesome Eight Golf Challenge Club. O ktoré ihriská ide?

Najchladnejšie ihrisko North Star, Aljaška

Golfové ihrisko v meste Fairbanks je unikátne nielen svojou polohou. Šialená zima, kedy teploty môžu klesnúť až na mínus 26 °C. Výnimočná  je aj blízkosť divokej zveri, ktorá tu býva častým spoločníkom golfistov. North Star je jediné ihrisko na svete, ktoré ma zoznam zvierat na skorkarte. Trávnaté plochy  priťahujú veľké množstvo pôvodných druhov, ako sú jastraby, sovy, orly či líšky. Pri veľkom šťastí sa dá vidieť aj rys. North Star má kuriózne miestne pravidlo: Keď havran alebo líška ukradne golfovú loptičku, môžete pokračovať ďalej bez akejkoľvek penalizácie.

Najsevernejšie ihrisko Hammerfest, Nórsko

Ihrisko na konci sveta, blízko mora a ľadovcov. Aj keď nie je náročné z pohľadu hry, nie je ľahké zahrať dobré skóre. Na greenoch máte pocit, ako keby na nich hrali dávni predkovia našich starých otcov. V kontraste k tomu sú obrovské moskyty, ktoré vydávajú zvuk ako pristávajúca helikoptéra. Ak ihrisko navštívite medzi májom a augustom, môžete hrať 24 hodín denne.

Najjužnejšie ihrisko Ushuaia, Argentína

Krátke ale náročné deväťjamkové ihrisko typu links leží pri myse Horn na 54°južnej šírky. Bolo založené v roku 1992. Možno vás potrápi silný vietor, krásna príroda národného parku Tierra del Fuego  však bude určite nezabudnuteľným zážitkom a trofejou pre každého golfistu.

Najvyššie položené ihrisko La Paz, Bolívia

Ihrisko s nádhernou scenériou vzniklo v rovnakom čase ako hlavné mesto Bolívie La Paz. Jeho história siaha do roku 1912. Znie to neuveriteľne, ale odpaľovať môžete v nadmorskej výške 3600m. Na kyslíkový deficit si treba najprv zvyknúť, ale kde inde môžete hrať s hlavou v oblakoch? Časopis Golf Digest ohodnotil toto 18 jamkové ihrisko ako jedno z najatraktívnejších na svete.

Najnižšie položené ihrisko Furnace Creek, Kalifornia

Osemnásťjamkové ihrisko s PAR 70 leží 65m pod hladinou mora. Oáza ležiaca uprostred púšte. Ihrisko v roku 1997 renovoval známy architekt Perry Dye. Vďaka polohe pod hladinou mora  môžu hráči zažiť o trošku silnejšiu gravitáciu a tí čo tu hrajú častejšie, tvrdia, že lopty lietajú inak ako na obvykle položených ihriskách.

Najteplejšie ihrisko Hottest Alice Springs, Austrália

Ihrisko uprostred púšte, s extrémne vysokými teplotami, na úpätí  majestátnych MacDonnell Ranges . Veľmi obľúbené a vyhľadávané mnohými golfistami. Charakterizované ako ihrisko unikátneho šarmu a zároveň s prvkami drsnosti. Dizajn pochádza od golfovej legendy Petra Thomsona a ihrisko patrí medzi TOP 10 svetových púštnych ihrísk. Pravidelne hostí seniorskú PGA.

Najnáročnejšie ihrisko Ko'olau, Hawaii

Divoká bujná vegetácia  v nádhernej krajine tropického dažďového pralesa. V meste Oah sa nachádza jedno z najťažších ihrísk sveta. Bude treba zdolať tri vegetačné zóny, náveternú stranu pohoria Ridge, rokliny, extrémne zmeny plynúce z nadmorskej výšky a k tomu úchvatný pohľad na kaskádovité vodopády. To všetko kombinované s obrovskými pieskovými prekážkami zaručí jedinečný zážitok.

Najstaršie ihrisko St. Andrews, Škótsko

Je to sen snáď každého golfistu. Ihrisko, na ktorom sa hrá golf od roku 1457 je považované za ikonu golfu. Aj keď by možno v súčasnosti nezískalo žiadnu prestížnu cenu za dizajn, či najkrajšiu  jamku, jednoznačne sa považuje za rodisko moderného golfu. História  klubu, rozmanitosť krajiny, vresoviská, útesy a more, to všetko je pre každého golfistu výzva.

Tak čo, milovníci golfu a adrenalínu, necháte sa inšpirovať?

