They had had years of aggression, Lawrence wrote. "It has been the trip of a lifetime to be part of the project and facing a few demons; it has been a life-changer," he explained. Mount Tumbledown Works Cited Defensive positions They were well used to it. Nick van der Bijl, 1st Battalion, 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Rifles, Argentine Nation to the Valour in Combat Medal, Argentine Nation to the Heroic Valour in Combat Cross,, "Attenshun! The Guardsmen traded 66mm rockets and 84mm anti-tank rounds with the Argentinians, who were armed with anti-tank rifle grenades and protected in their rock bunkers. The Argentine marines, noted Lawrence, were wearing American-style uniform: big green parkas with webbing over the top.. I remember our Operations Officer requested the artillery to assist at 23.00 with star shells. [9], Meanwhile two Royal Navy frigates, HMS Yarmouth and Active, were pounding Tumbledown with their 4.5inch guns. Till at last the ground they'd proved The Guardsmen were forced to withdraw, protected by the early morning fog, this time avoiding the minefield. By this time we had ten or twelve dead including one officer [Second Lieutenant Oscar Silva, Argentine Army]. The actual fighting lasted only a matter of weeks but claimed more than 900 lives. For four or five hours, a mixed bag of Marine/Army defenders representing six platoons of Argentinian infantry, engineers and one platoon of mortar men on Tumbledown pinned the British down. [58][59], In the UK a Tumbledown Veterans And Families Association was created. Archaeologists and veterans have been surveying what remains in the battlefields of the Falkland Islands. As they began to count their dead. On the morning of 13 June, the Scots Guards were moved by helicopter from their position at Bluff Cove to an assembly area near Goat Ridge, west of Mount Tumbledown. A British Harrier was claimed to be hit by concentrated fire from M Company, on 7 June. Studying the memories of veterans alongside historical sources and the archaeological remains would enable a unique and "enhanced understanding of events", he explained. By 6 a.m., Left Flank's attack had clearly stalled and had cost the British company seven men killed and 18 wounded. In a sense the casualty figures are misleading. Mount Tumbledown was where the war ended. From then on we fought from crag to crag, rock to rock, taking out pockets of enemy and lone riflemen, all of whom resisted fiercely. A 155 mm howitzer was lightly damaged and six soldiers injured. The Scots Guards eventually mortally wounded him in a hail of gunfire,[16] but not before the Argentine soldier generated more confusion, resulting in the wounding of the Forward Observation Officer (FOO, Captain Swinton) attached to the Gurkhas, while clearing the positions of Marine Sergeant Jorge Lucero's 3rd Platoon before advancing on to take Mount William. The battle for Tumbledown began on the night of June 11th, 1982 and lasted for several days. When he came to, the rest of the British soldiers had gone. We thought we had suffered before, but what luxury and comfort compared to this. This should be checked. Lead to British ownership of the Falkland Islands. Here was a golden opportunity being missed. The Argentinians, in the form of their 6th Infantry Regiment's B Company, now counter-attacked and a burst of machine gun fire from the 3rd Platoon of Second Lieutenant Augusto La Madrid injured three British men, including Lieutenant Alasdair Mitchell, commander of 15 Platoon. [4] The barrage lasted for about forty minutes and more British casualties would have been inflicted if the mortar bombs had not landed on soft peat, which absorbed most of the power of the explosions. The Battle of Mount Tumbledown was an engagement in the Falklands War, one of a series of battles that took place during the British advance towards Stanley. Mount Tumbledown was one of the key sites for the British Task Force to focus on during the conflict as its great height gave the Argentine troops a strong advantage and the Task Force aimed to remove this. They were held by the Argentine 5th Naval Infantry Battalion (BIM 5), a reinforced, cold weather trained and equipped, Marine battalion. Nick Van Der Bijl, Victory in the Falklands, p. 224, Pen and Sword, 2007. In the most ferocious fighting of the battle, seven guardsmen died while trying for the summit. [10] The 5th Marines worked their way back into Stanley, leaving M Company to cover the retreat. This close-quarters night battle was later dramatised in the BBC film Tumbledown. The number and variety of features had been a surprise, he added, and the survey had made it clear that events on other battlefields towards the end of the war, such as on Mount Longdon, had an effect on the Argentine defence of Tumbledown. I decided that the only thing was to keep fighting this battle with