Attempts to revive the station from the ground failed. On 11th February 1985, telemetry reported a huge electrical surge, knocking out radio transmission from Salyut. In April of 1982, the Soviet Union launched its ambitious Salyut 7 space station as part of the Soviet Salyut Programme, which started in 1971 and had the aim of eventually sending up a total of four crewed scientific research space stations and two crewed military reconnaissance space stations. The Salyut 7 would end up staying in orbit for a total of 8 years and 10 months, which up until that time was the longest such a station had ever remained in continuous orbit. Mir, the state-of-the-art orbital facility in development, was delayed and still six years from launch. It was boosted into a higher orbit of 475km or 295 miles, to delay re-entry. It covers strange, mysterious, unexplained, and astonishing news. The Salyut programme ( Russian: , IPA: [slut], meaning "salute" or "fireworks") was the first space station programme, undertaken by the Soviet Union. It carried three solar panels, two in lateral and one in dorsal longitudinal positions, but they now had the ability to mount secondary panels on their sides. All passed these examinations and procedures convincingly. [1] It was first crewed in May 1982 with two crew via Soyuz T-5, and last visited in June 1986, by Soyuz T-15. Based on actual events. He would say of what he saw thus: The ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with TWO tethered US NASA Astronauts. This small lab, orbiting two hundred kilometres (or 120 miles) above the Earth, would go further than any spacecraft before, to become a base for six long-term expeditions. Bas sur des faits rels. Salyut 7 (Russian: -7) is a 2017 Russian disaster film directed by Klim Shipenko and written by Aleksey Samolyotov, the film stars Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Pavel Derevyanko. With delays to the Mir programme it was decided to launch the back-up vehicle as Salyut 7. In the fall of 1990, astronauts saw a certain silvery ball in the Earths atmosphere. The repair and reactivation of the station by Soyuz T-13 is the subject of the 2017 Russian historical drama Salyut 7. Project 33, The Chulucanas Incident, And Perus Official UFO Office. If they couldn't resurrect Salyut 7 and its systems, they would have no choice but to humbly return to Earth. In reality, at the end of the repair and resupply mission, which took over three months (not a matter of days as the movie suggests), Soyuz T-13 undocked and re-entered Earth's atmosphere for a normal landing and recovery. The engineers had to come up with an entirely new set of docking techniques. On the project, he was an operator of space scenes and an engineer of the entire technological part of the shooting. [8] Within a week sufficient systems were brought back online to allow uncrewed Progress cargo ships to dock with the station. It was in Fiton-3 that Arabidopsis became the first plants to flower and produce seeds in the zero gravity of space. This video was filmed by cosmonaut Musa Manarov, who wanted to capture the docking of the cargo compartment. The Soviets understood that docking a crewed Soyuz spacecraft with Salyut 7 was a supremely dangerous maneuver. The rescue of Salyut 7 would serve as Dzhanibekovs final space mission, though Savinykh would fly in space several more times. After carefully working through the Salyuts electrical systems, the cause of the power loss was eventually pinpointed to a single sensor, on one of the batteries. The backup hardware for the Salyut program could be used and a series of missions were planned for the station that would become known as Salyut-7. Instead, the only solution was to send up a Soyuz with a two-man crew consisting of Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Victor Savinikh to dock manually with Salyut-7 and attempt a rescue. Making matters worse, the interior of the station rapidly lost heat, eventually reaching a frigid, yet stable, temperature of about -4 degrees. Theories of the end of the world appear online and into the public arena constantly. The Soyuz was a 3 man craft but with just 2 crew, the third seat and with the automatic docking system removed completely there was enough room for extra supplies, food and water and more fuel for the extended mission. Suffice it to say, Salyut-7 is very much a work of fiction and, to be fair, was not intended to be taken as a true depiction of events. The crew thought it might be hallucinations or fatigue from hard work. }); Subscribe to our newsletter to get our newest articles instantly! The decision to launch it was made in light of delays in the Mir program. Salyut 7 went silent. Our latest book, Historys Most Bizarre, Outlandish, And Controversial UFO And Alien Encounters contains over 60 encounters. Your email address will not be published. [1] Supporting spacecraft included the Soyuz T, Progress, and TKS spacecraft.