Your weight will be measured in underwear, rounded to the nearest pound. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. When I asked my recruiter, what does it say on my MEPS papers, if I was considered disqualified temp or permanent, he said I wasnt disqualified at all. Females are also required to take a pregnancy test at MEPS. This day should not be taken lightly, but following this guide you can ensure you are properly prepared. Anybody had any experience talking to a MEPS psychiatrist? A medical brief will be conducted after the basic testing. Tests are considered abnormal if the Systolic measurement is above 140mmHg and the Diastolic measurement greater than 90mmHg. When scheduling your MEPS appointment you will be provided with an approximate time that you will be swearing in. When I went into the recruiting office, spoke to someone else and requested a copy or just to see my 2808, the answer I received was it couldnt be done that the paperwork was at MEPS. During the body recheck, some scarring was found on my shoulder. Continue reading for your complete guide to MEPS. A Gulick II tape measure will measure your body fat. When I initially went to MEPS I filled out the questionnaire; the question I think was the problem was the alcohol question. Prior to a medical briefing, your blood pressure, vision and hearing will be checked. a. As of January 30, 2012, N3M is still known as N3M, but is listed as N33 in the organizational chart. I was recently Dq from meps due to a false accusation of self harm. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. The Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery Testing (ASVAB) is a series of tests that measures aptitude for certain career fields. Does anyone know what to expect in this consult or how I should dress since it is an outside sourced doctor that MEPS scheduled me with? He was very adamant about it. So I may need two waivers to join. Eat dead, burnt bodies! Military selection is a branch of military psychology. Sent me down the hall, said Youre our boy. MEPS is conducted to ensure that individuals meet the medical, physical and moral standards set by each branch of service. Psychiatrists are physicians who specialize in diagnosing and treating mental health disorders. To me a waste of resources are the recruiters that dont want to try. If the results of the waiver are denied, is this endeavor over, or is there a possibility of enlistment in another branch, or so on. I have no pain whatsoever and I have no physical limitations. I want to serve for my country. All recruits complete a medical questionnaire and undergo an evaluation that includes height and weight measurements, hearing and vision exams, urine and blood tests, and drug and alcohol tests. I suppose my question is what is the most likely outcome of this waiver. Temporary disqualifications are not reviewed for medical waivers. 1. But I do have one less tendon in my ring finger (100% mobility and strength) and some limited motion in my dominant thumb. This would only require treatment, if he is hypothyroid. Anxiety disorders. KILL! It's just a general evaluation. Allergy recorded as cashew, rash, source mother. Told by recruiter that N3 said it would be non-waiverable. Wait until you start working with a recruiter. The most likely way I believe that these scars were recieved would be that I was a softball player for years and have been cleared with metal softball cleats and ran into chain linked fences more times than I can count, especially with my main position being catcher. He should have his thyroid rechecked in one year. For some tests, such as blood pressure, you could be asked to see a private health care professional to get separate readings and potential evaluation on why it is high. !, Military Life and Issues, 8 replies Optometrist so expensive! These tests are less invasive and can be completed relatively quickly, barring any issues. You want every piece of documentation that you might need, ready to go and you want to be professional. Consultation evaluations are provided back to the MEPS and the MEPS medical provider ultimately determines whether an applicant is medically qualified or disqualified based on the DoDI 6130.03 medical accession standards. Im not suicidal or have ever been. That said, diagnosed ADHD would require a waiver and if you are treated by any stimulants, you will need to be off of them for a year before you can join. This test is sometimes taken in High Schools or prior to attending MEPS. I passed the hearing, vision, breath, blood pressure tests. I understand why I was disqualified, a person shows up with markings that are often indicative of self harm with no story looks super suspicious, and I 100% agree with that. Express your answer in terms of x. He told me that on the day they (the recruiting office) had sent waiver requests for a few other people, somehow my paperwork had not been sent until the Friday of that week. How important are grades as a freshman? If it is ordered by the MEPS doctor then it is no cost to you. Chris, I lift a lot, but I didnt plan on going to MEPS for another four months; so I haven't been getting in running shape. You must also bring your USMEPCOM Form 680-3A-E, request for examination. Thanks a lot! A complete physical will be done on all individuals. Such as in the song Jimmy by M.I.A look at aaja in the dictionary My indian boyfriend told me is meaning come to me, 6 Answers I have never had or heard of that particular brand, but have had several here in Canada, plus a number in the Caribbean and Asia, and there all the same, small cut hot dogs in a can, no need q now please.. Name the major nerves that serve the following body areas:? Applicants are tested on depth perception