All bidders are to receive equal information and treatment. WebAll eligible April, May, and June 2023 degree candidates, and February 2023 and October 2022 graduates, from all schools and colleges affiliated with Columbia University, as well as family and friends, are encouraged to join in on the celebration. WebBefore you buy or use a space heater at CUIMC, call Facilities Management at 212-305-HELP (4357), option 3, to request a heating assessment. In addition, such contracts shall describe conditions under which the contract may be terminated for default as well as conditions where the contract may be terminated because of circumstances beyond the control of the contractor. Appendix A to OMB Circular A-110 contains mandatory procurement provisionsalso known as flow down clausesfor contracts, including small purchases that do not meet the simplified acquisition threshold, awarded by recipients of Federal grants and cooperative agreements. 4.10.2 Rebids should follow the same procedures as the original bid. Documentation of each submission / calculation (original bid, rebids and leveling) is to be filed and submitted with the request for approval. 1.37 The Vendor Qualification Committee will set objectives for vendor selection. Purchasing. All contracts require that a cost or price analysis be performed in conjunction with the bid review process. All contracts in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold,which is currently $100,000 under 41 U.S.C. 1.25 Task Order Agreement Contract Terms and Conditions will be specifically for work under $20,000 for individual trades and $50,000 for general contractors on a per project basis. The original bid amount, any rebids and leveling notes of each vendor must be clearly listed in sequence of their submission on the bid summary. December 13, 2022 1.53 Columbia University employees in any department requesting or managing work are to disclose any relationship to vendors as stated above. Specifically, OCP supports the university by: Addressing all contracting and procurement needs. (i.e. Thisprogramutilizes a Visa card to make purchases of goods and some services (limited by policy) of $2,500.00 or less. Procurement analyst must ensure compliance with University and Facilities' policies. Use the following resources to help you do business with Columbiasmoothly and efficiently. 12.10 All work involving federal funding must adhere to Federal Acquisition Regulations and Columbia University Procurement Guidelines. This would also include the unit cost, extended cost, and other associated costs such as delivery costs. It is important that the supplier selection process is consistent with the Universitys Conflict of Interest Policies. WebSubcontract costs in excess of the first $25,000 during the competing project period Tuition remission Rental costs of off-site facilities Scholarships and fellowships Participant costs In addition, MTDC on training grants and fellowships exclude tuition, fees and health insurance. WebThis policy responds to all applicable Federal procurement laws and regulations, including but not limited to Uniform Guidance CFR 200.320 - 200.326 and the Federal Acquisition 3.13.1 Except as stated in Section 3.14 below, work greater than $5,000 and up to$20,000 for individual trades or $50,000 for general contractors, requires a minimum of one written proposal from a Task Order vendor. The above bulleted section applies solely when a direct expenditure of Federal funds is involved. Acquisition of Software All requests for software, including upgrades, must be submitted to the respective ITG technical support specialist. Facilities Management's Office of Design and Construction, and the Office of Institutional Real Estate on the Morningside Campus, or the Office of Facilities, Medical Center Division, develop technical specifications; prepare and assemble all bid and contract documents; conduct contract negotiations, qualification and evaluation meetings; manages bid/proposal solicitations, receipts, and openings; and manage post award contract administration including negotiation of amendments and supplemental agreements. Plans, specifications and other pertinent information shall be sent to all vendors on the bid list, at the same time. The cost/price analysis should be submitted with the Sole Source Justification Form. Filter Your Results Showing 1 to 25 of 30 entries (filtered from 99 total entries) Filter: Archived First Previous 1 2 Next Prior Approvals, Allowability of Costs, and Effort on Sponsored Projects. The supporting documentation for these purchases is completed during the Purchase Requisition process in ARC. Upon receipt of each request, the VM team conducts a review and validation procedures and, as necessary, follows up with vendors/payees and requesting departments. You will then be able to log in to the catalog and search for your quote number for purchase. Documents transmitted electronically through email, texts, fax and conventional mail including USPS or overnight mail services must be secured at the workplace so that information is not involuntarily or haphazardly obtained. The appropriate requirements must be adhered to in all instances. Normally, the competitive pricing forces of the marketplace determine the reasonableness of the low price obtained through sealed bidding. Contracts in excess of the simplified acquisition thresholdwhich is currently $100,000 under 41 U.S.C. 5.40 At the time of bid opening, the initial preparation of the bid summary shall be considered preliminary, until the bids can be verified or leveled. 