[1]. While it is a stretch admittedly that this might be the case, it is an interesting point to consider. Each of the cosmonauts was subject to intense and prolonged examinations upon their return to Earth. With the station back up and running, the crew of Soyuz T-13 was no longer on a rescue mission. [2] Aside from the many experiments and observations made on Salyut 7, the station also tested the docking and use of large modules with an orbiting space station. Was it something else? STS-51-I also flew concurrent to the Soyuz T-13 mission. Space News space history and artifacts articles Messages space history discussion forums Sightings The most rational and scientific answer is that these cosmonauts experienced what they had suspected in the beginning, which is some sort of mass hallucination or madness brought on by the demanding stresses, fatigue, and the harsh conditions of space. Fortunately, the stations rotation rate was manageable. The plot revolving around a fire on board the Soyuz T-13 and possibly returning with only Savinykh on board was added for the movie, in reality the crew took great care in ensuring all water had evaporated before turning on any electrical systems. Concerns about a possible fluid leak meant the replacement crew boarded . The 2023 Downed UFO Wave Over North America Just What Is Going On? Auditory Hallucinations. Launched in April 1982, the Salyut 7 Space Station locked into Earths orbit soon after. The authors of the film chose material that allowed them to remain true to the facts. On October 4, 2017, a pre-premiere screening of the film was held in the cinema hall of the State Kremlin Palace, which became the main event of the gala evening dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the launch of the USSR's first artificial Earth satellite, Sputnik 1. Salyut 7 was part of the transition from monolithic to modular space stations, acting as a testbed for docking of additional modules and expanded station operations. In July 1984, Russian cosmonauts aboard the Sovie space station Salyut 7 were on day 155 of their mission. For each frame, their own shooting systems were developed, different suspensions and mounting methods were used to realistically show interaction with objects in zero gravity and to ensure a smooth transition to computer animation. Ajouter des liens Salyut-7 (322 Votes) Films. USSR, June 1985. Although Salyut couldnt be scooped up and carried back to earth, it was far too valuable to just abandon. Copyright 2023 UFO Insight, All Rights Reserved. In 1985 one of the most audacious space rescue missions was launched by the Soviets to recover a space station that had been dead for months due to an unknown fault. If ever a genuine warning of such an event came to light, most would ignore it. We have only within the last century really begun to comprehend some of its secrets to any appreciable degree, and there are certainly wonders beyond our imagination for us yet to behold. UFO Insight does not take responsibility for the content of the comments below. Mir launched in February of 1986, but even with its replacement in orbit, Salyut-7 continued to make history. They connected them to the solar panels, and by using the Soyuzs thrusters, they moved the entire station to properly align it with the Sun. They were floating above the Earth and swimming through the eternal ocean of space. It was time for them to settle in. Firmly attached to Salyut 7, the cosmonauts' next task was to see if the station could be revived. The Salyut 7 stayed in orbit for 8 years and 10 months. After contact with the Salyut 7 space station is lost, cosmonauts Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Viktor Savinykh dock with the empty, frozen craft, and bring her back to life. [10][11], On three occasions, a visiting Soyuz craft was transferred from the station's aft port to its forward port. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. . From the UFO Insight Archives. There are claims of NASA whistle-blowers who state that these angels regularly appear in photographs of the Hubble telescope. This is almost a by-product to the constant opportunism of some alternative media sites. Claims that two Challenger missions (STS-41G in October 1984 and STS-51B in April-May 1985) approached Salyut-7 are equally unfounded. Who knows? During hypnotic regression, Gagarin claimed that he could remember seeing an enormous, mysterious figure floating in space in front of him, and that he had heard a voice in his head saying, Do not worry, everything will be fine. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics. Following up the use of Kosmos 1267 on Salyut 6, the Soviets launched Kosmos 1443 on 2 March 1983 from a Proton SL-13. Due to the sub-zero temperature, the two cosmonauts donned wool hats and heavy winter coats. Even as recently as 2008, an anonymous spacecraft operator from the Kennedy Space Center stated he witnessed a large alien standing in the payload bay of a space shuttle. It is still unknown whether these unidentified objects were representatives of a new extraterrestrial race or debris that flew through space. The first crew on Mir travelled in the Soyuz to Salyut, to collect and transfer valuable equipment: the only time a station-to-station crew transfer has taken place to date. it appeared that there was perhaps something more going on beyond simple hallucinations. Once the batteries were replaced, the