shannan watts autopsy

On the police cams you can just see hi. Like you, I believe the children were sedated, and possibly Shanann as well. Sounds like a good theory except that Bella did fight for her life as the coroner explained by the hole in her frenulum, the biting of her tongue & insides of her cheeks. Frank and Sandy Rzucek, and their son Franky, tell CBS4 they have been physically, emotionally and financially exhausted by unfounded claims by conspiracy theorists who believe they played roles . So yeah sigh! The autopsy report details her cause of death and injuries. I also believe Shanann was also sleeping when the attack occurred which could explain her lack of putting up a fight. Parents reach for any hope, even if the child is blue, even if rigor has set in, theyre desperate and people who are not emotionally involved as them, professionals,have to tell them its too late. You may say murder itself is cowardice, but if youre the murderer, youre taking a huge risk, and if youre an introverted murderer, youre being your version of brave by physically confronting and attacking someone. I wondered if there was a fight, Bella saw him strangle her mother and ran into the basement to hide from him. Bella was face up, so oil had oozed into her stomach and lungs. She had the girls in daycare full time to the tune of $500 a week, spending $28k a year per official documents, and this HAD to be a financial strain. She was a nag and loved making Chris look like a fool. And fyi, I am not going to use the actual pictures/videos in my project. PLEASE know, all of these words are helping me to work through an event that is really messing with my head. Good point! Esophagus: .. Meaning there should be no oil in her stomach just like cece., But Celeste didnt have oil her stomach. Diana, this is something several of us have noted as well. ShanAnn claimed to be pulling down $80,000 a year. Not whether you or most people would or wouldnt do that do you think Shanann was the type of person to do that? I know that OCD was mentioned on several instances in the Discovery by those who knew her, but do they have the qualifications to make that diagnosis? Shanann was strangled and the children were smothered. She seemed to be in pajamas which indicates she got into bed, which sickly matches up with his barely got into bed remark, The sheets were stripped because they probably got pulled off anyway during the act. There was a largely decomposed fetus expelled from the uterus. I was in one temporarily an Acai drink, it really tried to make you ocd about $ and prestige attaining the unattainable honestly. He said he was downstairs, came back up and they were gone. But think about it. Im wondering if he had bipolar. What information to that extent do you expect *an autopsy* to provide?? He vacuumed twice a day. Doesnt mean he couldnt have used his presence in the marital bed to induce her to get close to him and give him the opportunity. I found nothing unusual with that part. The second dog also had a housetraining mishap in the basement. If the digestive tract opens up at death, where did Shannan, Bella and Celeste poop? A monster! He had a plan to kill them all, all along. Or perhaps Chris had one with himself by way of rationalizing killing his family, although I dont think it was emotional. This story breaks my heart. Straight up facts. He said the blood alcohol is normal after you die. Not a single drop of blood on the bed sheets, and she winged him apparently with her nails on his neck. Anyway, this is the scenario I would paint if I were the prosecutor in the case. Chris was photographed head to toe & didnt have one mark on his body consistent with somebody fighting for their life from being strangled. But then whats your scenario? Do you think youre asking for reasonable evidence that would be commonplace and easy to produce? Exhausting and she was pregnant. Also, he usually goes to the office in the morning and then goes out to the sites but the night before he called and told a coworker he was going to the site. Did anyone explain that? Or putting her down. Please have respect for people who suffer with the condition, and research it before you comment about it. Remember that Chris was sleeping in the basement at this time so they werent sharing a bed. The manner of death is homicide, the autopsy for Bella said. Police reportsPhotos of the Watts family in the police reports. Also, if memory serves, CW did at least one load of laundry on the night in question. Remember it wasnt just the suitcase downstairs, her purse was downstairs too. I did. How does pretending to be asleep and cowardice align with murder? She felt that he is going out to pour oil on the bodies to dispose of them. Her husband spoke to Chris and he was not shedding a tear about his missing family.. Im having my doubts about an emotional conversation occurring that particular morning prior to Chriss killing Shanann. Just a suggestion. One body was face down in the south side of the tank. So wheres the problem here? @Eleni Let me put it this way there is zero evidence that Shanann was upstairs. Dont jump on me buthear me bnb ot, I believe Chris. He then "went into a rage," he claimed, and strangled her to death in retaliation. Because when he