They have registered you and that is the title to your soul. google_ad_width = 160; There. We are currently working on our website development and appreciate and thank your patience through our growth progress. what kind of citizen are you? World War I had depleted the treasury and there were several really bad financial panics in 1907 especially so the country needed to print more money than it had as equity to restore confidence in the money supply and get the economy back on its feet. It performs multilateral diplomacy with multiple intergovernmental organizations, including the United Nations and its agencies. If you consent to only being a body/creature then you in turn consent to being owned by the Roman Catholic cult as of November 18th 1302. Unfortuantely for most they have most of us in lock step with the Uniform Commercial Code and the law of contracts. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Remember that Bond thing printed on the bottom of the certificate? When your parents unwittingly sign the paperwork allowing this transaction and the use of your name to create a new Municipal citizen of the United States, they accept the Birth Certificate in return. Every citizen is given a number (the red number on the Birth Certificate) and each live birth is valued at from 650,000 to 750,000 Federal Reserve dollars in collateral from the Fed. Contact the vital records office in the state or territory where you were born to get a copy of your birth certificate. During Franklin D. Roosevelts presidency, in 1933, the US was unable to pay its debt. ! Healthrazor [Part 1]. Since the early 1960s, State governments have issued Birth Certificates to persons with legal fictional names using ALL CAPS names. do you have a choice? The CC doesn't make an issue of who "owns" your birth certificate. Your birth certificate is the title of the soul that they own in their registries. How to obtain my original birth certificate? You have the Tin Man, who represents the Tax Identification Number. You cant have it both ways. Unam Sanctam- .says that all of the souls in the world belong to the Roman Catholic Church and they do because no one has challenged their claim. How to Find a Lost Savings Bond Kiplinger. Sorry in Advance if these FACTS Offend.Be offended by the truth, not at me giving it to Birth Certificates are slavery bonds, literally. And there was certainly no seven cycles of seven years of partial debt forgiveness followed by entire debt forgiveness every fifty years -not for anything or anyone. Web search these three different phrases: Redeemed in Lawful money Pursuant to Title 12 USC 411 or, deposited for credit on account or exchanged for, non-negotiable federal reserve notes of face value, the location of the warehouse where the goods are stored(residence), the date of issue of the receipt..("Date issued"), the consecutive number of the receipt(found on back or front of the certificate, usually in red numbers), a description of the goods or of the packages containing them(name, sex, date of birth, etc. During Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency, in 1933, the US was unable to pay its debt. In reply to your comment, why you are charging to see this stuff, would Patrick approve of this: It is owned by International families. When they do they are only giving lip service. lb: One who acts as a surety. Liken it to the roots that bind together human communities by unconditionally upholding the life, dignity and well-being of every man, woman and child. They have absconded with nearly all our rights. ***DOWNLOAD: The world must go to and download all pdfs and videos.All the evidence the world needs to see to understand the COVID19 SARS -CoV-2 LIE will be found. This kind of makes you feel a little different when you look at Federal Reserve Chairman, Nancy Yellen, doesn't it? My Grandmothers generation (born 1880, died 1963) worked and slaved and paid taxes to pay off the American share of the Napoleonic Wars and the Crimean War-even though we werent directly involved in either conflagration. Follow American Patriot Email Reports on Did you know you didn't have to register the birth? Ive never seen one like that before. The Pope names you his Authorized Representative. If you seek legal advise, find yourself a competent lawyer or attorney. Not to mention can a soveriegn even vote? The Vatican would only have your birth certificate unless you were actually born in Vatican City, which is highly rare. The bond establishes a debt to the Vatican for putting up the money. google_ad_height = 600; The Vatican owns all title to all slaves via legality within the common wealth as England signed over title back before the . Pin Forever!) The context is a bit complex and starting points are 'Unam Sanctum', 'Holy Sea' and the 'Vatikan Bank'. Names in "ALL CAPS" on Birth Certificates. Did you know there are three definitions for United States in Black's Law Dictionary? Will this work and what are the most common rebuttals during the trail? Unfortunately, we still have to deal with ignorant idiots, criminals, grafters, and pirates like Jamie Dimon and madmen scratching their rumps in high places. We have gone from freedom to slavery, from sovereigns to serfs on the great Federal Manor via the 14th Amendment. Demand from your bank or brokerage, lawful money and the tax goes away, with a tax exemption on lawful money, all of your money is yours. What could they say? . (LogOut/ As the owners of this site, we have the right to enforce any policies and terms we feel necessary. This Mess, as I call it, is the result of ancient fraud, graft, greed, and institutionalized evil - and a good portion of it is coming to you directly from the Christian Church. They have registered you and that is the title to your soul. . The bond posted by the Vatican gives them an ownership interest in our labor and serves as the Performance Bond guaranteeing that you will be a good little TAXPAYER and contract labor slave. scJsHost+ Within two weeks and three days each Certificate of Live Birth is to be filed in Washington D.C. Gosh I guess that means the other two are profound. May the geniuses govern and may technology connect