station started charging them, and warmed up over the next few days. It began to slowly tumble. The meeting was also attended by cosmonauts Vladimir Dzhanibekov, Viktor Savinykh and Oleg Skripochka, the head of the Roscosmos by Igor Komarov and the daughter of the first cosmonaut Elena Gagarina. The ceiling on the Salyut 7 was white; the left wall was apple green and the right one beige,[4][5] a signature design by interior design architect, Galina Balashova, who carried on the concept through Soyuz to Mir and Buran, in an effort to replace 'survive' with 'comfort', working with seasoned cosmonauts to make living conditions better and 'closer to home'. When their eyes finally adjusted, each of them could clearly see huge angels outside the ship. Subscribe to our free newsletter and join our subscribers. They then vanished into nowhere, as if they were an energy force that manifested itself perhaps? According to commander Oleg Atkov and cosmonauts Vladmir Solovyov and Leonid Kizim, the space station was completely bathed in a mesmerizing orange light. The first strange sighting occurred on 12th July 1984. Officially, the launch was scrubbed for technical reasons. The Kingman UFO Crash A Discreet Downed UFO That Slipped Under The Radar? Ground control decided to try to repair the damaged pipes, in what was the most complex repair attempted during EVA at the time. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); [] HISTORY | howandwhys | marcianitosverdes []. At least do a little bit of research and you would have found that. In July 1984, on board a Soviet space station, one of the strangest sightings of cosmic phenomena occurred. Learn how your comment data is processed. it appeared that there was perhaps something more going on beyond simple hallucinations. The crew of the Mir space station also observed unidentified objects. Looking through the windows, the cosmonauts noticed several unknown creatures about 30 meters tall, who were flying through space, while smiling. One way or another, people will find out about it in the future. The only launch of Challenger concurrent Soyuz T-13 was STS-51-F launched on July 29, 1985; well after the Soyuz T-13 crew had completed their primary emergency repairs. The device was located near the station, moving erratically, as if in pursuit of the astronauts. container: 'taboola-mid-article-thumbnails', Blinding Light. On Day 167 of the mission, the Salyut gained an additional three cosmonauts in the form of Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk and Vladimir Dzhanibekov. They were floating above the Earth and swimming through the eternal ocean of space. Hearing this, the Soviets immediately set their sights on such an achievement. It is perhaps worth bearing in mind, however, the following. By 1980, this record had been extended to 184 days of uninterrupted habitation. At the other end I saw something like gas discharging, like a reactive object. Then, ground control would command the station itself to rotate 180 degrees, and the Soyuz would close and re-dock at the forward port. NASAs announcement in 1983 that they would make astronaut, Kathryn Sullivan the first woman to complete a spacewalk began things. Dzhanibekov and Savinykh trained extensively on new protocols developed for the planned docking with the lifeless Salyut 7. In the era of space flights, people began to notice strange things that were happening in space. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Just what is going on here? The payload was ejected, and the crew was recovered safely. Maybe we are not out of the apocalyptic woods just yet! We do not sell, rent or trade our email lists. Certainly ranking among these mysteries is a curious close encounter between some of the first people in space and, well, something else. I observed this incident for about one minute and seven seconds. Salyut-7 could help make this a reality, by testing out new hardware and training cosmonauts. David Icke speaks of the force behind the reptilian bloodlines, as being such an energy force. In 1978 the Soviet Salyut-6 exceeded the long-standing Skylab record when its first crew passed 96 days in orbit. Required fields are marked *. The rescue of Salyut 7 has sometimes been compared to the ill-fated flight of Apollo 13: both missions involved dead and freezing spacecraft that put human lives at risk, and both missions succeeded thanks to extensive coordination between astronauts/cosmonauts and ground controllers. To understand how to move in a state of weightlessness, how the body behaves, it was necessary to feel weightlessness. The station began to drift, doing unpredictable movement on orbit, and all systems shut down. These were both physical and mental in nature. Indeed, it was while the world witnessed a major Soviet propaganda victory in the space race that these events played out quietly in the background. ", " "-7", -7: 2017 , "The Space Review: Kidnapping a Soviet Space Station",, Aleksandr Samoylenko as Valeriy Shubin, flight director (based on, Polina Rudenko as Olya Fyodorova, Vladimir Fyodorov's daughter, This page was last edited on 12 August 2022, at 05:21. But, in essence, the Soyuz's dance