artillery, otherwise, we were just going to have a lot of shit knocked out of ourselves." The Argentine marines had suffered at least 30 killed and 100 wounded. The guardsmen had been told the enemy force comprised young, ill-equipped conscripts who would scurry at the first muzzle flash. [44][45] Two parked British Sea Kings within range from Koch's Marines sustained minor damage from Sergeant Miguel Angel Vaca's machine-gun and rifle-grenades fired by Corporal Carlos Jorge Sini, but both remained operational. One replied, Get within 200 meters of them, and theyll run away. Only later did the guardsmen learn the PARAs had faced mainly poorly outfitted and trained teenage conscripts. Read about our approach to external linking. Nick van der Bijl, "Cuando le orden al guardiamarina Davis: "Listo, nos vamos! The insights the veterans provided, Prof Pollard said, created a "unique intersection" of physical remains, landscape and memory which "brought the past into the present". Mount Tumbledown, Mount William and Sapper Hill lie west of the capital. The Guardsmen traded 66mm rockets and 84mm anti-tank rounds with the Argentinians, who were protected in their rock bunkers. I don't know if I killed anyone. J. M. Kneen and D. J. Sutton, "Marine Vince Comb, seventeen and a half years old and the youngest man in the troop, was the machine gunner and was hit by bullets in the wrist and arm. The team has mapped rock-built fortifications, firing trenches, and mortar and artillery craters. He was immediately replaced on the machine gun and two Royal Marines gave him morphine and first aid." For his bayonet charge Major Kiszely was awarded the Military Cross. The 1st Battalion, 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Rifles were held in reserve. The Battle of Mount Longdon was an engagement of the Falklands War between British and Argentine forces, which took place on 11-12 June 1982, resulting in the British victory and their occupation of a key position around the besieged Argentine garrison. These 7 Foreigners Helped Win the American Revolution. At one stage Lieutenant Colonel Michael Scott, (Commanding Officer of 2 SG), thought the battalion might have to withdraw and attack again the next night, "The old nails were being bitten a bit, if we had been held on Tumbledown it might have encouraged them to keep on fighting".[9]. [30] Argentine sources claim that the aircraft was hit by AAA immediately after the attack. [56], Two British artists have depicted the battle in painting, Mark Churms[57] and Terence Cuneo, the latter commissioned by the Scots Guards. Marines Coombes was badly wounded in the arm and a second man, who was not wearing a helmet, suffered a head wound." Secretary of State for Defence Sir John Nott himself later wrote, I must confess that I wasnt much aware of the Falkland Islands before the invasion[and] was a bit horrified to see how far away they were. Regardless, although the distant Falklands and South Georgia had long since ceased to be of commercial interest to the United Kingdom, they remained British dependencies, and the Ministry of Defence began immediate preparations for an all-out response to the invasion of the South Atlantic islands. Our troop then cleared a safe line through the minefield. List of aircraft of the Malaysian Armed Forces, (The Sinking of the Belgrano, Arthur Gavshon and Desmond Rice pg. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.. The 1,000- man Argentine defending force, though comprising largely untested conscripts, outnumbered the British paratroopers nearly 2-to-1. The explosions prompted the Argentine Marine Major Antonio Pernas to order the 81mm mortar platoon on Mount William and the longer-ranged 120mm mortars attached to 'C' Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment on Sapper Hill to open fire on the minefield and the likely withdrawal route of anyone attacking Mount William. In a meeting with his company commanders the consensus was that the long uphill assault across the harsh ground of Tumbledown would be suicidal in daylight. Fighting continued on the eastern flank of the mountain, butlow on ammunition and denied reinforcementsthe Argentine 5th Marine Battalion was ultimately forced to surrender. The 2nd Bn Scots Guards' Reconnaissance Platoon, commanded by Major Richard Bethell (a former SAS officer), and supported by four light tanks of the 'Blues & Royals', clashed with the Argentine O Marine Company under Marine Captain Quiroga in a blocking position on the lower slopes of Mount William. To Guardsman Tracy Evens, the Sapper Hill positions looked impregnable: We were led to an area that the company would rest at for the night, I still took in the fact the Argies had prepared Sapper Hill well, they had depth positions that would have made the task of taking it very hard.