called her, he said, mom, they are searching the house. Why would he say that to her if she did not have prior knowledge? I will say one thing CW did NOT doat least he didnt rape his baby girlsha, like that makes him a good man, Yo i bet that thrive shit gave her that gallstone. I feel like maybe she did meet them. Told everyone I was bipolar, that we were divorced, even took me to one of his counseling sessions to prove I was the one with the problem. I have to wonder if somehow she woke up and saw what happened to her Mommy. Shannan was a hypochondriac, who was gonna turn her kids into the same. Also, in the 2-4 minutes it took him to kill Shannan, this father who would never hurt his kids, never looked at the visible baby bump and thought Im killing the baby too, I need to stop. After that, then everything started going bad and stressing him out. Or after kids went to bed, and Im sure she didnt want to become an instant Mom! Chris said that she often went straight to bed without showering after a flight, saying that shed shower and wash bedding to rid it of the airport in the morning. Her Dad stated that Shanann would often sleep on the sofa when he stayed at the house, and again when she was in NC after Chris arrived. Did you live with them? Now i fully beleive NK was in on plan, her idea to put bodies in tanks to help disolve them. But legally it was in Chriss name. I dont think I know everything, but I do know more about this case than most. She was organized but that is not OCD, same as me. Remember Nickols son found her cell phone in-between the cushions of the upstairs couch. what proof does this autopsy shows that chris beyond a reasonable doubt killed his kids?. COFFIN BIRTH OF BABY NICO!-Please read description TY Scrub The Surface 8.27K subscribers Subscribe 13K Share 1.5M views 4 years ago THIS VIDEO IS. Thoughts? Chris Watts is the subject of a new Netflix series called American Murder: The Family Next Door. The two girls were found in oil drums. The autopsy results aren't available, but the funeral and grave site suggest that Niko's remains were either removed, destroyed or buried with his mother. Or even creepier, but fitting the narcissist he is, asked her to lie down and talk to him, maybe even told her he was sorry and wanted to try and work things out and then pinned her down and strangled her. while he killed them one after another. Gastrointestinal Tract: Ella no tomaba ni la basura tampoco, lo dijo la nana de las bebs. stop, stop. . Dont forget, she is pregnant. Not everyone poops when they die, in fact most do not. What she considered the kids making a mess Ha! ~KSmallz. Required fields are marked *. He kind of giggled & said like you mean like on TV like a magician. Chokeholds and Strangleholds are used in martial arts, combat sports, self-defence, law enforcement and in military hand to hand combat applications. Back? Supposedly he took them out of school and said they wouldnt be coming back. @Nick I thought the bedsheets in the bedroom were soiled? With her like this would the conspiracy theory about her killing not happening until Tues or Wed not be possible? Her clothes were even coordinated by colour in the closet. For the sake that they did poop, youre assuming he didnt clean it up in the bed. No sign of that either. He dug the grave with a shovel. The manner of death is homicide, the autopsy report says. I know it is morbid but I do hope that CW gets his just desserts in jail and those other inmates show him some of the terror that his beautiful girls would have experienced in the last moments of their life. Both my kids were blue and they were gone. But I am of course hoping that she was totally unaware in her unconsciousness. Also this is awful but he said he had to raise the girls arms up to get them into the hatches of the oil tank. > Most do not, really? Here is the parts in Shanann's autopsy report that says the stuff about how her hair was sloughing, that she had skin slippage & bloating/decomposing had started. She says did Shannan do something that made you do something? I am very new to this case, only a couple of months ago, end of November 2020 to be precise. The ground was visible disturbed. 100% agree. Autopsy reports for Bella and Celeste say that the necks of the children were swabbed even though they were in a container of oil, water, and associated sludge matter. Thats why no defense wounds. Not on his hands around her throat? At the time of her death, Shanann had been 15 weeks pregnant (via MEAWW). Her office was described as unorganized and sort of messy, as were closets, drawers, and things out of sight. He said kidnap somebody, murder somebody. Wanting to know why is simply that wanting to know why. Chris stated that his wife smothered her children and im sure hes lying but i was hoping to read somewhere here of proof that chris also smothered his kids. And that she looked at him as she died. Perhaps they had one via phone or text. How was she with her phone? Something that might help with perspective is this financial article in which a wife writes in for advice, because her husband has started sending hundreds of thousands of dollars to a cult: . Specifically, the region of your brain that controls the muscles that hold your sphincter closed