19% of Columbias incoming undergraduates receive the Pell Grant, a Federal Grant reserved for the students with the highest need in the country. For students entering the university in the 2017-18 academic year, 51% chose to submit ACT scores. Learn more about how we work with vendors. WebColumbia University School of Professional Studies Career Design Lab Facebook LinkedIn Instagram 729 7th Avenue, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10019 (212) 854-1102 3.14.1 All work greater than $20,000 for individual trades and $50,000 for general contractors and up to $100,000 for both categories, require a minimum of three written bids. Responsibilities will include drafting Requests for Proposal, Requests for Information, other procurement related documents, managing the RFP timeline, the distribution of proposals, ensuring compliance with University and CUFO policies, participating in vendor evaluation meetings, facilitating communications of WebICAP at Columbia University, a global health leader situated within the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in New York City, seeks the services of a Finance and Administration Director in Zimbabwe. To maintain strong business practices, ensure compliance with various regulations, promote the best possible value, service and pricing in the sourcing of goods and services at the University, competitive sourcing should be used whenever possible. Non-competitive Proposals - Single & Sole Source Justification. delivery schedule, freight costs, return policies, warranties, etc.) Task Order Vendors will exist in an environment of dynamic competition. 3.60 The bid lists shall be summarized in a form specified by Purchasing and Vendor Qualification Committee and reviewed on a regularly scheduled basis by the Facility group or the department AVP or equivalent senior officer. Are you interested in doing business with Columbia University? 3.12.1 Proposals must be in writing but may be transmitted by fax or emailed in PDF format (only electronic formats that prohibit the recipient from being able to make changes are allowed). Suppliers Previously Contracted there are suppliers that have been used by other schools and departments of the University and may provide the products and/or services you are seeking. 3.30 The bid list will be prepared by the Project Manager and submitted to the Director for approval. Procurement Services 3.40 The Director may approve Qualified bidders for work up to $100,000 without the groups review but will submit the bid lists and information on the awards to the group for their information and consideration. 9.10 The Project Manager will input the information into the appropriate University system (i.e. Department Administrators and other department staff. 6.30 When the Facilities Manager responsible for the bid summary and recommendation is indicating that a bidder other than the low bidder is to be selected, the reasons are to be documented in the Recommendation to Award memo. View Details. (include previous Purchase Order number used). WebICAP at Columbia University, a global health leader situated within the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in New York City, seeks the services of a They will then provide a Request for Proposal or Quotation to select vendors for their response. 2.29 Some considerations for selection are: 2.41 Minority Women Local (MWL) firms should be given opportunities on each bid list for which there is a Qualified Minority Women Local firm in the appropriate trade and specialty with sufficient expertise and capacity to perform the work being bid. A current version of this document as of the date of publication of these guidelines is provided in Appendix 1. WebPurchasing (new purchases only) These instructions are only for new purchases. There should not be any variability in the product or service offering from suppliers in their proposal submission. The process for becoming an approved vendor is led by Facilities and Operations and Columbia University Construction Procurement and Purchasing. 2.51 Project Directors are responsible for ensuring that the bid list is consistent with the intent of the policy to encourage use of a diverse vendor base that is subject to competition from qualified new vendors. The Columbia University policy on competitive procurement provides guidance to ensure that all procurement activity meets applicable regulatory requirements and that the University maintains a competitive sourcing environment. WebMajor Elements of the OCP Process. As such, applicants will be evaluated on the quality and breadth of their undergraduate preparation for the study of economics at the graduate level. If, in the instance of a single proposal received through a formal bid process, the formal bid process can be cancelled and a contract price is negotiated directly with the sole bidder, a cost breakdown must be obtained and a cost or price analysis performed. 