[47]. They Say He Burned Down the Reichstag. Whether they produced battlefield images of the dead or daguerreotype portraits of common soldiers, []. Featuring artwork from leading armour painter David Pentland, this .999 silver plated commemorative depicts the night of 13 June when forces led by the Scots Guards assaulted Mount Tumbledown, near the town of Port Stanley. Lieutenant Robert Lawrence led 3 Platoon around to the right of the Argentinian platoons, hoping to take the Argentinians by surprise. Seeing their company commander among the Argentinians inspired 14 and 15 Platoons to make the final dash across open ground to get within bayoneting distance of the remaining 4th Platoon Marines. [14], As La Madrid and Mio withdrew after suffering reportedly five killed in the Argentine counterattack,[15] the platoons under Second Lieutenant Aldo Franco and Guillermo Robredo moved in from the eastern edge of the mountain to try to help La Madrid and Mio. In a meeting with his company commanders the consensus was that the long uphill assault across the harsh ground of Tumbledown would be suicidal in daylight. Finally, they beached their craft within 2 miles of the Argentine positions on Mount Tumbledown. Its mission completed, the diversionary force withdrew, in the process losing one of its tanks to a booby trap. This footwear was "wholly inappropriate" for the Falklands weather and terrain but had been "carefully" placed there for safe keeping, said project co-director and Oxford University archaeologist Dr Tim Clack. The next day, the 1st Assault Section (under First Lieutenant Jos Martiniano Duarte) from the 601st Commando Company checked the boat for hidden explosives, then brought it back to Port Stanley for closer examination.[24]. They had been waiting for it, it had passed several times through a sort of air corridor to the airport. Jim, who served alongside John, had visited the islands four times prior to the fieldwork. Grazing livestock doesn't help, either. We ran over a mine. While this might well describe a scenario from World War I, the date was in fact June 13, 1982, and the trenches in which the British troops huddled were carved not across some stretch of French countryside but into near-frozen tundra by the base of Mount Tumbledown in the subarctic Falkland Islands. "In the gloomy dawn, Captain Villarraza's Forward Observation Officer on Sapper Hill, Second Lieutenant Marcelo De Marco, radioed 3rd Artillery Group for airburst, which wounded eight Gurkhas." Moving up, the men of Left Flank, however, soon found themselves engaged in hand-to-hand fighting with fixed bayonets. Terms of Use| Once they had secured the western side of the island, the British would fight their way east to seize Port Stanley and effectively end the conflict. Nor the memory of our dead neglect, Major Kiszely, who was to become a senior general after the war, was the first man into the Argentine position, personally shooting two Argentinian conscripts and bayoneting a third, his bayonet breaking in two. Marine Sub-Lieutenant Hctor Mino's 5th Platoon, Amphibious Engineer Company, held the rocks to the right of Marine Sub-Lieutenant Carlos Vzquez's 4th Platoon, 5th Marines. The archaeological evidence painted a "vivid picture", enabling the team "not just to map these remains within the landscape but also to plot the footsteps of those who fought across that incredibly rugged terrain", he continued. 2015. The Guards took 30 prisoners, several of them RI 6 soldiers from Bravo Company. They who made that lonely sacrifice Fearing a counter-attack, the British platoon withdrew into an undetected minefield, and were forced to abandon their dead. When these efforts failed, and it became obvious war was unavoidable, Washington announced an embargo on arms sales to Argentina, while providing Britain with war materiel. To its great surprise the company met with practically no resistance and quickly secured its objective. Contents 1 Overview 2 Nacar Company deployment 2.1 4th Platoon deployment 3 Early moves 4 Diversion 5 Night attack 5.1 Left flank 6 Morning 7 Aftermath 8 Tumbledown after the war 9 References In addition to getting archaeological results, the whole project has been designed to help veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to come to terms with their experiences. The battle started at about 830 pm on 13 June, beginning with a diversion, since the argentines are fond of diversion. Solar PV. In the centre of the 4th Marine Platoon position were the remnants of Second Lieutenants scar Silva's and Marcelo Llambas-Pravaz's RI 4 platoons as well as the remnants of Second Lieutenants Celestino Mosteirn's and Marcelo Dorign's RI 12 platoons, which had recently fought on Two Sisters, Goat Ridge and Mount Harriet. Carlos Robacio, BIM5 commander, was awarded the Argentine Nation to the Valour in Combat Medal and the battalion itself was decorated by the Argentine Congress in 2002 [13], Due to his actions on both Two Sisters and Tumbledown, Private Oscar Ismael Poltronieri of La Madrid's platoon was awarded the Argentine Nation to the Heroic Valour in Combat Cross, Argentina's highest military decoration. After colonial conflicts with France and Spain over the islands, Britain claimed sovereignty in 1774, landed troops to reassert its dominion in 1833 and formally established the Falklands as a Crown colony in 1840. According to Private Jos Luis Fazio: My companions from M Company opened fire on a Sea Harrier, with rifles. "I was 33 and I had been serving for around 15 years. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter with top stories from master historians. Advancing out of the central region of Tumbledown Mountain, the British again came under heavy fire from the Argentinians, but by advancing in pairs under covering fire, they succeeded in clearing those RI 6 Company platoons as well, gaining firm control of the mountain's eastern side. I may be wrong but I think the Scots Guards battalion at the battle of Mount Tumbledown was the 1st Battalion Scots Guards - NOT 2nd Battalion Scots Guards. [8], Right Flank had achieved this at the cost of five wounded, including Lt. Lawrence. In argenteenish, "diversin" means "fun." But there was no fun in any of it. I reorganized and found that I was down to sixteen men. [14], After the battle, Pipe Major James Riddell of 2 SG stood near the top of the mountain and played his bagpipes. In 1982 the notoriously oppressive and much-beleaguered military junta that governed Argentina saw the seizure of the Falklands as an opportunity to distract its citizens from the many economic and human rights issues plaguing the country and to unite Argentines behind a self-justifying campaign. Captain Timothy Simon Spicer (School 1966-1969 . There the group observed virtual and live firing demonstrations using rifles and pistols, before spending a night under the stars to try out night vision devices. Thule Island. With Colin Firth, Paul Rhys, David Calder, Barbara Leigh-Hunt. Nick van der Bijl. People like me, on the other hand, only weeks previously had been doing the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace; not exactly the greatest experience for fighting a war on some godforsaken island in the middle of nowhere.. + Follow. In the first phase, G company would take the western end of the mountain. This close-quarters night battle was later dramatized in the BBC drama Tumbledown. Published Jun 12, 2022. However, after he is shot in the head during the battle for Mount Tumbledown, he struggles . About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . For John, one of the two former Scots Guards involved, it marked his first visit to the Falklands since fighting in the battle for Tumbledown. Halfway across the open ground 2 Platoon went to ground to give covering fire support, enabling us to gain a foothold on the enemy position. He said the project had helped him "get through the journey without too many hiccups". A Scots Guardsman. The 60mm Mortar Platoon was split in two parts on Tumbledown, with the mortar men positioned near the summit (under Marine Sergeants David Ramos and Lucio Monzn) in support of Vzquez's 4th Platoon. Mount Tumbledown. As they climbed, they came upon unoccupied Argentine tents that contained boxes of highly sophisticated IWS (individual weapon sight) night scopesthe absolute top grade, recalled Lawrence, more advanced than the ones we had ourselves. 2023 BBC. At 4.30 p.m., on 7 June 1982, a British Harrier bombing positions held by the 5th Marine Battalion was reportedly hit by concentrated fire from M Company (under Marine Sub-Lieutenant Rodolfo Cionchi) on Sapper Hill. The explosions prompted the Argentine Marine Major Antonio Pernas to order the 81mm mortar platoon on Mount William and the longer-ranged 120mm mortars attached to 'C' Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment on Sapper Hill to open fire on the minefield and the likely withdrawal route of anyone attacking Mount William. The British battle plan was straightforward and hinged on Scots Guards rifle units divided into three companies. In 2007, Guardsmen Steven William Duffy and Peter Alexander MacInnes from the Pipes & Drums Platoon recounted their experiences, claiming that some Argentinian Marines were in hot pursuit during the British withdrawal, with Bethell's force suffering a total of 2 killed and 16 wounded. The British plan called for a diversionary attack south of Mount Tumbledown by a small number of the Scots Guards, assisted by the four light tanks of the Blues and Royals, whilst the main attack came as a three-phase silent advance from the west of Mount Tumbledown. Close to the heart of any Scots Guardsman, a battlefield study of Mount Tumbledown saw the party given an overview of the famous 1982 battle. Singly and in small