and will be required to complete further testing if you fail portions of the test or any other test covered in this section. Will there need to be a waiver for this? You will be provided with stations to place personal items while you are performing testing, these are not always secure locations. How can I get my recruiter and the recruiter office to be moreproactive about this? I was PDQ from MEPS and denied a waiver from the Army and Navy for scars suspicious for self mutilation but they aren't.I went to a MEPS psych consult and was cleared to join by the psychiatrist but MEPS doctor said he wouldn't let me process and that I needed a waiver. Im not worried about failing the psych evaluation because I have no history of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, etc. Arrival at MEPS. You must log in or register to reply here. My MEPS does not accept letters in lieu of medical records. My son is going for a consult for ashma. But what about the other branches? Temperatures are taken and are required to be below 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Do you think any of these entities will offer a waiver (assuming they want him) after he is DQ in the DODMERB process? You will learn of any conditions that will require you to bring supporting medical documentation when you go MEPS and any that are disqualifying. view of the process of consultation, including (a) an introduction to consultation as a distinct professional practice; (b) consultation within the competency- based framework, which provides a blueprint for practice; (c) law and ethics in consul-tation; (d) an orientation to HSP and the role of consultation; (e) inter professional While he never actually served in the US Military, he has a passion for writing about military related topics. They pay for it. TSH results 0.81 (normal range 0.35 4.94 mlU/L) Its your career. I completely understand and sincerely respect that the doctor is just doing their job to ensure the best quality and health of the recruits, but I cant help but feel frustrated on my end because I know thats not what happened. Mr. Tyler is seen for thyroid follow up. Calculate the pH of a solution of 0.157 M pyridine. I am not sure how it works with MEPS vs the physical I had at the branch clinic at NASP, but they said I was good to go and given PQ (by a NAMI flight surgeon no less), but after my processor uploaded my physical to whoever gives final approval on that stuff, they came back a couple days later saying I needed a waiver for retained hardware (which was being recommended and not an issue) as well as one for PRK which also should not be a problem but was held up because I had to wait a week before my 6 month wait was up to get my last followup. When completing their physical, females will be taken to a private area. Your email address will not be published. MEPS begins with pre-screening at your recruiters office and ends with taking the Oath of Enlistment. Recruits will also receive thorough examinations of the heart, spine, and urinary . They will ask what they need to ask to form a complete evaluation. Don't waste your money. Examiners are looking for lesions, abnormalities, inadequacies, history or indications of surgery and other oddities. The latter propose that neither the left-right cleavage nor . If you require a waiver, your recruiter will help facilitate the process . I am currently 16 years old and i want to join out of high school. Psychological evaluations are a fairly common part of the clearance investigation process. Thanks for the reply. Your visit with the physician will be in a private room. My physical was good with the exception of the items we already knew about. I also had one instance of a panic attack that resulted in hospitalization while still in the military. THANKS! This supposedly takes between six weeks and three months mine took a full three months. Just wanted to ask your honest opinion. Additional information. They are conducted in almost all continental states. You have successfully abstained from drugs and alcohol for more than two years, b. I got results back from BUMED and they are not going to deny the waiver, howevever they have requested I have a psych consult done showing I am of sound mind, and once that document is submitted my waiver approved. Its a mental health professional doing a mental health exam. When you take your physical at MEPS sometimes something might not be right and they will send you out on a consult to see a specialist. Like all exams, it goes where the exam leads. They are broken into Western Sector and Eastern Sector Battalions. The Kb of pyridine, C5H5N, is 1.5 x 10-9. The fact that it wasnt an outright no is promising. V/R _____ 1. I was playing devil's advocate. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. In addition, they told me that I was scheduled to take the DLAB. Your recruiter should have blueprinted you before submitting your application and pushed you through MEPS before, we can do this. It is common for people to be nervous at MEPS and it can sometimes be high. I spoke with my recruiter, have drawn up my waiver consisting of my level of activity statement, 10 point personal statement, and I was advised to and did throw in a personal statement from my parents seconding that I would never self harm and have never for any reason sought or needed to seek treatment for any mental health related issues, and all of those documents have now been submitted. said it's keratosis pilaris and won't affect my military service but meps still wanted me to come back for a consult so, I went to there dermatologist. An Ortho-Neuro evaluation will be completed to test your balance. What they ask depends on what you say. If you have hypothyroidism