1.12 Vendor Qualification is intended to be an informative process that establishes a vendors area of expertise, services and product line. Identification of qualified suppliers is a key component of the RFP process to ensure that there is competitiveness as well as a determination of the supplier's capacity to perform in accordance with their proposal submission. Failure to submit the properly authorized Sole/Single Source justification will result in the form being returned to the Requisitioner. Notification should be sent within one week of the award decision and receipt of the purchase order. Bids estimated to result in awards between $50,000 (Trades) / $100,000 (General Contractors) and one million ($1,000,000) require at least three (3) Columbia University Officers present with at least one being an AVP level or designee. 2.26 Project Managers and Directors will make every effort to avoid awarding work to any vendor so that Columbia University constitute an amount of work which is larger than prudent, from the perspective of the University, in proportion to their total volume of work for a given year with all customers including Columbia University. Maintain employee payee profiles for expense reimbursement. If a Task Order vendor is not used, the work must be bid. Moreover, OMB Circular A-110 .48 requires the University to include additional provisions in contracts when certaincircumstances are met. Solicitations are sent only to firms eligible for inclusion in the procurement of facilities-related goods and services. If all factors are equal (i.e. procurement, and financial management. Analysis of pricing information provided by the vendor. Purchasing will prepare activity reports on an annual basis for comparison with stated objectives. There should not be any variability in the product or service offering from suppliers in an RFQ. The term bidder shall apply to vendors in both bid and rebid requests. It is important that when comparing prices to determine fair and reasonable pricing that the evaluation of the goods and services must be evaluated using the same criteria for each bidder. The Purchasing Office is also responsible for soliciting and awarding all Task Order Contracts in consultation with the Construction Departments, Policies and Procedures for Vendor Qualification and Purchasing of Facilities Services for the purchase of Construction/Facilities Services. The determination to rebid may include a subset of the original bid list but should include a minimum of 3 vendors. 2.27 Project Managers and Directors are to develop the bidders list for each project based on these policy goals in a manner that is consistent with their understanding of the projects sensitivities and complexities and for which projects it would be appropriate to introduce new firms. (212) 854-4111[emailprotected], Donna Ulijn For all transactions that require Competitive Procurement, the School or Departmental business owner must consult with Purchasing once a Scope of Work or a requirements document has been drafted and submit a Bid Prep Form. This senior officer is acknowledging their support of the exception request and through their signature is attesting that the request is appropriate and complies with the policy. The "bid guarantee" shall consist of a firm commitment such as a bid bond, certified check, or other negotiable instrument accompanying a bid as assurance that the bidder shall, upon acceptance of his bid, execute such contractual documents as may be required within the time specified. 5.10 A Bid Summary Form shall be used, after opening the bids, to list the vendors, their bids and any alternates. 2.42 Minority Women Local targets will be established based on the demographics of the firms and the work to be bid. Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University | SIPA Research to Power the Future of Energy The premier hub and policy lab for global energy thought leadership, led by the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs. Please reference Facilities Policy PA001-05, Contracts Construction and Maintenance Related Spending. For the RFQ process, a contract award must be based on the provision by the suppliers of the specified products or services. We are continuously renovating, building upon, and improving CUIMC's historic campus as a center for excellence and healing. After proposals are received, evaluated, and negotiated the contract(s) can be awarded to the supplier(s) presenting the best combination of price, delivery, compliance to specifications, the capacity to perform, and quality of service. (Closed solicitations and contract awards can be found here.) then the lowest priced supplier should be awarded the contract. The Sealed Bid Process is to be utilized in instances where a contract will be awarded based on the provision by the suppliers of the specified products or services. Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Columbia University and CUIMC-specific safety and compliance guidelines. The vendor is currently qualified and not suspended or terminated. 