contingents, the rest of the Scots Guards clawed their way to the summit. Argentine Panhard armoured cars were moved forward to the edge of Stanley to cover the retreating troops. Within days of the Argentine occupation the Thatcher governmentdeclaring the 1,800 Falkland residents to be of British tradition and stockhad established a war cabinet and begun to assemble a naval armada. "There is still a lot of material out there, and if its location is recorded, it still has stories to tell," commented project co-director Prof Tony Pollard from Glasgow. [16][17] He named the tune The Crags of Tumbledown Mountain. In 2012, Argentine journalist Nicolas Kasanzew wrote a tango called "Carlos Daniel Vazquez's Thermopylae", which is sung by Carlos Longoni. [38] Due to this delay, it was decided that 45 Commando should move forward from Two Sisters to occupy Sapper Hill. On the night of 1314 June 1982 the British launched an assault on Mount Tumbledown, one of the highest points near the town of Stanley, the capital, and succeeded in driving Argentinian forces from the mountain. Despite the challenges, morale was high, for the British troops were preparing to end their misery by driving Argentine forces from the rugged escarpment before them. History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. The British plan called for a diversionary attack south of Mount Tumbledown by a small number of the Scots Guards assisted by the four light tanks of the Blues and Royals, whilst the main attack came as a three-phase silent advance from the west of Mount Tumbledown. I had only twenty rounds left and I decided to continue the fight from Mount William. Saved countless others from their own unknown. The fighting was intense and brutal, with both sides suffering heavy casualties. This battle saw 43 British soldiers injured and 9 men killed, while Argentinas 5thMarine Infantry Brigade lost 30 men and saw a further 30 taken as prisoners of war. I went up through the roof and the vehicle went up and was turned right round by the explosion," recalled Major Brian Armitage. A Royal Marine had stepped on a mine, followed by another a few minutes later. To help identify the bunkers, the Guardsmen fired flares at the summit. [citation needed], On the night of the 13/14 June, the Welsh Guards/Royal Marine Battalion were on standby to help in the British attacks on Mounts Tumbledown and William. "After some time an explosion was heard. [6], For four or five hours, three platoons of Argentinian riflemen, machine gunners, and mortar men pinned the British down. DeSantis won't say he's running. "En la madrugada del da 31, dos ataques areos con aviones Vulcan y Harrier sobre las posiciones del RI 3, del RI 25 y la zona del aeropuerto, pusieron fuera de servicio, transitoriamente, el radar de vigilancia de la Fuerza Area." By 8 a.m., after what one British soldier referred to as hours of struggle inch by inch up the rocks, using phosphorous grenades and automatic weapons, Tumbledown was, for the most part, in the hands of the guardsmen. Adding to the other-worldliness of the scene was a surprise blizzard that sent snow swirling around the silhouetted fighting figures. "The models and the surveyed data also act as a digital archive of the condition of the battlefield and the remains, before they deteriorate and are lost forever," Dr Eve said. The assaulting British forces were the 2nd Battalion, Scots Guards, 42 Commando, Royal Marines Mortar platoon and four light tanks of the Blues and Royals. VideoRecord numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. It was absolutely horrific. A half-hour into the engagement, shortly after 10 p.m., G Company commenced the assault on Tumbledown. At the foot of the hill, there was an enormous minefield. Fortunately for the British, the shells nearly all landed in soft peat, which absorbed the blasts; otherwise, the result would have been catastrophic. It was the Guardsmen of the Crown Some of the guys had surrendered, but I didn't want to do this. The Argentinians opened fire, killing two British soldiers and wounding four others. [6], Meanwhile, two Royal Navy frigates, HMS Yarmouth and Active, were pounding Tumbledown with their 4.5inch guns. Proved British armed forces were still powerful. It was rugged going, over scree that gave way under the soldiers boots. [22] The Westinghouse radar was also damaged, and would remain out of service for several days. We were supposed to finish the attack and they would give us covering fire from Tumbledown During the night we followed the Scots Guards and then our CO told us to stop. The Argentine Marine companies had been deeply entrenched and were well equipped with heavy machine guns. Mount Tumbledown, Mount William and Sapper Hill lie west of the capital. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. 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