Many legends were told about her, the central one being her conflict with her sister Shar at the beginning of all things. [66][67], According to Moonsea superstition, one who mocked Selne while aboard a ship would never complete their voyage. [14], Suiting the goddess's chaotic and changeable ways, the church hierarchy was highly variable, shifting from place to place and even with the predictable phase of the moon and other, unpredictable heavenly events. A common blessing by priests to the faithful. you will have instant access to your previous versions. The Mystery of the Night must be performed at least once a year by every priest. He failed, but as he lay dying beneath a desert moon, Selne healed him through divine intervention. The shaman promises the tribe a place at the top of the new world order and they follow her orders ardently. A number of spells and prayers were unique to Selnite priests or were closely associated with them: Clerics, druids, and rangers initiated into the higher secrets of the church could choose all these spells and were greatly skilled in casting auguries and divinations.[17]. Your circle could be dedicated to Selune and the moon, and another circle could be dedicated to the sun and be your mortal enemies. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. Selne is the goddess of the moon in the Faernian pantheon. The folk here favored the worship of She Who Guides. Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement). During this great conflagration, the gods of war, disease, murder and death, among others, were created from residues of the deific battle. Fountains and plants line the walls. [1][4] It was a jumble of clerics and specialty priests, crusaders and mystics, and blessed or well-informed lay worshipers. The ceremonial costume of Selunites varies from place to place. This crept away from the altar to touch or envelop whatever the goddess chose, in turn enchanting items, empowering the faithful, and destroying undead. JavaScript is currently disabled. The city of Opus was believed to have escaped the destruction visited upon the other Netherese enclaves. Her worshipers believe that she will guide them to the most profitable customers. Selne to Shar during their battle over Waterdeep. Among other threats, they dealt with a resurgent Imgig Zu and returned the kittenlord to the Catlord. [70], Those who believed in the Dark Moon heresy held that Selne and Shar were two faces of the same goddess. The building is surrounded by columns, with a triangular blue-tiled roof. Most Selunites, however, tend toward smaller shrines and individual worship, since Anywhere the full moon shines is the place for Selune. Selunites refer to night conditions as being either moonlight (the moon is present, though perhaps not immediately visible) or nightgloom (the moon is not out or is dark). Powerless, Luna fell victim to the Rod of Oblivion. Suggested Price $1.99. By this long-sighted policy Selune allows her clergy to become happy, fulfilled, important people, and sees her faith steadily gain power thereby. A great deal of moon-related activity occurs in and around Waterdeep, and most of this is attributed to the temple to Our Lady of Silver. I wanted it so bad but we ended before I could. From the residues of these struggles emerged the original deities of magic, war, disease, murder, death, and others. [6][7][33][34][35] Seizing an advantage, Selne reached out of the universe altogether and into a plane of fire and, though it burned her painfully, brought forth a fragment of ever-living flame. Mystryl balanced the conflict and mediated an uneasy truce. She always appears as a radiantly beautiful red-haired woman of incredible charm. Women were honored for their roles as teachers and as role models in society and in the family. [4][5] These moon motes occasionally exuded a radiant, sparkling, pearly-hued liquid known as "drops fallen from the moon", which was the holy essence of Selne and was prized by the faithful. I would have thought Life or Knowledge, from what Domains are available. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][note 1] In the Shining Lands of Durpar, Estagund, and Var the Golden, Selne was known as Lucha, She Who Guides, and her worship was part of belief in the Adama. [24][note 3], The most sacred rituals, observed by all clergy, were the Mystery of the Night, an annual holy day, and the rare Conjuring of the Second Moon. [36] Witnessing the battle, Naneatha began to question the false Selne, who soon revealed her murderous intent. Her near self-sacrifice bought time for Luna and her friends to escape the temple. She is wearing a silvery-white diaphanous gown with a silver lash sash around the waist, and simple sandals on her feet. They were fearless and did all they could to uncover, cure, or eliminate the affliction of lycanthropy. Forgetting who she really was, Luna was reinvented as a faithful servant of Selne and a member of the Lunatics, a fanatic Selnite order. [2][3] Indeed, in Durpar, they believed Lucha would guide her worshipers to the most profitable customers. A wooden pendant with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. Two darkly beautiful human female eyes surrounded by a circle of seven silver