partner was giving it the cold shoulder. The short video below looks at the sightings of the Soviet cosmonauts. Therefore, some things had to be simplified, and some, on the contrary, strengthened, adapted for our understanding." McClelland claimed that others had seen the incident too, and that they had been told to keep quiet about what they had seen, meaning that he had sat on this hauntingly bizarre experience until after he retired. There hovering in space in front of the space station were what the crew would describe as seven enormous winged humanoid beings estimated as being around 90 feet in height and with calm, smiling faces, and it was from these bizarre entities that the ethereal light was apparently emanating. The premiere of the full (two-hour) version of the film took place on August 18, 2017 at the opening of the V Russian short film festival In short in the city of Kaliningrad. DOS-6, short for Durable Orbital Station[1]) was a space station in low Earth orbit from April 1982 to February 1991. The entire article and the contents within are published by, wholly-ownedandcopyright of UFO Insight. _taboola.push({ Fireworks sparked by survivor of stellar collision, Catch two great conjunctions: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Venus and Jupiter will soon share the same tiny part of the evening sky, A new place to look for alien life: The photosynthetic habitable zone, 'We just discovered the impossible': Giant young galaxies shake up our understanding of the early universe, The largest structures in the universe are still glowing from their creation, Observe the constellation Auriga: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Zodiacal light and how to see it: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Explore the constellation Orion: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Mars passes behind the Moon: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF): This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Venus-Saturn Conjunction: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, My First Telescope: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Preview: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, STARMUS VI: The out-of-this-world science and arts festival will see speakers including Chris Hadfield and Kip Thorne celebrate 50 years of exploration on Mars, Queen guitarist Brian May and David Eicher launch new astronomy book. Russian Cosmonauts Saw 30-Meter Tall-Aliens Smiling At Them In Space During 1980 Flight Of Salyut-7. The event witnessed not by a single person, but six individuals all claiming to have seen the same thing. These events also served as a plot base for the Polish novel Poowa nieba (pol. This last frontier has a lot of strange stuff in it, but perhaps not much that is as strange as this. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. They may have gone on forever convinced that this was some sort of mass hallucination and a bout of temporary insanity, but it would not be their last encounter with these otherworldly beings. All of its water supplies had frozen. Creator and presenter of Curious Droid Youtube channel and website The Salyut 7 Incident - Space Hallucinations, Or The Watchers? In all, there were seven of these celestial entities. Soviet spacecraft usually depended on an automated docking system, but that relied on computers aboard both vessels being in constant communication with each other. The film was released in Russia on October 12, 2017 by Nashe Kino in RealD 3D.[3]. Once a day, Everyday the main computer instructed the solar cells to charge the batteries but the faulty sensor stopped the charging almost immediately. For these reasons, the names of the main protagonists have been changed. Post a new comment! Once the batteries charged up, Dzhanibekov and Savinykh began to bring Salyut 7s vital systems back online. Its this determination and experience of the engineers, ground control and cosmonauts to keep Salyut 7 flying when previous stations that had gone before were allowed to fail that has been carried over in the ISS which has now been flown continuously for over 15 years by the international community. Dzhanibekov described the environment as kolotoon," which is a slang term in Russian meaning extreme cold with harsh undertones. . In July of 1984, the Salyut 7 was on the 155th day of its mission and things were going in a routine fashion until there was a sudden transmission from cosmonauts Commander Oleg Atkov, Vladmir Solovyov, and Leonid Kizim in which they claimed that the space station had suddenly been surrounded by an oppressive, blinding orange light. The details included in the articleare based on the reports, accounts and documentation available as provided bywitnesses and publications - sources/references are published above. Kosmos 1686 was launched on 27 September 1985, docking with the station on 2 October. Suggested by cw3brett, Salyut 7 was the 10th ever space station, and the last in the Soviet Salyut program. The three cosmonauts rushed to the portholes, almost blind from the brightness that flooded into the space station. 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