1.35 Purchasing will present the Vendor Qualification Committee with the names of candidates for qualification for comment and review prior to vendor placement on the list for use. 2.14 The qualification profile as well as ongoing evaluations should be considered for the vendors suitability prior to each request for proposal being sent. Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and their respective evaluation criteria must be made publicly available. 2.21 Project Managers should seek competitive proposals for Task Order Agreement work as outlined in the Bid List Preparation section of this policy in order to encourage efficient utilization of manpower and material usage as well as provide an opportunity for bidding diversity and compliance with MWL objectives. This might become necessary as a result of: Any information, clarification and addendums transmitted to one bidder should be concurrently transmitted to all bidders. For more info, see the Follow Up on or Track a Payment page. Faculty and Staff authorized to purchase goods and services for their department or school using government, grant or University funds. Scroll to explore Featured In Focus Previous Next 1 / 4 Diligence in retrieving files from fax and copier machines is optimum to maintain confidentiality and to limit access to that information. Procurement analyst is responsible for reviewing proposals, facilitating descope meetings, confirming award decisions, issuing the contract, negotiating the How you place a Columbia Universityorder depends on what you are buying, how much it costs, and when you need it. WebHR, Payroll, & Finance Systems (PeopleSoft) USC Authentication System If you have already signed up for multifactor authentication under, use one of the following to login: Network Username - This is primary method enrolled students, faculty, staff, and affiliates use to connect to university systems. WebICAP at Columbia University, a global health leader situated within the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in New York City, seeks the services of a Finance and Administration Director in Zimbabwe. Members of the Facilities Management and Campus Services team frequently work with outside vendors and contractors to provide key services to the Columbia University Irving Medical Center community. The final bid summary will contain an audit trail illustrating how any dollar amounts were interpreted and leveled. It will also show the total base bid and appropriate alternatives. 3.81 Expedited and emergency projects will require the Director and AVP review and signed approval of the bid list or directed source as indicated above. Also known as Financial Systems Security Application (FSSA) or ARC Access Request. Part 200 (Uniform Guidance), as well as any additional regulations or procedural formalities required by the contracting agency, as specified in the Notice of Award. Facilities Management and Campus Services is taking additional measures around campus to support basic operations. 2.12 No payments should be made to any vendor until the qualification questionnaire is completed and approved and the vendor is established in the system. PREPARATION OF LIST OF PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS. 1.44 The subject firm will be notified in writing by Purchasing that their contract has been terminated, and their name will be removed from the Qualified and Task Order Agreement listings and the Accounts Payable and Purchasing vendor files will also be updated as required to reflect the change in standing. These rates will facilitate the preparation of proposals. 3. We also assist in the processing of Purchase Orders as well as the monitoring of compliance relative to the requirements of various Federal agencies. 1.17 Utilization of vendors prior to qualification will result in non-compliance with CU Purchasing Policy and each such instance will be reviewed by Purchasing and the Vendor Qualification Committee for appropriate action. (Individual Federal sponsoring agencies are required to incorporate the provisions of OMB Circular A-110 into their own agency regulations.) Technical Specifications / Special Conditions (if appropriate), Insurance Requirements (If different from Task Order Agreement), Contract (If different from Task Order Agreement), Contract Agreement Form (If different from Task Order Agreement), have procedures for substitutions clearly stated. The rationale for the award decision must be well documented. Overseeing supply chain management for Student Health Services. Applications for admission to the M.A. In limited situations, purchases associated with a sponsored award may procure goods and services through a noncompetitive proposal. Fair and reasonable pricing is based on supply and demand, market indices and general market conditions. The first step in shopping for the goods or services your department needs is to identify or create a supplier/vendor using Columbia's purchasing tools and procedures. Vendor Management also creates/modifies profiles for non-vendor payees, including recipients of:Prizes & Awards,Refunds,Honoraria &Grant