stars[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] Heavy mace[4][7] Her moon shined a light in the darkness, holding evil at bay. This document contains the following: a poem for Selune worshippers [26], Around 1367 DR, there were frequent stories of people sighting Selne gliding above the waters of the Moonsea. The holy symbol of Selne displayed on a standard. Shaman taking over just that one tribe? It can be safely said that as the moon changes, so does the nature of the moon goddess. Our Lady of Silver, the Moonmaiden, the Night White Lady, Symbol: Pair of female eyes surrounded by seven silver stars Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. In her weeping, she shed one crystalline tear, which fell to ground as a meteor in the land of Thar. Others who labored by night at honest work prayed to her for similar reasons. Finally, the priests gave the false avatar the Wand of the Four Moons and she used it to knock out Luna. In both her avatars and her religious artwork, Selne appeared in many forms, like the phases of the moon. [51] At last, Vajra convinced Luna of the truth of her identity, and they realized that the false Selne was in fact Shar in disguise! [9] Nevertheless, she was viewed as a calm power circa 1489 DR.[8], Nevertheless, at all times, Selne was caring and accepting of most beings, and forgiving of most of her followers' faults. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. [2] In the city of Yhaunn, young acolytes of Moonshadow Hall wore blue and silver robes.[25]. [note 1] In the time of ancient Netheril, when she was a greater goddess, she held the portfolios of the moon, moonlight, and stars; beauty and purity; love and marriage; navigation and navigators; tracking, wanderers, and seekers; diviners and dreams; good and neutral lycanthropes; and autumn. [48] At some point in the 1350s DR, known only as a mysterious woman, Selne appeared to Conner. During the Mystery ritual, Selunite priests cast certain secret spells and lie before the Moonmaidens altar, from whence they fly upward and spiral around the moon in a trance while they speak personally with Selune via mental visions. Im definitely gonna hit up the tvtropes website and read all the bits and bobs on there. I did the same things when I tried figuring out what she wanted because my character had a rock that glowed in the moonlight and knew my direction. Nevertheless, there was a widespread preference for smaller shrines and individual worship. The faithful of Selune yet hope to restore it to her care. When the two were created and alone among the planes, there was calm and harmony. Where Shar is a neutral-evil goddess who embraces nothingness and darkness, Selune is a chaotic-good goddess who watches over life with the light of the moon. [7], This is the battle you and I must fight forever, Sharnight devouring the light of the moon, the moon replenishing itself. A cleric of Selne in formal blue-and-white dress with high collar and headpiece. [4][7][31] Under the Great Wheel cosmology, her realm stood on the plane of Ysgard, also called Gladsheim. Priests of Selune spend their time wandering Faerun reaching out to the faithful and to potential worshipers of the moon goddess, since Selune can be worshiped anywhere on the surface world. What nuances should I impose on the story to reflect the desires of a moon goddess? One order of fanatic Selunites is known as the Swords of the Lady, who are often referred to colloquially as the Lunatics. For one night only, the Shards would do as the clergy bade them, most often to combat the minions and dark forces of Shar. [2][3] There were also a scattered few lycanthropes, both natural and afflicted, but all of good heart. With the faith of Selne promoting equality and understanding for all, and with her wide assortment of worshipers, her priesthood were just as diverse and eclectic. A rock etched with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. For example, Naneatha Suaril, high priestess of the House of the Moon in Waterdeep, presided over ceremonies in a majestic dress with a wide-bottomed hooped skirt and a great fan-like collar ascending from the back of her neck, both stiffened with whalebone, all set with clusters of pearls and other precious stones. A wooden necklace of Selune's symbol, worn by faithful commoners. This magical energy combined to form the goddess Mystryl, the original goddess of magic. The ceremonial dress of priests of Lucha consists of a circlet woven of vines or flowers and white robes. [29], Selne dwelled in a planar realm called the Gates of the Moon. In this way, Selune steadily gains worshipers from the ranks of those who look to the night sky for guidance. Press J to jump to the feed. [2][3][4][7], Itinerant priests spread the faith by seeking out and keeping in touch with both existing and potential worshipers, in the belief that Selne could be worshiped anywhere. The sailors of Thentia took this very seriously. These included:[2][3][24]. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][9][60][61], Her other great foes were Mask, for the mischief and wickedness he made in the shadows formed by her moon's light at night; Umberlee, over the fates of ships at sea; and the rotting god Moander. A rock painted with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. Selunite clergy members wear everything from plain brown robes to only a little moonstone jewelry as an accent to normal clothing to rich bejeweled gowns of the finest make and haughtiest fashion with enchanted, animate trains and capes and accompanying moonstone crowns. This long-sighted approach allowed priests to grow content, happy, and prominent, and saw the clergy gain influence and strength. Additionally, you learn the dimension door spell and can cast it once per long rest. Luna closely resembles an aged version of the Selne depicted in the Song of Selne, implying this is the same avatar. The grandest and haughtiest wore only the very finest attire, such as expensive gowns bedecked with jewels, with magical and animated capes and trains, and crowns set with moonstones. If you wish to make a request, please contact us (individual requests are not always granted or guaranteed). Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while you wear this cloak. [35] Her true identity as Selne unknown, Luna was kept as a "special guest"prisonerat the House of the Moon for a dozen days. The story had a few alternate endings. Sune is the deity of beauty, with governance also over lovetypically love base on outward beauty. [6][7] Nevertheless, the great majority of members were women,[4] and the senior ranks were dominated by female humans. Here, she was seen as part of the Adama, a unifying world spirit that included all gods, the world, and everything. She is barefoot and wearing a long white robe with a silver cloth belt. The Moonmaidens clergy are encouraged to be self-reliant, humble, and yet make as much of a success as they can in the world while always remaining as helpful and friendly to the lonely and to decent folk as possible. [29], Selne was in constant conflict with Shar, her sister and the goddess of darkness. The walls are etched with beautiful murals, and statues circle the room. They ranged from simple shrines, such as those in the Dalelands and oft in the wilderness, to amazing opulent temples like the House of the Moon in Waterdeep. Members of this diverse group all worship the goddess in their own styles. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. [3], The original ceremonial dress of the priests of Selne during the time of Netheril consisted of white robes, which could be either plain and unadorned or embroidered with silver and decorated with moonstones; a circlet of woven flowers or vines worn around the head; and no shoes. Named Luna, she ran the Selne's Smile inn and tavern in the city. They tend to act rapidly in response to threats from Shar and her priesthood, although their behavior is often viewed as bizarre by the public at large. You can use an action to cast one of these spells. [8], The church had an ideology of female empowerment. [1][4][6][7][62] In the time of Netheril, she was opposed to Moander, Kozah, and Targus. Favored deity A cleric of Selne casting the handfire spell. Clerics of Selne are a very diverse group, including sailors, nonevil lycanthropes, mystics, and . [69] Some folk believed silver to be Selne's hardened tears. They were warrior priests armed with much moon-related magic. [1][2][3][4][6][7] Common features were feminine symbols, small gardens, and reflecting ponds. [50], Her true identity unknown to the clergy, Luna was kept as a prisoner at the House of the Moon, completely under the control of the false Selne,[51] who used her stolen identity to confuse Luna and make her doubt herself. [1][2][3][4][7], The clergy held a wide assortment of titles. [4][5][26], To indicate her favor or presence or to help mortals, Selne might send owls; weredragons or song dragons; certain breeds of good lycanthropes or other shapechanging creatures; or one of her loyal planetar servants known as the Shards,[4][5][25] or lesser beings known as slivers. Cut to the end of Lost Mines of Phandelver. Such struggles won them the respect of farmers and the common people. Press J to jump to the feed. Turn to the moon, and I will be your true guide. Thus the connection between the two remains a mystery, though Selne's earlier Netherese incarnation was also a goddess of beauty. After a brief battle in which the good and evil aspects of the fallen Tyche nearly destroyed each other if not for the combined effort of Azuth, Lathander, and Selune, Beshaba cursed the four deities, decrying them as murderers and luckless villains unworthy of both her presence and her good will. [2][3][4][7] As every force in the world ebbed and flowed, she encouraged her followers to never lose faith or lose hope, yet still struggle to hold back the tide of evil and bring light to the darkness. The Moonmaiden's clergy believe that "anywhere the full moon shines is the place for Selune." Her worshipers tend to be patient, accepting all with an understanding ear and a healing hand. [42], Two darkly beautiful human female eyes surrounded by a circle of seven silver stars. The temple guards took Luna prisoner at the avatar's direction. She radiated protection from evil to a distance of a 100 yards (90 meters), and no good summoned creature within this range could be dispelled or banished. Many of Faerun's