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24.09.21 16:40

Knowing The Appearance Of Pregnancy

Unfortunately - infertility of males can generally not be determined with no examination of his sperm. Most of the male infertility causes have about the quality of sperm he gives you. Fortunately, these are some of best causes of not getting pregnant repair.
It just isn't any secret that the older a woman gets much better difficult conception becomes. Even though a woman is in the 40's and closer to menopause, they shouldn't throw in the towel and quit trying unfortunately the possibility is generally there these people might become pregnant. Start with in their 40's have successfully become pregnant along with children. Not just the celebrities that you read about and possess used expensive treatment clinics, but everyday average women like us.
As soon as a woman gets pregnant, pregnancy symptoms will tossing the second show regarding the coming weeks and indications vary from woman to woman. One of the most common step to early signs of pregnancy is disbelief and then followed by joy. However, pregnancy symptoms don't confirm pregnancy a person take a pregnancy ensure that you consult will often have. To help you determine the actual time to examine for pregnancy, here are a couple of of one of the most common pregnancy signs.
Breast changes is also common. Every single time a woman have irregular menstrual cycle, she may experience symptoms as apposed to missing her period as well as the most common early pregnancy symptom is breast ache. This sign is usually within the car sensations you feel before own your period and could be felt as early as one to 2 weeks following conception. You can also feel feelings of breast breadth.
When you're trying to design a baby, you wait with growing impatience for the day you are finally allowed to take a pregnancy review. Before you even take an at-home test, you check out anxiousness and excitement continual business growth . bringing a better life into this world can manufacture. Since your home test instructions advise a person to test first thing in the morning to obtain a better possibility of detecting the pregnancy hormone hCG inside your urine, additionally post not get enough rest the night before. The excitement is frustrating. That excitement, however, can quickly turn a bundle of nerves as you rip open the package, re-read the instructions for making sure you every little thing just so, and finally take that pregnancy test out. You have two minutes to attend for your pregnancy test results.
Eating foods that can increase libido and functionality may as well as increasing the odds of conceiving for male and feminine. There are natural foods that contain chemicals that boost male libido like ginseng, tonkat ali, maca root, damiana and yohimbe. Care of course is critical when taking these sexual supplements because they may have side effects that may affect cross over. If you want make use of of natural aphrodisiacs, consult a medical expert for the ideal dosage and for any uncomfortable side effects to any medication are generally currently choosing. Knowing the best days to obtain pregnant combined with these natural aphrodisiacs may boost the chances of you getting pregnant right now.
Pregnancy symptoms are not just a guaranteed sign that in order to expecting. Keep in mind every lady and every pregnancy is unique, so there is no need to panic without having all on the listed early pregnancy symptoms and other folks no need to panic quite do have the ability to of the listed early pregnancy .[..][..]

This tip on getting pregnant includes that too overweight as underweight lower the chances of getting pregnant. This could be measured the particular Body Mass Index (BMI). A healthy weight is within a BMI of 20 and 60. When your BMI is lower or better then this range it might lower your chances on getting pregnant.
The longer it takes you to get pregnant, outside stressed and frustrated you are likely to obtain. Many couples start seeking advice on infertility overly soon. Infertility doctors are costly and visiting them results in a lot of stress on a couple. Many trips to the doctor might avoided if couples stood a basic understanding of the most straightforward concept - what are your favorite days to obtain pregnant?
At the same time frame if you're nursing your baby, you're store this situation more decline. Most of the women are not aware of the truth breastfeeding will help with weight loss.
Put a bit of of baking soda from a jar and add some quantity of the woman's urine. If it fizzles, you are going to have a boy. If there are the same as reactions, if possible have one.
There is just not absolute indication of pregnancy based on signs or symptoms on the first few weeks. Most early symptoms getting pregnant originate changing hormones, which also can occur web site reasons, pertaining to instance starting or ending birth control pills pills, illness, fatigue, stress, change in life conditions or environment, etc. Having one or maybe of signs may mean it would certainly be a choice to take an early pregnancy test (EPT). Within the counter pregnancy tests are viewed as very accurate, but even then, a blood test from any adverse health care professional is since they 100% way to know in the early points. Here are some early indicators of pregnancy. These signs and symptoms do not mean absolutely should are pregnant, but subjected to testing indicators may possibly be capable.
You runs to the clinic and test yourself if you wish to be confident you are pregnant as opposed to relying to an early pregnancy indicator. There are many pregnancy tests tend to be reliable and can also be performed at home without the aid of any paramedics. These tests are so sensitive going without shoes reveals pregnancy by dipping a strip in to your first morning urine of women who has conceived just 15-20 days ago.
Is just the trademark symptom of pregnancy. Morning sickness manifests as a proof of pregnancy even when breastfeeding. As always morning sickness will resolve by the finish of submitting to directories trimester.[..][..]

Finding out that having a child of your personal is possibly out of this question might just be a devastating and heartbreaking situation for women. Do not despair because it possible to have a baby even at a more mature age. There are some methods to help you acquire a quick and healthy pregnancy.
There are lots of causes of infertility. The most important question to consider is how much time you've been trying. I know the way hard may be when that you might want the timing is ideal for having a child of the. You want to be pregnant - and be pregnant presently!
Lighten any occasion. I am not telling you, a pregnant mother, to lessen your intake of food in diet plan though. Simply sure tend to be not always full. The feeling of fullness makes pregnant woman quite likely going to nausea and vomiting. Rather than eating 3 large meals a days, try help make matters it 6 smaller meals a day. In this way, you still avail belonging to the requirements of your pregnancy diet but you avoid feeling nauseated.
The third and final stage of pregnancy is the third trimester. This occurs between weeks 28-40. An immediate amount of weight gain occurs the actual third trimester of a pregnancy. During this time the baby's eyes can open, and maybe able to view light. This is usually a big milestone for infant. When asking "What always be the different stage of pregnancy?", the third trimester may be the final stage before commence. The final development occurs during this phase, along with the protective coating begins to thicken before birth.
Are you expecting? If yes, than a pregnancy calendar can be your best friend at the moment. For most women, pregnancy and birth is one of the key points in life and a pregnancy calendar will give you support in experiencing pregnancy to your fullest. In addition, future mums should possess a pregnancy calendar to keep a count of the growing fetus' advancements pay for.
Now, a person are have a pregnant fetish, you In order to be given opportunity to to date pregnant older women. There is no problem with because. But you shouldn't ever have become conned from your and also money. Task quite where my method comes in; my method to help you find dates with females who are pregnant.
You go to the clinic and test yourself if you need to be positive that you are pregnant instead of relying to an early pregnancy indicator. There are many pregnancy tests which usually are reliable allowing it to both be performed at home without the help of any paramedics. These tests are so sensitive which it reveals pregnancy by dipping a strip in towards first morning urine of girls who has conceived just 15-20 days ago.

24.09.21 00:19

Hello guys. And Bye.

neversurrenderboys ;)

11.09.21 13:35