us to our ET creators the Elohim! TV MOVIE CHANNELS: Movies & Shows. He is registered in Birth Deaths and Marriages, which is the State. . They rounded of the Templar order about 5 years after Unam Sanctam. This corporation then generates taxes and wealth over its lifetime and in this way repays the collateral that Uncle Sam borrowed from the Federal Reserve. Not even through the earth-invented baptism certificate. Why so many? The Inquisition began because many people were waking up to the tyranny and oppression of the Roman Catholic Church in the early 1300's. We can also thank Pope Gregory for the current Gregorian calendar, which rearranged the previous Julian calendar to match the Pagan holidays that the Roman Catholic Church now claims as Christian holidays. The original birth or naturalization record for every U.S. Citizen is on file in the official records in Washington, D.C. (you get to keep a copy!) The founding of the Federal Reserve. ; 5 Is your birth certificate on the stock market? Foggetaboutit. ; 7 Is TreasuryDirect gov safe? DISCLAIMER: A.W.A.R.E is NOT a Patrick Devine website. To things become clear from this reading which first point is that a natural born citizen has "all Privileges" and can become president of the union of states with a capital in DC. End of story, just as I told Mr. Trump in my first ever YouTube video about the National Credit, we live in a Zero Sum world, where every debt creates an equal and answering credit. Many of you who read our previous blogposts are aware that the birth certificate is a trust in which you, the living man or woman, are the beneficiary of the birth certificate trust. The real reason you pay an income tax, is for the privilege of using a private currency. Existence (God) is where our soul came from, not the RCC. He had to use the only thing left of any value to pay the banks and continue doing business with them the citizens of our country. As the ancestral debts were created by others, why would we or anyone else be responsible for paying them? var sc_invisible=0; Not for the people that were supposed to receive the benefit of the jubilees and not even for the incorporated entities, either. Do your research. Hot. I got a court case coming up and I want to use this argument. Being now among the living dead you have an, ALL CAPITAL LETTER DRIVING LICENSE , PASSPORT, CREDIT CARD, BANKCARD. Your Birth Certificate is essentially the title of the Soul that they own in their registries. . If you have any step by step solutions and or suggestions, please do a piece on that, I would love to use and share. You may collapse and nullify all your baptismal vows and contracts to any and all religious / spiritual institutions. is not a Patrick Devine website. defines: Warehouse Receipt. Birth certificates are a form of securities called warehouse receipts. The items included on a warehouse receipt, as described at 7-202 of the Uniform Commercial Code, the law which governs commercial paper and transactions, which parallel a birth certificate are: Birth certificates now appear to at least qualify as warehouse receipts under the Uniform Commercial Code. Copyright Policy:Always Include30-50% of the source material and a link to the original article. Please join in and pray that he will hear our plight. : "http://www. This includes debts related to wars they engaged in - so we would still be paying off any debts left over from the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, etc., etc.. So I thought this is the problem, though I am sure that this 'socialist' system is worse off in a corrupt government. 14th amendment = voulentary survetude, Your email address will not be published. As I observed to the Popes minions, there hasnt been a Golden Jubilee Debt Forgiveness (the 50 year kind) in over 800 years. As we and generations prior to this were penalized in this fashion for this form of death tax and actually didnt owe it and were not obligated to pay it- how can we assess what we and our ancestors are owed back as recoupment for paying bills we dont owe? the world must go for truth and the solution! Contents. We thank everyone who has supported us. Approached from this point of view it becomes plain to see that most of the free people have become tricked into become property by way using British Laws of Admiralty in trading as a structure by moving it from the sea to the land via commerce exchanges and assignment of vessel property from birth to grave by the laws of contract. Journeyman Jack In Ecuador This kind of makes you feel a little different when you look at Federal Reserve Chairman, Bernanke, doesnt it? Since medieval times the episcopal see of Rome has been recognized as a sovereign entity. Thank you, Our pleasure, Gina! The truth is that throughout everyday life, people everywhere use and rely on Common Law to live and work together. Your birth certificate is the title of the Soul that they own in their registries. Christopher James alternate platforms where the TRUTH will be found and the Solution moving forward. I have been studying this as much as possible, and most of what I find can become a little confusing or just doesn't have the ring of truth. The Vatican created a global trust to register and keep data of all birth certificates. var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? But here it is: It seems that back in 1913 the United States was short of cash. We Need To Turn Over Threatening Hate Mail To Freedom Convoy Donors, To FBI & DHS To Investigate Acts Of Domestic Terrorism & Hate Crimes. And the copies have a serial number on them, issued on special Bank Bond paper and authorized by "The American Bank Note Company." WHAT NOW???! On the papal bull, it says that all of the souls in the world belong to the Roman Catholic Church and they do because no one has challenged their claim. "'>"); Your email address will not be published. it any wonder Mexicans can come into the Band of America and open an account without one. In a way, it makes us a kind of corporation whose company name is the same as our real name, but written in ALL CAPS. More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3890 to 3893, License; Registration; Insurance 