In the last column, record any other interesting observations or questions you have about the landforms. Units at a glance Think carefully about what you read. Based on your observations, do you think lava could have formed the channel on Mars? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 44 Geology on MarsLesson 3.2Activity 2 2018 The Regents of the University of California. Save your outdoor behavior for recess. You can use the Word Bank to help you describe what you see. All rights reserved. Flashcards. How was the Flowing Lava Model different than flowing lava on Earth? All rights reserved. Geology on Mars - Amplify DRAFT. Unit Question How can we search for evidence that other planets were once habitable? Geology on MarsLesson 3.1Activity 3 New Information About the Channel on Mars Comparing Triangle-Shaped Landforms on Mars and Earth Channel on Mars 1. Learn. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. 55 Washington Street, Suite 800 Brooklyn, NY 11201 1-800-823-1969 Geology on Mars ISBN: 978-1-64089-548-5 AMP.NA18 As you read, annotate the text to make a record of your thinking. Observe the basalt and conglomerate rock samples with your hand lens. Reread the final three paragraphs of the Investigating Landforms on Venus article. Earth and space science is the study of processes on Earth and in other locations within our solar system and galaxy. Think of the things that a planet needs to be habitable. Chapter 1 Question What geologic process could have formed the channel on Mars? (You can refer to the image of the channel on page 17.) 1. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Homework: Recording Initial Ideas About the Chapter 2 Question Chapter 2 Question: How can we gather more evidence about whether lava or water formed the channel on Mars? Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Jelly Donut Evidence Card Sort 1. Unit Question How can we search for evidence that other planets were once habitable? Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. 5051 Lesson 3.3: Reasoning About Evidence from Mars 52 Warm-Up 53 Reasoning About Evidence from Mars 54 55 Lesson 3.4: Writing an Argument About the Channel on Mars 56 Warm-Up Writing a Scientific Argument About the Channel on Mars 5758 Homework: Reading The Future of Mars Exploration Homework: Reading Canals on Mars? Geology on Mars Glossary Claire is a middle school student. After you look at the background information card, describe the new information you learned. Landforms can provide evidence about the past because they remain after the geologic processes that formed them stop happening. Do not touch your face, mouth, ears, eyes, or nose while working with chemicals, plants, or animals. Discuss and answer the questions below. All rights reserved. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Introducing Active Reading Discussion Questions What do you notice about this students annotations? Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. You will begin by comparing landforms on Mars with landforms on Earth. 3233 Homework: Reflecting on the Flowing Water Model 34 35 Lesson 2.3: Gathering Additional Evidence from Models Warm-Up Stream Table Observations: Testing an Idea Observing a Flowing Lava Model Homework: Thinking About Modeling Flowing Lava Discuss and answer the questions below. Wear gloves if you are working with materials or chemicals that could irritate your skin. List one or two ideas or questions you have about Mars. These systems are made up of interacting spheres that can include the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. In the stream table diagram below, draw what you see in the same stream table you observed once the water has stopped flowing through it. What do you think the answer to this question is, and how does the image you selected support that answer to this question? Read the information on each evidence card. Title: GOM_Resource_Print_Materials_8-5x11.pdf Author: Kyle Created Date: 11/8/2018 10:09:07 PM 5. Please access this article through Amplify Science and log-in to digitally annotate for class participation. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. a long, narrow groove that forms where water, lava, or other liquid flows, Log in with your e-mail account. Geology on Mars: Lesson 3.1. . Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. __________________________ Why? Lesson 2.1 - Geology on Mars. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 34 Geology on MarsLesson 2.3Activity 3 2018 The Regents of the University of California. We have considered evidence from images, as well as from the Flowing Water Model and the Flowing Lava Model. All rights reserved. Record your observations about the landform(s) that the flowing water formed. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. You will practice reading like a scientist: carefully and actively, making sure that you understand the text and images. Channel on Mars Evidence Gradient Claim 1 Claim 2 Flowing water formed the channel on Mars. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Stream Table Observations: Do Landforms Remain? Repeat this process for Cards BF. H ow would you change the Flowing Water Model to make it more like the actual geologic process on Earth? 4. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Record your observations on the lines below. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Match. Record your observations about the landforms that remain after the wax has stopped flowing. Geology on MarsLesson 3.2Activity 2 1. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Wash your hands after class. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. . 2. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Warm-Up The information we have about the channel on Mars has mostly come from satellite images and scientific models. 4. Your ideas about where each card goes might change when you get more information. . Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Second Read of Investigating Landforms on Venus Gerya and his team wanted to answer the question What formed the novae on Venus? Vocabulary geologic process landform model Geology on MarsLesson 2.1 19 2018 The Regents of the University of California. Record your observations about the landform(s) that the flowing water formed. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Video created by Ms.Valeria for 6th grade students using Amplify content in Unit 1: Geology on MarsChapter 1 Comparing Rocky PlanetsChapter 2 Using Models as. The surface of Mars is primarily composed of tholeiitic basalt, although parts are more silica-rich than typical basalt and may be similar to andesitic rocks on Earth or silica glass. 4. Unit Question How can we search for evidence that other planets were once habitable? "To understand if life, as we know it, ever existed on Mars, we need to understand where water is or was," says Bleacher. Think about how the Flowing Lava Model was similar to and different than real flowing lava and the landforms it forms on Earth. During the Flowing Water Model demonstration, observe one stream table while water is flowing through it. Then, answer the questions below. 36 Geology on MarsChapter 3 2018 The Regents of the University of California. (check one) How was this lake formed? All rights reserved. Surface View from Mars Pathfinder: The scene from the Pathfinder lander shows a windswept plain, sculpted long ago when water flowed out of the martian highlands and into the depression where the spacecraft landed. H ow can she test this idea in the Flowing Water Model? Geology on Mars Investigation Notebook Consider how they go together with the text. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Warm-Up 1. The Federal Government has certain rights in this material. Remember, you are looking at the stream table from above (birds-eye view). Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Lesson 1.2: Observing the Surfaces of Mars and Earth You have been asked to help search for evidence that Mars might have been habitable in the past. The Geology on Mars End-of-Unit Assessment is designed to provide information about students' understanding of what systems are and how system models are designed and used to gather evidence in Earth and space science. The HaH_aHa line in hydrogen has a wavelength of 656.20 nm. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Today, you will return to the Investigating Landforms on Venus article to deepen your understanding of how Taras Geryas model helped explain a geologic process that happened on Venus. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Lesson 3.1: Evaluating New Information from Mars In this lesson, youll continue your search for evidence that will help you decide what geologic process formed the channel on Mars and whether the channel is evidence that Mars once had the liquid water necessary for life. Scientists can use models to test their ideas and get evidence about processes in the natural world that are difficult to observe. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Stream Table Observations: Testing an Idea 1. Listen carefully to your teachers instructions. . Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How was the Flowing Water Model different than flowing water on Earth? Ask questions if you dont know what to do. We learned about two of the characteristics that make Earth habitable: liquid water an energy source (such as the sun) In this lesson, you considered all the evidence about the channel on Mars. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Channel on Earth Formed by Flowing Water 2. -Test (80%=1 pt, 90%=2 pt, 100%= 3 pt) Now, choose and mark a question or connection, either one you already discussed or a different one you still want to discuss with the class. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Geology on MarsLesson 2.2Activity 4 29 2018 The Regents of the University of California. Unit Question How can we search for evidence that other planets were once habitable? I work on the conceptual frameworks of the ITU - T Focus Groups and create Innovations for the United Nations world food programme Innovation accelerator cohorts. The Evidence Gradient. On the Channel on Mars Evidence Gradient below, write Card A in the same location you placed that card on your student sheet. 1 2 READING Finding Evidence 3 Finding Evidence 35 MIN Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Warm-Up Claire made the diagram above to show how the puddle she saw on the way to school disappeared by the end of the day. 8. Created by. After you look at the new evidence card about Mars, describe the new information you learned. What did you learn from the background information about this type of channel? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. (check one) Claim 1: Flowing water formed the channel on Mars. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Claim 1 Claim 2 The object is a rock that was moved to that spot. Make sure to draw any landforms that the flowing water formed. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Geology on Mars Unit Overview How can we search for evidence that other planets were once habitable? 'Re tria rm. Ked the mixture of gases surrounding a planet. channel. The scientific idea we are testing is _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Your goal is to see the world like an Earth Scientist.Use what you to explain new ideas and to solve problems.Earth Scientists question if there is life beyond . Other Tongues, Other Flesh By George Hunt Williamson George Hunt Williamson served with the Army Air Corps during World War II as Radio Director for the Army Air Forces Technical Training Command. He . All rights reserved. In the stream table diagram below, draw what you see in the stream table once the water has stopped flowing through it. Along the way, students engage in the practices All rights reserved. Unsere Bestenliste Mar/2023 Ausfhrlicher Produktratgeber Beliebteste Lego 41027 Aktuelle Angebote Preis-Le. However, Claire's diagram is incomplete. Try to reload. Image of Rock Near the Triangle- Shaped Landform on Mars Curiosity's image of rock near the base of the channel on Mars was an exciting discovery for NASA. Volcanism is one of the major geologic processes in the solar system. (continued) Landform Observations 2. That is the question scientists tried to answer after an image from a rover on Mars showed a mysterious object that looked like a jelly donut. How was the Flowing Lava Model similar to flowing lava on Earth? What systems can you think of? All rights reserved. What is a rock at the bottom of this lake made of? 42 Suspicious minds The surprising benefits watts unless of mild paranoia you live in a 2000-watt . Flowing lava formed the channel on Mars. What ideas do you have about what happened to the puddle? You will also investigate rock samples from Earth that may help you understand more about the channel on Mars. -other examples include weathering, erosion, deposition, and sedimentation Landform a feature that forms naturally on the surface of a planet, such as a mountain, channel, or sand dune [House Report 117-17] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] Union Calendar No. . 2. What do you notice? Did the Flowing Water Model support the idea we tested? Highlight challenging words and add notes to record questions and make connections to your own experience. All rights reserved. Through the lesson, students will also learn about ecotourism, sustainable tourism and the environmental impact of tourism. Key Concepts When landforms on different rocky planets look similar, it is evidence that they may have been formed by the same geologic process. Its flat top contains solar cells that provided electricity to run the vehicle. Whether channels on Mars were formed by water or by lava has been debated for years, and the outcome is thought to influence the likelihood of finding life there. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Homework: Could Mars Have Been Habitable? Search for evidence of past liquid water Mars is currently a dry planet with no large bodies of water, such as lakes or oceans. You will then use a physical model to gather evidence about what formed the channel on Mars. All rights reserved. Which one of these was NOT a claim for the Geology on Mars unit? Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Lesson 1.1: Comparing Rocky Planets Today you will take on the role of a student planetary geologist working for the Universal Space Agency. This unit focuses on Mars. He was a member of the AAFTTC Headquarters Staff. All rights reserved. . This will help you form your own ideas about where in our solar system future space missions might find evidence of life. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Channel on Mars 1. Youll find out how scientist Taras Gerya used a computer model to figure out what geologic process on Venus formed those landforms. They test the slope and small grains of sand at the same time and record the results They test the slope by steadily making it steeper and see how that affects it, then test the size of the sand grains separately at a fixed slope. Keep your hands away from your face. A scientist who studies the geosphere of planets in our solar system scientific argument a claim supported by evidence Habitable having the conditions necessary to support life Rocky Planet any planet with a solid surface, such as Earth or Mars System a set of interacting parts forming a complex whole Geologic Process Both claims. Figure 2. Sit next to your partner. A supplemental project for Amplify's Geology on Mars unit or a standalone project to complement a geology unit. All rights reserved. What did you learn about the channel on Mars from the new NASA data? Geology on MarsLesson 1.1Activity 5 9 2018 The Regents of the University of California. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Lesson 1.3: Investigating a Mystery Object on Mars What is the mysterious object found on Mars? For the sphere you studied, which rocky planet is most similar to Earth? ErinScience. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ New Information About the Channel on Mars (continued) 4. This will keep you safe and comfortable during science class. Skill plan for Amplify Science - 7th grade IXL provides skill alignments with recommended IXL skills for each unit. 2. Science. Take a screenshot and upload it here once it is completed. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. 1. All rights reserved. After you read, discuss what you have read with others to help you better understand the text. Youll begin by exploring an interactive map of Marss surface that is based on 50 years of data from satellites, rovers, and landers. Claim 2: Flowing lava formed the channel on Mars. Welcome to outer space! (check one) atmosphere biosphere geosphere hydrosphere 2. All rights reserved. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Homework: Thinking About Modeling Flowing Lava In this lesson, you observed a scientific model to learn more about the geologic process of flowing lava. Unit Question How can we search for evidence that other planets were once habitable? Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. All rights reserved. Why or why not? Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ New Information About the Channel on Mars Comparing Triangle-Shaped Landforms on Mars and Earth Channel on Mars 1. W hich claim does the evidence about the triangle-shaped landform near the channel on Mars best support? This is the question that you and your classmates will take on in your role as student planetary geologists. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Evaluating New Rock Information 1. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the Institute or the U.S. Department of Education. 7. Consider how they go together with the text. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. He received the Army Commendation Award from Brig. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Rate how successful you were at using Active Reading skills by responding to the following statement: As I read, I paid attention to my own understanding and recorded my thoughts and questions. Instead, gently move the air from above the substance to your nose. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Chapter 1: Comparing Earth and Rocky Planets Chapter Overview Could life exist on Mars? They test the sand grain size by adjusting the slope. How was the Flowing Water Model similar to flowing water on Earth? We will be doing 1, 2 (chem reaction sim. Flowing water Flowing lava 12 Geology on MarsLesson 1.2Activity 4 2018 The Regents of the University of California. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Comparing Rocky Planets Working with a partner, use the Comparing Rocky Planets Cards to gather evidence about which planet is most similar to Earth. Mars has a long history of volcanic activity from the ancient volcanic areas of the southern highlands to the more recent major volcanoes of the Tharsis bulge. Ch. Geology on Mars Domain: Earth and Space Science Unit type: Launch Student role: Planetary geologists Phenomenon: Analyzing data about landforms on Mars can provide evidence that Mars may have once been habitable. W hy do you think the claim you selected is best supported by the evidence? In your search, you will focus on our neighboring planet, Mars. Place the evidence under the claim you think it supports. Never Almost never Sometimes Frequently/often All the time Active Reading Guidelines 1. Place the question and two claims at the top of the desk between you, as shown below. 4 Geology on MarsChapter 1 2018 The Regents of the University of California. You can use the Word Bank to help you describe what you see. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Stream Table Observations: Testing an Idea (continued) Landform Observations 4. Have students turn to pages 62-63, Evidence and Inferences inScience You Can't See, in their notebooks. Record your notes about your sphere for each planet. -Spell (Completed/Finished) Remember, you are looking at the stream table from above (birds-eye view). Amplify Science for grades 6-8 has recently been rated all-green by . Vocabulary landform claim model system evidence geologic process 30 Geology on MarsLesson 2.3 2018 The Regents of the University of California. 1 2018 The Regents of the University of California. Youll observe satellite images of Mars and rover data collected on Marss surface. As you answer the questions below, refer to the image of the channel on Mars on page 17. If you do not have access to Amplify Science you may either print and annotate this . All rights reserved. 22 Geology on MarsLesson 2.1Activites 34 2018 The Regents of the University of California. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Channel on Earth Formed by Flowing Lava 3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through to see the original works with their full license. Mars Developmental history Because of its small size, its interior cooled, and geological activity did not last very long,it gradually lost some of its atmosphere, and its surface fell into a deep freeze. True. Answer the following questions for your sphere, using evidence from the Comparing Rocky Planets Cards. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Allow your teacher to work with hot water or hot equipment. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 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