becomes incapacitated following death. Death by asphyxiation in each case. Much more interest in the case in his home state; in Wisconsin, hes just a number. Bellas covers were pulled off and she was just lying in bed. I dont know about you, but I definitely dont sleep in mine. Lastly, he lies constantly to the police, why is this self serving story all of the sudden believable? If thats the case I cant figure where else they would have been at that time. My husband is 62, weighs 190 lb. In fact, its not just the muscles but also the gas produced inside your body following death that will cause peeing and pooping. He didnt know what to do and was shaking. Thanks for the paper, ganana Im with you on this. Thats a power-nap another thing MLM folk are good at. Dont mislead people into believing there should be feces in the location of a murder. Unfortunately she never got the chance. I lived with one. Unless I missed it? Its actually not uncommon. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Even in this scenario, you would expect fingernails in his forearm if Watts managed a rapid 10 second kill. Unless he threw it there and forgot to take it and planned on ridding of it. Little Celeste, thankfully, seemed to have no idea what was happening to her. Everything you say can & has been disputed. In the first half of this demo, you have them face to face when the attack occurs. (942948) Interview with NK about CW's failing marriagehe badmouthed SW a lot . I just dont understand this. Knowing that his neighbor had a camera, he has a reason to leave at that time. Yes, Posted Youtube videos shows that her office was messy. Along comes NK, (a pig in her own right) who rocked ol Christophers world! While some muscles spontaneously contract after death and though all muscles eventually tighten into rigor mortis others are loosening their grip entirely. Want to keep up with the latest. This was filmed during the police officers body cam footage. They went to her house and observed her car in the garage. I think despite her bravado, she had insecurities just like everyone else, with both herself, and her roles as wife and mother AND someone working in an MLM. Theres a very clear indicator when the children died. Otherwise I cant imagine why she didnt go for his eyes etc. Kinda odd. According to the Denver Channel, Watts received three life prison terms without the possibility of parole. Thats fine, but since thats the case, its better that you head elsewhere where youll feel more comfortable. Also, the fact that he did not want her to come to Colorado with his dad so that maybe she would not be questioned? I dont believe this was planned because everyone says that its ridiculous that he buried them at his place of employment. Ive seen many people die in the hospital where I worked- not everyone poops when they die (and their stomachs were empty)- except the oil in the Angels stomach. The money was going somewhere, and the ultimate location all points to ShanAnn the expensive preschool for their girls while ShanAnn quit work to be a stay-at-home mom (she could have been taking care of them herself during the day instead of paying top dollar for strangers to); the Leona Helmsley-level of excessive expensive shoes; that trip to Arizona (which ShanAnn had to pay for) when they were in such a dire financial disaster (credit cards all maxxed out) in service to her MLM; the expensive leased car whose payments werent guaranteed to be paid by the MLM company; all those manicures (those aint cheap) and so on and so forth. I actually do not believe that there was any sedation to the girls or his wife. Do you think CW could have strangled her from behind? I was married to someone, super attentive dad, husband. We know that she went to her office and attempted to order haircare products, and in the welfare check footage you can clearly see a large dark blanket on the sofa, and two small pink chair beds by the side of the sofa. I guess he did want to get rid of them all, and do it all over again with her. Watts claimed that he snapped and strangled his wife when he found her murdering the girls, but he later pleaded guilty to all three murders. OCD can be like gluten-sensitivities. Watts was arrested on August 15, 2018. Hence, no struggle, no stretches. Celeste and Bellas bodies were each inside one of the tanks. Or carbon monoxide poisoning [something a former mechanic and oil worker would know about]. He ran into Ceces bedroom and got on top of Shannan. The police reports contain a conversation Chris had with his father. Does this indicate that she was alive after being put into the oil tank? Page 582, 6. I think she was then taken, with her children, out of the rear of the property for concealment. The t-shirt she was found in looks very similar to the one she is seen wearing in the neighbours cctv footage of her arrival back home. Then I think he panicked and was scared and didnt know what to do. Time needed to cause petechiae is; Fifteen to thirty seconds (Anscombe and Knight 1996); Ten to thirty seconds (Plattner et al 2005); Fifteen seconds maximum (Copley & Kozam 1951) using the capillary fragility test; Shortly after gravity inversion in healthy individuals (Friberg & Weinreb 1985) Watts pleaded guilty to murdering Shanann, Celeste and Bella to avoid the death penalty. Lack of petechiae. He asked to speak to his father before confessing. Also just because she was strangled and they were suffocated doesnt mean dirt. Ive been on those late flight arrivals often. Celeste did NOT have any found in hers?? In addition, it became clear that she used bed as a punishment. Not sure if it is true, but I heard that the GF (Nicole) and his parents are both doing book deals! If the children had cold pizza for tea at 7pm, that means they were still alive until at least 11pm. Mark your theory makes a lot of sense. Nickole called Christopher Watts and requested he come home and check on Shanann. 