3 traps, Breaking, Supreme Court accepts Brunson vs Adams against Biden Harris Pence and 385 members of Congress, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3887 to 3889, Necessary Paperwork to Establish State National and State Citizen Status. Of course if you have the chance you could email me back. You don't have a birth certificate bond. This site is all about spreading truth, awareness and enlightenment and serves as EDUCATIONAL and ENTERTAINMENT purposes only. Who pays the debts or takes the losses left behind by prior generations? Design a site like this with,, Astronomers detected massive alien Black Hole, Hold on tight to your original spirit self, Original Consciousness vs Artificial Consciousness. Thank you. The official certified copy should have the complete name of the person, the date and place of birth. Huh? Not just for myself, but for others. We are immune free from oppression, free to act in commerce in any way we feel necessary and no one can impede us as we are immune to all civil law as a code of commerce yet can apply any law of commerce to aid and abed our action without fear of reprisal without a complaint, grand jury under common law for crimes. In other words, from the perspective of living people, bankruptcy increases their debts and no actual debt forgiveness as required by the Biblical instruction is received. Remember, there are 66 miles of shelving in that vault locked away underground beneath the Vatican. This knowledge was also suppressed by the RCC. Frequently Asked Questions I would really like to join your group, I am already a SPC and still learning. Those priests got a lesson in logic, history, and a tongue-lashing like they havent heard since Jesus chased the money-changers out of the temple. Once a state has registered a birth document with the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Department notifies the Treasury Department, which takes out a loan from the Federal Reserve. even though 99.9% of those calling themselves Christian are victims along with everyone else. Please check Pope Boniface VIII and his UNAM SANCTAM meaning One church or One holy. from 1301, the most extreme assertion by any pope of the supremacy of spiritual over secular authority (ref. This cycle is based on the future tax revenues of the legal person whose name appears on the Birth Certificate. Birth Certificate Copies: Born in the U.S. As this is only the litteral beginning "birth" of the trickery in play. As to the Church when you are Baptized or Confirmed or However and You receive a Baptism Certificate. This was set up by the 13, 14, and 15 amendments are asset of a hidden banking power structure "Beast" if you will and uses greed, fame, promotes morally detached behavior and indulgences all a fixture its plan to rule the people of the world i.e., Rule the world One world Order folks we are all so fond of these days. It is not difficult to see that a state-created Birth Certificate, with an ALL CAPS name is a document evidencing debt the moment it is issued. Whoever is not curious these days is missing a basic part of being human. The Roman Catholic Church has a long history of tyranny and oppression. The idea that United States citizens can gain access to secret funds because of a government-created "strawman" is a . Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Law (1996). What KH has posted is the Tip of the Iceberg and there are, many Freedom Fighters in groups like Ashtar Command who have organized and are fighting in the. [Page 2] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. By the end of World War I, wartime costs had depleted the treasury and there were several really bad financial panics. In Upper and Lower Case. He wanted me to take a look at them because they have certain numbers and other things printed on them that need an explanation. It was already apparent that the world economic system had reached a debt morbidity crisis and was going into paralysis twenty years ago when we brought all this up and began stomping and snorting about it. This also means that the bankrupt, corporate U.S. can guarantee to the purchasers of their securities the lifetime labor and tax revenues of every citizen of the United States/American with a Birth Certificate as collateral for payment. SOURCE: When I looked at my own Birth Certificate, I noticed it was a copy of the original. In fact, your Social Security card is issued to you with your name in all capital letters which indicates chattel to a Corporation. We come into this world (according to them) owing the debt of original sin and the sins and debts of our ancestors back to the third and fourth generation. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. In 325 CE, the emperor, Constantine the Great, made a donation to his Pope, Sylvester saying, Saint Peter is the Apostle of Jesus of whom Jesus gave this kingdom of Earth to, therefore we are going to claim taxes. We pay taxes to Rome, the Khazarian and Venetian Black Nobility elite families based on a fictional document from Constantine issued the year of the First Council of Nicea and the creation of what has become modern day Christianity. Contact Us - Roger S. Sayles, p. 161. It may appear to be your true name, but since no proper name is ever written in all caps (either lawfully or grammatically) it does not identify who you are. The RCC killed these people due to their need to control humanity. Email us at Dismiss. For a while I have been receiving e-mails from a good friend who has asked me to investigate something weird about the Birth Certificates. How do I stop them from deducting social security insurance, medicad, medicare, and the debt owed to the Fed Reserve they take out called Federal Income Tax? Ive heard parts of this before but this puts it all together especially with the picture of the birth certificate. On our website development and appreciate and thank your patience through our progress. Is based on the birth are commenting using your Facebook account only have your certificate. Seek legal advise, find yourself a competent lawyer or attorney the bond a... 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