sub-awards. GF-2023-B-0010 | Drawings | Specifications | Attachments. Vendor Management receives approximately 200 requests each day to create or modify vendor/payee profiles. WebColumbia University in the City of New York Finance Procurement Documentation Application Intro Purchasing Accounts Payable Vendor Management Journal Entries 1.45 The status of suspended and terminated firms will be reported to the Vendor Qualification Committee. The following provide various options to the supplier selection process: The use of a UwPA will satisfy the Universitys as well as the Federal competitive bid requirements for all purchasing thresholds. Learn How to Modify Vendor / Payee Profiles, Request a New Columbia Facilities Supplier / Payee, Columbia University in the City of New York, Sponsored Projects: Post-Award Financial Administration, Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing, EVP of Finance and Information Technology. WebThe office is dedicated to providing ethical, customer-oriented service and implementing best practices in every procurement. Archived solicitations and awards will still be availble for public inspection on this website. All applicants to Columbia must submit either SAT or ACT scores, and the two exams are similarly popular. 3.50 All bidders who are not listed as Qualified or Task Order Agreement Vendors must be reviewed and approved by the funding department AVP where applicable and the Facilities department AVP or higher regardless of the dollar value and group review requirements. program emphasizes a technical and rigorous approach to the study of economic theory. A Facilities Director must approve the vendor selection. All necessary supporting documentation for the requisition will be sent to Purchasing after obtaining required workflow approval(s). 1.38 Vendor Qualification Committee meetings for vendor qualification will occur on a quarterly basis or as needed to meet the Facilities Groups requirements. WebPosted 6:53:56 PM. Updated 9/13/2020; 5:00pm - added FAQ #15 below related to subawardees 11.30 Purchasing will compile the bid results provided by Facilities Groups and provide activity reports to the Vendor Qualification Committee on a quarterly basis for the review of vendor utilization. Product Recall Notification. 3.12.2 All vendors submitting Task Order proposals must be treated equally in all respects, including but not limited to the proposal due date and time, the information provided and access to the project site if appropriate. Vendor Managementis a unit within Procurement Services, responsible for maintaining the vendor file utilized for Purchasing and Accounts Payable transactions. A copy of the Competitive Sourcing Price Summary - Non Sponsored form is available through this link below. Need to update any information on your vendor account? When procuring construction-related activities and the cost exceeds $250,000 the required competitive sourcing process is the Sealed Bid Proposal process. WebColumbia University Purchasing and the terms and conditions in any license agreement accompanying a particular software product. After proposals are received, evaluated and negotiated the contract(s) can be awarded to the supplier(s) presenting the best combination of price, delivery, compliance to specifications, capacity to perform, and quality of service. Need to modify your own information in our database? The following represents the competitive sourcing process employed by the University for those goods and services that are directly funded by a sponsored funding source. For this reason, the applicable FAR provisions are referenced on Columbias Purchase Order forms and in its standard contracts. Failure to comply with the Universitys Conflict of Interest policy may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination in accordance with applicable University policy. Make an inquiry via or call 212-854-6679 (for Morningside, Manhattanville and Baker Athletics Complex only*). Rebids are not required to re-issue information that has not changed but should state that original information is valid where appropriate. A pricing analysis should be completed through the Competitive Sourcing Price Summary - Non Sponsored form. Learn about Using the P-Card (Reconciling and Approving Transactions), Learn about P-Card Setup and Modification, Purchase Using the Pay Card (Human Subjects), Purchase Using the Travel and Expense Corporate Card, Columbia University in the City of New York, Sponsored Projects: Post-Award Financial Administration, Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing, EVP of Finance and Information Technology, Reduce the transaction cost of processing the purchase and the payment. Procurement analyst must ensure compliance with University and Facilities ' policies webpurchasing new! And product line after opening the bids, to list the vendors suitability to! An informative process that establishes a vendors area of expertise, services and product line is completed the. Ongoing evaluations should be awarded the contract every procurement for comparison with stated objectives, freight costs return. 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