residents live according to the dictates of the night sky, and hence Selne boasts a highly diverse body of worshipers: navigators, sailors, women, female spellcasters (especially those born under a full moon or interested in divination), good and neutral-aligned lycanthropes, those who work honestly at night, those seeking Female spellcasters revered her, particularly those born during a full moon or who had an interest in divination, and a few dedicated themselves to her. However, there was no fire or heat on any of these bodies. The undying enmity between the two goddesses predates the existence of most, if not all, of the present-day existing Faetunian deities. Portfolio: Moon, stars, navigation, navigators, wanderers, questers, good and neutral lycanthropes He survived, but continually tried and failed to rescue Vajra. May Selne guide your steps in the night, and bring them to the new dawn. The words of Selune, which all novices were charged with. Think Palpatine from Star Wars during the Republic levels of behind the scenes work. She had infused her spirit with the moon, and there eternally watched over the world. Learning that Luna was truly Selne and that the false avatar was in fact Shar, Naneatha defiantly shoved her off the temple balcony. no risk refund guarantee Among them were the first Mystra and the second Mystra, who was her greatest ally against Shar since 1358 DR. Eilistraee and Lliira, meanwhile, shared her love of frolicking under the moon. This one sometimes lived among mortals; the most notable such avatar was the innkeeper Luna. Though disturbing to mainstream churches, the tieflings argued these visions meant the heart and soul meant more to the gods than appearance and bloodline.)[72]. Im thinking about having the violent tribe misusing some artifacts of Selune that they have looted. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. [1][3][4][5][6][7][8] She was also worshiped by illusionists, some sages, and good thieves. [2][3], The specialty priests were called silverstars, in both the time of Netheril and in the 14th century DR.[2][3], The church of Selne commonly included among its ranks clerics, the elite specialty priests known as silverstars, crusaders, and mystics. [48], For a long time, Selne had chosen to live her life as a mortal woman in the city of Waterdeep. The greatest and most beautiful temple to Selune is the House of the Moon in Waterdeep, where Priestess of the High Moonlight (or to the uninitiated, simply High Priestess) Naneatha Suaril holds court in a gilt-domed temple whose ornate new gates depict Selune triumphantly hurling Shar down into the spires of Waterdeep as the faithful say she did during the Time of Troubles. Imgig Zu seized the wand of power and intended to kill the deceived goddess. This conflict was later known as the Dawn War. It wasn't clear how this happened, but some sources told that Selne herself saved the city. Selune is a beautiful, dusky-skinned human woman with long limbs. [4] Rituals often involved offerings of milk or wine and dancing, and were performed as personal matters. Luna confronted her, the other called her deluded and attacked her with spells and finally used the Wand of the Four Moons to knock Luna out. [2], In the aftermath of the Time of Troubles, the clergy grew in strength. Furthermore, Thentians saw the whole Moonsea as sacred to the goddess. [7][31][32] Under the World Axis cosmology, the Gates of the Moon was a dominion in the Astral Sea. In others, Selne died because of her sacrifice, but was resurrected come the next full moon. They struggled tirelessly against the followers of Mask and other dark deities. If youve read this far, my question is this: What twists and turns should make an appearance along this story arc? A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its One D&D future. tall youthful, ageless, female elf in a diaphanous gown, made of moonbeams. The Shards always take one mortal priestess to be one of them before they depart. [2][4][5] She also made few demands of her followers. These images are for individual DMs to use in personal campaigns, to provide visual cues and examples for their players. A commoner's necklace with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. [6][7][11][33][34][35] This universe was illuminated by the cool radiant face of Selne and darkened by the hair and welcoming embrace of Shar. [1][2][3] The silverstar specialty priests were elite members of the church. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. The priestess of Selne is a middle-age human, with long, flowing black hair with thin streaks of white. [47], However, Selne had weakened herself and sacrificed her immortal youthful vitality and beauty, aging thousands of years. Can cast it once per long rest an uneasy truce with governance also over lovetypically love base on beauty. Thus the connection between the two remains a Mystery, though Selne 's inn... Innkeeper Luna to AC and saving throws while you wear this cloak temple balcony the! Out Luna the beginning of all things appears as a mysterious woman, Selne appeared in many forms, the... At the avatar 's direction silver lash sash around the waist, and circle. 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