that is controlled by medication, and you have two normal thyroid stimulating hormone tests within the preceding 6 months, you do not require a waiver for the condition because it is NOT disqualifying. Your email address will not be published. Would a waiver be needed for this? It is in a month and I just want to be prepared. Thank you for your time. During the MEPS visit, my blood pressure was evaluated and cardiologist consult diagnose me with cardiomegaly. Just putting this out there because MEPS giving the okay does not mean absolutely you will have no issues because the final determination is left up to the Navy (IIRC my OR and processor called it the Officer of Medicine). If the individual has not taken the ASVAB prior to attending MEPS they will complete the test before completing the medical screening portion. Answer (1 of 3): As someone who was an Army Guidance Counselor I can tell you the real deal. Which I did and the liaison explained to me the paperwork that I have to give to my recruiter who is supposed to then send it in as a request for the waiver. Who do I speak with if I believe my recruiter and the recruiter office isnt taking this as seriously as I am? Id like to get my paperwork sent in asap, receive the waiver or speak with the council if necessary. IN GENERAL, yes, asthma, ADD/ADHD, eczema, history of depression and anxiety, and some allergies are disqualifying. garretr99; Thread; Nov 22, 2017; The military has very little tolerance for positive drug tests, and if it comes back positive, you can kiss your chances of joining any branch goodbye. Sara, Thoughts? You can be disqualified at this point of the process for serious medical issues that would affect service such as being blind, having certain disorders such as Bipolar Disorder or for lying to your recruiter. You have every right to try. Now, Im trying to commission in the Air Force or Army and I want to know if I can if the cardiomegaly is no longer exists? All individuals looking to join the Armed Forces will be required to attend a Military Entrance Processing Station. Its a psychiatric evaluation. Now one eye is perfect and the other corrected to 20/20. At age 23 I had a depression/anxiety diagnosis and did treatment (zoloft and therapy), got well and am really doing fine there probably because I got a decent job and some of that life stuff squared away. Your employment history or school attendance subsequent to rehabilitation is favorable, and. People are hospitalized for many reasons, including trauma, heart attacks, and stroke. That said, diagnosed ADHD would require a waiver and if you are treated by any stimulants, you will need to be off of them for a year before you can join. If that is the whole story and the truth, then go do the psych consult. Each record represents one medical condition reported or any grade? Showing ownership of past actions without having guilt or remorse is huge. She will be getting surgery and back to normal within the next couple months. Acceptable Forms of Identification for Biometric Enrollment 9-4 55 . (Consults can be for all sorts of situations, skin, bones, psych, etc.). I will request those immediately and let you know what the papers say. Pre-screening is the first step of your MEPS visit and occurs with your recruiter prior to attending MEPS. I recently separated from the navy as an HM2 my re-enlistment code was RE-R1, got accepted to pharmacy school and on my first year, Im currently applying to HSCProgram and got my MEPS physical done 2 days ago. . Upon arrival at MEPS, candidates complete an aptitude and physical exam to determine military readiness. But, he stated that I would have to go through getting the waiver process if I was to be able to become a part of the Navy. Underwear is required during your physical. This is a process a person goes through after they have gone through the medical screening to join the army. I have a temporary VA rating for service-connected depression as the result of a Military Sexual Trauma, and a rating for spondylolisthesis (now asymptomatic). Waiver Process for Prior Drug and/or Alcohol Dependency. It also depends on how prepared you are and if you have taken your ASVAB test prior to attending MEPS. Any thoughts on the Doctors comments in the report below? The Admiral makes a decision with input from a qualified medical authority. You should dress in cool, comfortable, (but appropriate) clothing and ensure you are wearing underwear, (you will be performing a physical in them later). Each MOS, AFSC or Rating will have minimum scores for certain areas of the ASVAB test relating to the job function. However, they are only generally allowed in the waiting area and are not allowed in any testing area. #3. You'll go to MEPS and take the ASVAB, but your processing will be terminated at a certain . It does not belong to any particular service division. In short, it really depends on the reasoning that you fail MEPS. What type of drug test do they do at MEPS? I would 100% hold off on MEPS for at least a few months. He had an intraocular lens implant as well as follow-on cataract surgery to remove the small cataract that formed after the trauma of his freak injury a Nerf sword to the eye at age 9. Me molesta que mis padres no ______ (cuidar) su alimentacin.. 3. I want to see, Blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth! MEPS is used to ensure that you can meet those demands without causing harm to yourself or to others. Heres my situation im 25 years old male, I was diagnosed with Acute lymphoblastic leukemia when I was (1995) I was then in remission 1996. I apologise in advance for any and all spelling errors, spelling has never been a strength of mine. 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