2. Its what seems to make sense, based on the info we recently learned. I think Chris pretended to be asleep because I think hes a coward and wouldnt have wanted to interact with her. Prior to taking the test he was asked a bunch of questions one of them was name some ways you could make somebody disappear. A history of this procedure could easily go unnoticed during an autopsy. So the agent says what about strangling? They manipulate, connive and plot. And the fact that theyd had a bankruptcy in 2015 apparently hadnt helped her wise up at all. Between the two preferences, a lot of interaction was visible. They say the questions had nothing to do with infidelity so it doesnt matter whether or not he had an affair. The Watts murders got to me also. God I wish she had taken the girls and just got the heck out of there. Some people never saw. Chris cleaned all that up so quickly and completely? He continuously maintained throughout the entire interrogation that he would never hurt those kids. And the life insurance policies out on the 3 girls, not sure Nico yet, was not very much at all. He is not only a monster, but also a coward, by quickly disabling his victims. Wow, you are really reaching here. Ive never personally had a child repeatedly behave as the girls did, and pleasea disclaimer here. For nothing. D: Oil, water and sludge debris was found in her stomach. Neither of them passed any body fluids. And where do you think he did it? I dont know why, but I have a deep need (would have never expected this) to discuss what happened, and I need to be honest with my observations. Donald, the house has bedrooms upstairs and a central family room with a couch and TV in between the master and the girls bedrooms. Ive been reading this whole thread and as I always respect other ppls views and opinions as much as I can, there is one contributor to this conversation that thinks they know everything sigh. He eventually disappeared for long time, gave me house. Fecal traces also missing in the Zahau case. Inhaling ethanol fumes would make them all instant drunk and completely defenseless. Hey, I appreciate ppls input but to act all high and mighty and be disrespectful of others by trying to make them look and feel like idiotsI dont care how much you know or how smart you are. Christopher Watts, the husband of pregnant Shanann Watts and the father of Bella and 3-year-old Celeste, pleaded guilty to killing all three in August. I would say the asshole probably turned them over or put the comforter over their faces and did it that way. He knew this too, which is why he was so brazen using the card that weekend. Also, wasnt her phone found in between couch cushions. Same with NK. On Aug. 13, 2018, Chris strangled Shanann, 34, in their Colorado home. The next morning, visible fingerprints (the circular marks on Shaanns autopsy), so visible that others took notice. Meanwhile, the part of your brain that regulates involuntary functions is shutting down. I remember reading as part of the Scott Peterson murder investigation that they found traces of fecal matter in the carpet (which had been cleaned) in a downstairs hallway, I think, but I just looked around and couldnt find anything, so I must have mis-remembered. Since its clear CW is a flagrant coward, I am finding it hard to imagine him having enough courage to have looked at her eye to eye while he was strangling her. The full autopsy reports are included below: Watts Aggregate Autopsy Reports by EKilloran on Scribd, MANHUNT: Hobby Lobby Distribution Center Manager Shot Dead in Altercation With Employee, 16-Year-Old High School Student Fatally Stabbed in Classroom Fight, Young Child FaceTimes for Help After 4 Members of Family Slain, Chris Watts tried to pin the murders of 3-year-old Celeste and 4-year-old Bella on his wife when he first confessed to murdering Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant at the time, In the video of Chris Wattss confession, previously published on. I find it odd that Shanann was wearing a bra when found. He would have had more than enough access to ethanol or similar alcohols. The graphic autopsy reports detail the condition of all three bodies after they were recovered from an oil site owned by Anadarko Petroluem, where Chris Watts buried them. Shanann Watts Cause of Death: How Did the Colorado Mother Die? Maybe he lost patience with her. I also believe he would have thought out a better place to bury them. Was there no evidence of feces on the girls beds either so maybe they were not killed in bed? Based on the history provided and the autopsy findings, the cause of death is asphyxiation due to manual strangulation by another individual. I worry he may have had the girls dead and sprawled out waiting for her to come home and watched her reaction from the baby monitor. The one person who took a few breaths almost immediately fainted. Im convinced that he did the same to Shanann. Thus, the little girls may have been unconscious but they were NOT COMPLETELY DEAD YET.and that is how oil got into their LUNGS !!!!!!!!! He found her phone between the cushions. He didnt attempt to revive the children or call for help. Peanuts and tree nuts are VERY different, and supposedly CeCe had a *tree nut* allergy coconut, not peanuts! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Like you, I was suspicious about the DAs assessment. Thanks for making the reports public. I love the way people just make things up and state it as fact, even when it completely opposes evidence in the case. Then again she was dressed for bed. Then he asks to talk to his dad. First off she was supposed to have been in a rage enough to have been snuffing the life out of her daughter & then when she sees the object of her rage that caused this who then starts to fight with her & strangle her she doesnt dig her nails into him anywhere? Everyone on here who has mentioned ocd has an opinion formed by stereotypes theyve heard. I think she was going to do what most of us who suspect our man of cheating would do, see who the server was, and go to the restaurant with a pic of Chris & ask who he was in there with. Mucho menos que estaba enferma. Not one place on his body? Shanann Watts' husband, Chris Watts allegedly confesses to murder The Colorado Bureau of Investigation reported that three-year-old Celeste Watts and four-year-old Bella Watts are also dead along with mom Shanann. Everything else was secondary or something to be minimized so she could focus on her addiction. Simply stated, you are an ignorant human being, Badmouthing the vicitm like that when she can not defend herself. A person with OCD also wouldnt have that much stuff on the bathroom vanity. The police reports contain several photos showing the oil drums where the childrens bodies were found. The breast get sore , and large during pregnancy, and for me at least, it was more comfortable to have them supported and padded. The plea deal meant that he was spared the death penalty, and was instead sentenced to multiple life prison terms without the possibility of parole. I wore my bra at night sometimes as well while pregnant because they become larger, heavier and more tender. It is most likely that the girls were dead by 6 PM Sunday night already, which was why Chris couldnt reschedule the murders as soon as he heard ShanAnns flight would be delayed, thereby cutting dangerously into his cleanup time. I was VERY proud of my being able to take down the biggest man in my class. She tells him youll never see the kids again he flips, kills her and poor little Bella sees it. I approached an expert to get his take on it, and was a little disappointed by his findings: @huey Please read todays post where it reads Anyways, interesting theories guysthanks! I actually have been turned upside down by this murder, and through watching over 42 hours of video, have grown to love and admire Shannan! "Chris Watts Just Snapped" "Why wasn't Shan'ann's body dumped into the oil tanks as well?" #Shakedown's Call on the Chris Watts Case: The Bodies were "Processed" This autopsy is performed at the request of the Weld County Coroner, State of Colorado. Shanann is very OCD about organization and planned the entire wedding. I once witnessed where someone used Tequila in a hookah instead of water. I think he would have come up with a better plan as to where he would bury them. However, the autopsy does not detail the size or spacing of these marks sufficiently to form an educated opinion. In the report, (link below) stories of financial devastation, destruction of relationships, and even murders and suicides paint a vivid picture of an industry built on lies and deception a business that focuses its greedy eyes on the naive and the vulnerable. One thing that was truthful that came out of NKs mouth was that he lied about everything. Watts at first tried to claim that when he told Shanann he wanted a separation, she killed their daughters. Bella and Celeste were thrown away, the prosecutor said adding that investigators found scratch marks on one of the girls bodies and tufts of hair on the opening to one of the oil tanks, the television station reported. It was already reported that Shannan evacuated her bowels when dying and that is why he took the sheet off, He told police that. It could be all the thrive he was taking. Are you a parent? The body is that of a well-developed, well-nourished Caucasian female whose appearance is generally consistent with the How do you or any of us know what her last words to Chris were? They were out of town and it was still spotless. Never mind! He doesnt have a soul!!!!! And so on. In theory, you should find some evidence, which did not find. Bodies were each inside one of the upstairs couch because she was strangled and they were still alive until least! 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